Thursday, April 30, 2009

Easy Wall Repair, Home Video

Great video on how to fix a hole in your wall .

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more home inspection or home building ideas.

Carpet Damage From Cat

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Specialty Auto Repair

Specialty auto repair refers to the repair and servicing of specialty autos and specific auto parts. Specialty auto repair centers take special care to provide you with genuine factory parts. Specialty auto repair technicians are highly skilled and experienced and they can pin point the problem of the automobile. Whatever model of luxury car or foreign car you are driving, there are repair centers specializing in those very models.

Specialty auto repair centers offer special dealer alternative maintenance and service packages. Some of them give extended warranties services for their clients. They even undertake heavy engine and transmission repair and replacement if needed. Some of these dealers have their own websites from which you can download special auto repair discount coupons.

There are specialty auto repair centers that repair and service specific auto parts such as the brakes, engines, air conditioning, mufflers, and radiators. They also take care of wheel alignments, transmissions and paintless dent repair. Replacement of windshield or window is also included in specialty repair.

Specialty auto repair is regarded as a business with reputation and significant advertising budgets. For specialty auto repair, technicians need a trade certificate, which could be as automotive service, auto body, heavy equipment or recreation service technician.

Specialty auto repair has several benefits. Standard jobs such as lubrication, oil filter, and oil change charges are less compared to general repair. These types of services have retail outlets and the service hours ideally match the timings of customers. Specific fluids, light bulbs and other critical parts are readily available in such shops. Specialty repair shops make use of computers to maintain complete and detailed information.

The disadvantage of going to a specialty auto repair shop is that they have a high sales pitch, they might urge you to do more and more work.

Auto Repair provides detailed information on Auto Repair, Auto Glass Repair, Online Auto Repair, Auto Body Repair and more. Auto Repair is affiliated with Discount Auto Parts.

Rim Joist Damage

Home Renovation - Make Your New Renovation Match Your Old House

A large percentage of people who renovate their homes do so to update, add value or prepare their home for sale. All too often though, home owners plan a renovation with no thought of making the new work blend with their older home.

This can result in the new work looking like an ugly wart stuck onto the original home. This often even effects the resale value of the home.

This is because when people shop for an older home they are looking because they like the style and look of the older homes and bad renovations will turn them away.

This means that you should consider the era your home was built in to make sure that renovations and upgrades flow naturally together in your older home. This is most noticeable on new exterior walls of additions, windows, doors and door hardware, light fixtures and things like heating vents, trim and flooring.

That doesn't mean that you need to forgo any new conveniences or not make improvements to increase energy efficiency or convenience. It just means that you need to carefully consider the style of your home before you act.

Look around neighborhoods that are the same age as your home to get ideas about how other people have successfully blended upgrades in their homes.

When you choose a contractor make sure that he has done renovation work with your age of home and understands your goals. Fortunately there are several companies that offer period style hardware designs in new materials.

A good project should make it hard to recognize where the older house ends and the new work begins.

Bob Current writes about a variety of subjects including tips on home renovation. Get his free report about tips for Choosing The Best Contractor for your renovation at

Mold Behind Shear Wall

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Choose Cabinet Knobs and Pulls For a Finishing Touch

When looking to place finishing touches on a room, the first thing that comes to mind probably isn't knobs and pulls. Most people immediately think of finishing touches as artwork, plants, and even small knickknacks to pull together the overall feel of a room. Whether you're adding flare through colorful drawer pulls or a touch of class with sophisticatedly designed cabinet knobs, knobs and pulls are great ways to add a finishing touch on a home remodeling project.

Bathroom cabinet knobs are the perfect way to spice up a bathroom without cluttering this notoriously small space. Unlike a living room or dining area, bathrooms don't allow the space for larger decorative pieces. This means that we, as the designer and homeowner, must find an alternate route to adding flare to the bathroom. Knobs and pulls can easily be incorporated into any bath design. Whether you're going for a kid-friendly style or a sleek and sophisticated look, adding new knobs and pulls is the perfect way to add pizazz without overcrowding a small space. Bathroom cabinet knobs do not have rules to accompany them. This is where you, as the designer, can let your creative juices flow. If you have a black and white bathroom, consider adding bright red drawer pulls as a splash of color. Another great thing about adding knobs and pulls is that installation is a breeze. No need to worry about lengthy set up and cleanup when adding these new accessories to your space. Whether you're in the middle of a bathroom remodeling project, or just looking for a quick way to spruce up your current bath design - you can choose from a variety of knobs and pulls to match any type of decor. Bathroom cabinet knobs give you the ability to add a splash of color, emphasize a certain "material theme" (such as stainless steel), or add a fun detail for kids and teens.

Knobs and pulls are also a great detail in kitchens. Kitchens are notorious for their numerous cabinets and drawers, and with the wrong drawer pulls and cabinet knobs, your kitchen's overall look could be greatly affected. A kitchen remodel is a great time to consider replacing your current knobs and pulls. By putting time, effort, and money into improving the look of your kitchen - wouldn't it make sense to think about every little detail that will affect the outcome of your home remodeling project? In a place like a kitchen where cabinets are in the direct line of sight, adding cabinet knobs that match your color scheme or overall "theme", you are adding the perfect finishing touch.

Kitchens and bathrooms aren't the only places your home can benefit from new knobs and pulls. Think about all of the drawers and cabinets in your home. Adding fresh, updated cabinet knobs to an older piece of furniture or changing the drawer pulls on the end tables in your living room could give not only these pieces, but the entire room a burst of energy. Whether you're jumping into a lengthy home remodeling project or just looking for a quick way to update your current look, knobs and pulls are a quick and easy project that anyone can install. That means you don't have to spend money on labor and you can get the project done in one day flat.

So whether you are considering a bathroom remodel, kitchen remodel, or a full blown home remodeling project - be sure to think about including knobs and pulls in your overall design plan. Even if you have a relatively small budget, knobs and pulls are an excellent and inexpensive way to add flare to your home. By checking out the vast selection of different cabinet knobs and drawer pulls available, you will be able to find the perfect accessory for every room in your house.

Amanda works for Your Home Supply (YHS) the definitive website for home improvement tools, and gardening supplies. Your Home Supply offers a wide range of knob and pulls for you to choose the best hardware for a finishing touch. Visit them now at

Rusted Cabinet Door Hinge

Care And Growth of Rosemary Plants Drought Tolerant Shrub And Delicious Kitchen Cooking Herb

Rosemary (rosmarinus officinalis) is a perennial, evergreen shrub. Not only are they wonderful cooking herbs, they are also dependable staples to consider in any drought tolerant landscape. These plants are native to the Mediterranean region which is known for mild winters, hot summers and generally low rainfall.

Some common names for rosemary include, Dew of the Sea, Compass Weed and Elf Leaf. In medieval lore, rosemary was used to promote good health, healing and protection. Rosemary was hung over doors to keep thieves away and worn to relieve depression and improve mental powers. It can be burned as an incense whole and has been used as a substitute for frankincense. In Victorian times, rosemary was used as a symbol of remembrance and carried by brides on their wedding day.

Rosemary has fragrant, sticky, pine needle-like leaves with deep green on top and white underneath. Mature rosemary branches are brown and have a thin papery covering that looks like peeling bark. Rosemary plants are easy to grow in containers and can also be used for bonsai. Rosemary can be shaped into small cone-shaped trees for Christmas, or grown inside of mesh cages and shaped into fantastic topiary creations. Left untrimmed, rosemary has a draping growth habit and will be seen hanging over pots, or tumbling down slopes. Pinch the tips of the branches to encourage shrubbier growth - and use the fragrant leaves in your dinner.

Rosemary blooms in winter and early spring. Flowers are usually blue, but white and pink varieties can be found at specialty nurseries or online seed catalogues. The flowers are small, just under 1/2 across, but they cover the tips of the stems in a way that makes the entire plant turn blue. For dramatic impact in the landscape plant a row of rosemary up high in a rock garden, or on the top of a set of garden steps. A bank of blooming rosemary tumbling over the edges looks like a wave of blue and green. When rosemary is brushed it releases a cloud of refreshing fragrance into the air.

Rosemary plants grow slowly to six feet tall, but are generally seen much smaller when potted in containers. Rosemary likes full sun but can be grown in light shade. Rosemary can tolerate regular garden water, but will happily survive in drought conditions. They will tolerate sea spray, alkaline soil and hot summers.

Rosemary is also subject to root rot, so do not let the plants sit in a wet pot. In the garden, if your soil is heavy clay, or retains a lot of water, you should make sure the soil is dry before watering again. Although, if it has been 120 degrees in your area, you might want to throw in an extra watering. Giving your plants a good soaking once a month instead of a few sprinkles every week will encourage deep root development, which helps them withstand drought.

Rosemary plants are a valuable herb in the kitchen. You can use it fresh from the garden, just pull the leaves off the woody stems. Rosemary tastes good with meat, in soups or stews or with vegetables. Whole branches are great for stuffing into chickens or turkey. Or put a spring of rosemary in olive oil for dipping with French bread. Layer slices of bread with fresh rosemary then warm slightly. The essential oils will seep into the bread and the springs can be eaten raw.

Today promising research is being done on rosemary's ability to improve mental capacity and mood. Research on asthma, skin conditions and scalp issues are also promising.

Rosemary is a good choice for container gardens, herb gardens or desert gardens. Drop by to read more and see photos.

Laura Zinkan cultivates a gardening website at where you can read plant profiles and growing tips about cactus, succulents and California native plants. Drop by to smell the flowers

Her other website is where you can find retro art, apron humor and kitchen tips for busy cooks

Copyright 2008 by Laura Zinkan. This article may be reprinted as long as author credit is given with a website. All rights reserved

Monday, April 27, 2009

Stained Glass Construction

There are two ways to make stained glass, leaded or copper foiled. The major difference between the two is in the construction. With leaded stained glass, the glass is fitted into channels of lead came. In contrast, copper foiled stained glass is constructed by wrapping each piece of glass with copper foil.

Leaded stained glass historically is found in churches. It was during the Victoria Era where leaded stained glass was introduced into homes and has remained a popular method of constructing stained glass ever since.

Foiled stained glass was mastered by Tiffany in the early 1900's and soon after became a popular method for creating stained glass.

Common Questions:

Is one method better than the other?

The simple answer is no. A better answer is that it depends on the artist and the design.

What is the difference in leaded and foiled construction?

With leaded stained glass, the construction must begin at an outer corner, the individual pieces are fitted into lead came. Once all pieces are cut and placed in lead came, the joints of came are soldered. Then the piece is cemented.

With foiled stained glass, the construction can begin at any point in the design and worked out from there. The individual pieces are wrapped in copper foil and soldered together.

When is foiled stained glass construction better than lead?

With intricate designs, foiled construction is superior

When is lead construction better than foiled?

Leaded construction is used most often with designs that have repetitive geometric shapes. These designs can be foiled, but construction time is increased.

Which is easier?

There is no simple answer for this. It is really a personal preference. Leaded, foiled or combination of the two are used throughout the stained glass industry.

Is leaded or foiled construction better than the other?

No, each method, if done correctly, will provide the same long lasting beauty and endurance.

Why is foiled construction taught to beginners doing stained glass?

The cementing in leaded construction tends to be messy. Foiled construction can be started and stopped, making weekly classes work.

What are the steps for making leaded stained glass?

  1. Stained glass is cut, shaped and fitted into channels of lead came.
  2. Joints of lead came are soldered.
  3. The piece is cemented
  4. The piece is cleaned and polished

What are the steps for making foiled stained glass?

  1. Stained glass is cut and shaped, and then each piece is wrapped in copper foil.
  2. Copper foil seams are soldered together.
  3. The piece is cleaned and polished.

My Personal Choice:

I tend to do a lot of intricate designs, so I use the foiled construction method. It provides the flexibility and detail I need for my designs.

Author: Maureen Summy

If you would like more detailed information for making stained glass using the foiled method, check out

I started out as a stained glass admirer. After a class in stained glass, I became addicted. At first I made stained glass to decorate my homes, which lead to friends asking me to make stained glass for them. Now I am a full time professional making stained glass as well as instructing others on how to make stained glass. My studio is located outside of Chicago, Illinois. For more information on making stained glass go to

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Insulating Concrete Forms - ICFs In Tropical Climates

Whereas many people in developing countries can see the benefits of using insulating concrete forms (ICFs) in new construction, the issue comes to the effectiveness of ICFs in tropical climates. Ghana is a tropical country with temperatures ranging from about 21 degrees Celsius to 32 degrees Celsius (70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit) and high humidity. There is little difference between the day and night temperatures. ICFs, proven to perform well in seasonal climates, also perform well in tropical climates.

Insulating concrete forms (ICFs) are a stay in place foam block that stacks to form foundation and structural walls. Once rebar is placed, concrete is poured into the cavity creating a 10.16 cm (4 inch) solid concrete wall with 6.35 cm (2.5 inches) of insulation on each side. This creates a building that is sturdy and energy efficient (R-value 22).

The 10.16 cm (4 inch) solid concrete wall forms a thermal mass for the home. It takes a long time for thermal mass to heat up. Concrete makes a good thermal mass material because it is a slow conductor of heat. If shaded from the sun, the concrete in the walls effectively prevent the heat of the climate from entering the interior space of the building. The shade is produce by the 6.35 cm (2.5 inches) of insulation on each side of the concrete wall. Once the home or building is constructed, the ICF block stays in place allowing the expanded polystyrene (EPS) panels to serve as building insulation.

Ghanaian builders normally build homes out of concrete blocks with no insulation. ICF concrete homes would be surrounded in expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulation. EPS is used in cold storage facilities, mobile refrigerated containers, and commercial grade coolers. Foods placed inside of coolers stay cool for extended periods of time, especially with the addition of an ice pack. Like the items in the cooler, people in ICF homes and buildings would remain relatively cooler than in conventional built homes and buildings.

Some Ghanaian builders resort to simply applying EPS panels to the walls of concrete block buildings. Whereas this construction method does produce a better building than concrete block alone, it still uses the same labor intensive method of concrete block construction and reduces the benefits of having a solid concrete wall.

ICFs are much lighter than concrete blocks, weighing only 6.5 pounds per ICF block. Because of the weight, it requires less muscle endurance or strength to become valuable laborers. A crew used to building with concrete blocks can make the transition easily to ICF blocks. Each ICF block covers 0.495 square meters (5.33 sq ft) of exterior wall space. Homes are built in half the time as with concrete blocks and a building is produced that is structurally sound. Owners of ICF homes experience cooler, even temperatures in tropical climate areas. If the home owner chooses to install a cooling system, the home owner will experience a reduction in the need to operate it. Because of the resistance to heat transfer found in ICF block construction, ICFs are beneficial in all Ghanaian new construction.

Lakisha David is a construction manager for Light Ready Construction, LLC, specializing in ICFs. Want to know more about building with ICFs in Ghana? To find additional resources, including videos, go to Comments or questions can also be directed to

Aluminum Roofing

Stair Building Deck Video

Stair building tips for installing lights and decking, handrail tips and some deck advice.

For more helpful home improvement information visit:

Stair Building Tips

Home Door Books
Drywall Books

Elements and Examples of Beam Design

The elements of beam design is a topic of great interest for structural engineers and contractors. Beam design is integral in the design and construction of a structure. Most structural beams are comprised of wood, steel or concrete. Each of these construction materials reacts differently under the stress of a load. Each also has its own unique advantages.

Elements and Examples of Beam Design: Concrete Beams

Concrete beams are most often seen in commercial construction, such as in the erection of multi-level parking decks, hospitals, and large hotels. Concrete beams are also commonly used as bridge and highway supports. Some concrete beams are used in conjunction with steel beams to provide added strength. Newer concrete beams may also contain a hybrid material of traditional concrete mixed with Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) or Carbon FRP.

Concrete is a strong building material, but it is susceptible to water damage and cracking. Iron bars are often included in the beams to add strength and stability over areas prone to greater stress. Concrete beams area also desirable for their ability to absorb sound and vibration.

Elements and Examples of Beam Design: Steel Beams

One very common type of steel beam is the I-beam. These I shaped beam are strong and moderately affordable. Steel beams are capable of supporting heavy loads without experiencing great amounts of deflection by distributing the load of the structure over the flange of the beam. Steel beams may be treated to prohibit corrosion and oxidation, especially when used near or under water, such as in bridge construction.

Elements and Examples of Beam Design: Wood Beams

Wood beams are common in residential structures. Wood beams may be notched or jointed together for added strength. Wood beams are inexpensive and easy to alter to a builder's specifications. However, they are also susceptible to rot and insect infestation. Specially treated wood beams are now available that resist decomposition, moisture and insects, making them an attractive choice in beam materials for most homeowners.

Elements and Examples of Beam Design: Flitch Beams

Flitch beams are specially constructed beams that join a steel plate with adjacent wood panels to form one composite structural beam. These flitch beams are strong, yet less expensive and lighter than solid steel beams. The construction of a flitch beam results in a reduction of the overall size of the beam, and the wooden exterior also allows the builder to nail the beam to other existing wooden structures in the home.

Elements and examples of beam designs are plentiful. Beam design and selection are an important part of the construction process and the wide variety of beams to choose from allow a builder to meet the needs of each project more easily.

Josh Parker is a staff writer for Strucalc - Stuctural Analysis Software Company. StruCalc is one of the most intuitive structural analysis and design programs available. With structural analysis software, you can Quickly size beams, columns, and footings with StruCalc 7.0 Software. Strucalc offers quality, professional software, built with strict engineering methods and specifications to every business in need of an easy to use, affordable software package.

Poor Stair Handrail Design

Are Home Remodeling Costs Down?

Lately we've been inundated by doom-and-gloom news in the media about the real estate market. But if you're planning to stay in your home and remodel or upgrade a rental for future resale, there is actually some good news to report: it's becoming less expensive to remodel as the market slows down and the law of supply and demand kicks in.

A year or so ago, the market was on fire and building materials and labor were scarce and expensive since the demand for both was equally hot. Construction material was in short supply, if you could find it at all, and finding skilled craftsmen for your project was an exercise in frustration. That situation was made even more difficult by the demand for rebuilding areas of the country that had been hit by Hurricane Katrina. On top of that, delivery costs also rose, due to a spike in gas prices. All of those factors contributed to cost increases of as much as 50 percent in certain areas.

The good news about all that? With the slow-down in the real estate market, materials are more readily available and construction people are actually looking for work to fill their schedules. Gas prices came down briefly, though they've begun to rise again, but the other pressures have lessened, which means that the cost of many common remodeling projects has decreased by 20% or more.

That's especially good news if your project is relatively small. During the height of the real estate boom, many contractors turned down smaller projects or told home owners to wait until they could get to them. However, many contractors are now actively trying to drum up work as the market continues to soften.

The downside of remodeling with an eye toward increasing your property's value is that, at least for the near term, your upgrade probably won't immediately pay for itself like it would have in the last few years. Since real estate prices have declined significantly in many parts of America, your remodeling project won't do much from an investment standpoint as it used to. Recent surveys have suggested that even the most popular upgrades, bathroom and kitchen remodels, are only returning about 80% of their cost.

The bottom line: this may be a good time to schedule that major remodeling project you've been wanting, assuming you're not doing it to quickly turn around and use the upgrade to increase your profits. If you do want to sell for top dollar in a buyer's market, you can increase your profits by turning your home into a buyer's dream home using less expensive faux paint techniques.

Whether you want to remodel or just decorate your home, you can benefit from exploring Flip That House with FAUX. See the controversial home that was on Flip That House at Enjoy your home!

Copyright 2007 Jeanette Fisher

Add Some Light With A Shed Dormer

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Home Improvement: Fireplace Makeovers

The fireplace has that innate ability to add a sense of coziness to a home and makes for great picturesque memories too. But if you think your fireplace is ready for a makeover, make sure you are ready to give it one.

Making over a fireplace can start off fairly easily as you can find ready made kits that only require assembly after purchase. But when buying a kit, bear in mind a few things: what is the color scheme of your room? What kind of decorative theme does it have? Find the mantle style in color that most compliments the room. Making over a fire place can also be a messy affair.

And the last thing you want to do is damage anything in your room in the process. So clear out the rooms main furniture if possible, otherwise at least give everything in the room a protective covering. Remove any wooden trims that might in the area near your fireplace, but do it gently so that you can put it back on when you are done.

Using a grinder with a brush to make sure the brick surface is smooth and dust is removed so that mortar easily stays in place. After that, create a temporary ledge using 24s to support your tile layout. And to make sure your mortar works well, mix it with a bit of acrylic additive. You can do this using a drill with a mixing attachment in a bucket. After youve stirred the combination, let it sit for about 10 minutes before you use it so that the chemicals of the two elements really fuse.

Once your mix is ready, divide your fireplace into sections, and apply tiles evenly one section at a time. What you want to do here is use a narrow trowel to apply the mortar mix on the back of the tiles as well as on the brick surface for vertical tiles, and only on the tiles back for those that are positioned flat. You will need to leave this over night to really stay in place.

The next day you will be ready to fill in those gaps and spaces between the tile using grout, essentially the same as mortar but in colors. Once youre done with this, its time to place the actual mantle. Now the choice of your mantles material will decide a lot of factor in the rest of the process but no matter what, there are a few basics you have to keep in mind.

First, position the mantle legs after making sure you have the right measurements. Then place the mantle cap on top. Your choice of material for the mantle will determine the kind of adhesives you will have to use to secure these things stay in place for years to come. And before you know it, your new fireplace is ready.

If you have questions about house flipping or would like more information about Fireplace makovers,
visit, for more information about house flipping.

Also, if you have any questions about flipping homes, please feel free to ask and have them answered by experts in the industry.

How Much Will My New House Cost

Friday, April 24, 2009

Tips For Building Green With Modular Buildings - A Guide For the Average Person

As most people know, the latest trend in construction is 'GREEN' or environmentally friendly buildings. As energy prices continue to soar and global warming attracts more attention, the GREEN construction trend is likely to escalate. The goal of this paper is to provide a brief overview of the benefits of GREEN construction and illustrate how Off-Site Construction & modular buildings complement GREEN construction.

Over the last several years, various GREEN projects have been designed and constructed, therefore customers and contractors are familiar with the concept. Many users are initially interested in obtaining the US Green Building Council's LEED Certification (, however there are numerous other tangible benefits which can be obtained by using GREEN construction:

  • Reduction in energy/utility consumption
  • Superior interior environment through noise reduction and improved air quality
  • Use of reclaimed/environmentally conscious materials for sustainable construction
  • Reduced/easier maintenance

Reduced Energy and Utility Consumption

Energy/utility consumption can be reduced directly and indirectly through improved energy efficiency. Direct reduction techniques include:

  • Rainwater harvesting for use on landscaping
  • Day lighting (large windows, tubular skylights) to decrease the need for artificial lighting
  • Photovoltaic panels for supplemental electricity generation
  • High R value insulation at the building envelope to decrease HVAC loads
  • Operable windows to allow natural ventilation on temperate days
  • Cool roof systems to reduce heat transfer and reduce HVAC loads
  • Door/window HVAC interlocks which shut off HVAC system when doors/windows open for extended periods of time
  • Deciduous shade trees to prevent heat gain during summer months
  • Dual pane windows with low E coating to reduce infrared radiation transfer and HVAC load
  • Cool operating fluorescent bulbs to reduce HVAC loads

Indirect energy consumption focuses on using energy/utilities more effectively and reducing waste. Improvements in efficiency include:

  • Energy management systems (motion sensors, timers, programmable thermostats, integrated home systems)
  • High efficiency appliances (Energy Star rated) & HVAC systems
  • Dishwashers and clothes washers which consume less water per load
  • Compact fluorescent light bulbs
  • Lighter colors to reflect more light within building
  • Hanging pendent light fixtures combined with high reflectance ceiling covering

Each aspect has numerous components and can be utilized in conjunction with one another. It is important to keep in mind the prerequisites must be met if LEED certification is the goal. The time required to recover the initial cost depends on size and location of the structure and individual consumption patterns, as well as materials incorporated.

Superior Interior Environment
In addition to reducing energy costs, GREEN construction should also provide a superior interior environment. Materials such as carpet, cabinetry adhesives, paint and other wall coverings with no or low levels of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) will release less gas and improve the indoor air quality. HVAC systems with noise dampening ducting and isolation systems will reduce the interior noise. Daylighting can also improve the interior quality by boosting the occupant's mood with natural light.

Use of Sustainable Resources
The use of recycled/reused materials helps to ensure the sustainability of resources. If virgin raw materials are used for every new building project, these materials will eventually be exhausted. As raw materials become scarce, the prices will rise and/or the materials will no longer be available. This trend has already begun as some raw material such as clear heart Redwood is no longer available and must be obtained recycled from existing projects. Recycling/reusing helps ensure that materials will be available for future projects.

Reduced Building Maintenance
The final aspect of GREEN construction is reduced/easier maintenance. Reducing maintenance activities such as painting saves the materials needed but also the waste and environmental impact of the painting such as VOC gas release and water used in cleanup. New, longer lasting materials are now available which need less frequent maintenance. Such materials include cement based exterior siding which does not require painting and recycled composite decking which resembles wood. Other products facilitate repair and replacement such as carpet tiles which allow individual sections to be exchanged without having to replace the entire floor surface. Carpet tiles also reduce waste during the installation process.

Off-Site Construction is GREEN
In parallel to this greater acceptance of GREEN is the growth in the Off-Site Construction process and improved perception of modular buildings. Modular buildings and Off-Site construction are similar but Off-Site Construction commonly refers specifically to permanent buildings verses modular buildings which can be either permanent or relocatable. Green features are available in all modular buildings but are considerably more common in Off-Site Construction due to the permanent nature. In recent years, Off-Site Construction has advanced and numerous innovations are now available. Such innovations include more efficient production facilities, superior transport systems, creative architectural designs and new engineering technologies providing greater flexibility.

Off-Site Construction merges well with the concept of GREEN construction for a variety of reasons. The centralized construction location allows for much greater reuse and recycling of material as a set collection schedule and policies can be established. Material waste due to weather damage is decreased as the construction process occurs in weather protected facilities. Waste water is easier to control and collect as production facilities are paved and sloped to a collection area. Traffic and air pollution is reduced as workers drive shorter distances to the factory verses traveling to various job sites. As materials for multiple jobs can be purchased in bulk quantities and delivered to a central location, the cost of materials and number of deliveries can be minimized. Off-Site Construction uses the same materials and designs as site built construction allowing for easy incorporation of GREEN materials and designs.

Progressive builders and architects view Off-Site Construction to be an integral part of the GREEN construction movement and the interest in GREEN Off-Site Construction has grown tremendously as GREEN is integrated into more diverse buildings.

-About the author: Brandon Alexander serves as Strategic Marketing Analyst for Modtech Manufacturing & Construction which provides comprehensive Design Build Services for modular buildings and portable buildings including project financing.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Kitchen Wall Design - Tips And Notes

The kitchen wall design could always be decorated in such a way that it exudes a feeling of coziness, warmth, homey, and inviting mood. The space offered by the kitchen area is also a big deal that you have to take note of. For you to carry on with the spacing scheme of your kitchen, try looking at these tips and notes.

Try hanging the pans and pots there on the kitchen wall. This is most appreciatively done if your pots and pans come in pairs or sets. You need to simply place hooks there on the walls and then hang those handles with the bottoms of the utensils facing downwards. This is also one good way of organizing and saving some space there on the kitchen area. The best place to hang them is above the cooking stoves.

Put the hotpads and the potholders on the wall too. If you prefer not to put on display your pots and pans, then just have your hotpads and potholders hanging. They may act as good ornaments for the kitchen too provided that they are clean.

Place the trivets on the kitchen wall. Antique trivets would look good on the kitchen walls. Match the colors and patterns of those so that they create a good sight.

Other utensils that you may hang on the kitchen walls are the can openers, coffee mugs, measuring spoons, measuring cups, and a lot others. Not only do you save space but you keep them within reach as you work your way in the kitchen.

Another way of working on with the kitchen wall design is by having the kitchen wall tiles. There are plenty of kitchen wall tile designs too. You could choose from the vertical or horizontal arrangement of the kitchen wall tiles and have the colors clearly blending onto with the backsplash.

One interesting kitchen backsplash to use is the ceramic kitchen tile placed in between the plain field of tiles with unique styles and colorful patterns. You could employ different colors that would match with each other so that your kitchen wall would look as creative as possible.

Kitchen wall designs are of your own choice. If you wish to be creative, you could always do so. Experiment and enjoy the mood exuded by your kitchen at all times.

To learn more kitchen design ideas, visit

Home Selling Books

Daylight Savings Time Helps Save Energy As a Benefit to the Planet

We all know about the benefits of sleep, it will recharge our little bodies to produce energy for our go-go lifestyles, but why are we forced to "gain" an hour of it in the fall only to subsequently "lose" an hour in the spring? Ah yes, the ever discussed, sometimes controversial, Daylight Savings Time (DST) clock change. Falling back to the actual standard time occurred last night (although technically this morning at two) but why do we do it? What possible benefit could it have to mess with our body clocks for a few days every six or so months?

Spring forward, fall back. We are probably all aware of the seemingly timeless expression by now. It may surprise people outside of Arizona, Puerto Rico, The Virgin Islands and Hawaii to learn that there is no federal mandate on states to implement this. Say what? That is right my friends, there is no one forcing us to collectively spring forward but we have been doing it on and off for the past ninety years as a way to ensure electric energy savings as well as a way to standardize the schedules of trains, which began to grow in frequency near the end of the nineteenth century.

To make sure that everyone could get to their train on time the concept of time had to be implemented and in 1883 a bunch of big wigs from the railroad deemed what we now know as time zones. Considering they were the most likely to benefit from standardized time, the oversight of this concept has remained with the Department of Transportation.

Now some may be asking -- OK, so that part about saving electricity, how does that factor in? Great question!

In general our body clock tells us that we should rise when it is light and sleep when it is dark. This is not to say that there are some who buck that trend, such as night shift workers, or vampires, but for the majority of us it rings true. In the fall it gets darker earlier so gaining an hour of daylight will keep us from turning on those pesky energy sucking devices like computers, televisions and lights for another hour and then once the sun does set we will just go to bed. Consequently, in spring, we gain an hour on the clock (this is the DST by the way, fall is the "actual time") so we have more natural light when the weather is getting warmer to get outside and enjoy nature instead of trapping ourselves indoors with our little boxes of wattage.

In theory it sounds wonderful but as our dependence on technology increases and focuses less on the world around us, it is fair to wonder -- is there still a notable savings in electricity usage? There certainly could be if we allow DST to do what it was designed for. We should all use it to its greatest advantage, ensure that it does create a marked difference, so make use of the extra hour of sunlight and read instead of watching television or take a vigorous evening stroll to see the last of the golden leaves.

Environmental topics are discussed daily at

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4 X 12 Stair Stinger Bottom

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Looking For a UPVC Windows Company?

It is essential for anyone thinking of replacing there windows to know which company will provide the best service. There are many quality UPVC specialists that can offer a professional service for persons looking for windows Cardiff, Newport and South Wales in general. However, it is still advised to research before you settle for a company for definite.

Many people are now choosing to have UPVC windows in their home because they are not only more resistant, they help reduce the loss of heat, easy to clean and long lasting. With doors available to match the windows to truly make your house look how you want it. Specialists in UPVC windows have the knowledge to be able to advise you on the type of windows and doors that would be best for your home. Knowing designs and colours that could suit your home, UPVC professionals are the best option to have to ensure you get what you pay for.

There are a wide variety of options open to anyone look to change to UPVC windows, but there are two distinct styles that are available form some UPVC specialists.

Ovolo - curved to the window frame edge

Chamfered - lines across the pane

These are two types of style and both give a different feel to a home but both as equally charming as each other. Choosing your windows is like choosing your dcor, you need the one which will reflect you and your home, but unlike the inside of your home, you windows will be admired by anyone that passes. Depending on what you have in mind, either of these will be suitable for any home and still give a classic, professional look from inside and out. However whatever the windows, a quality company will make sure this is the case.

Written by Jenny Pilley member of CReare Communications SEO specialists, on behalf of Peter Fennell of Windows Cardiff specialists

Fixing Up Your Home And How To Finance It

Undertaking a home improvement project can be really expensive and thus, financing is essential. There are many financial products that can help you finance home improvements. Some are more suitable for the task than others but all of them have advantages and disadvantages.

When home improvements are necessary, the following financial solutions can provide you with the needed funds for the project depending on the amount you want: Credit cards, unsecured personal loans, mortgage loans and home equity loans. All of them (except for the credit cards) can be called home improvement loans because what defines a home improvement loan is the use that you give to the money. However, home improvement loans are usually either mortgage loans or home equity loans.

Credit Cards For Financing Home Improvements

Credit cards are undoubtedly great financial tools due to their flexibility. However, they are not particularly useful in terms of scrimping and saving. The interest rates charged by credit card issuers are significantly higher than the rates charged by lenders and thus, a $3000 home improvement project can end up costing $600 more per year. However, used in combination with other financial products like home equity loans, credit cards can provide the funds necessary for covering unexpected expenses in the project or additional improvements that may rise while the original project is on course.

Unsecured Personal Loans For Home Improvements

Unsecured personal loans are perfect for home improvements but can provide the funds for small projects only. If your home improvement plans will not be that costly, then an unsecured personal loan for home improvements may be the solution. Besides, personal loans have an advantage over secured loans: there is little to no paperwork and they are processed considerably faster due to the lack of collateral.

Mortgage Loans For Home Improvements

If your property is not securing any debt, then, you can request a home improvement mortgage loan. These loans come with the lowest rates on the market. Since you already own the property, however, the interest rate will not be as low as home loans for first time home buyers which feature subsidized rates. But the interest rate will still be significantly lower than that of any other financial product.

Home Improvement Loans Based On Equity

Last, but not means least, home equity loans are the most common form of home improvement loans. These loans are based on the equity left on your property. Thus, it does not matter if you have a mortgage balance on your property, you can still get finance for your home improvements as long as the value of the property is higher than the amount of money you owe that is secured by it.

The amount of money you can obtain will depend on your available equity. However, for home improvements, there are loan options offering up to 125% financing if you have a good credit score and history. Thus, even if you have only $10,000 left on a $100,000 property, you will be able to obtain up to $35,000 on a home improvement loan based on equity.


Jessica Peterson writes finance articles for where she shares her knowledge about how to get money for a starting-up business, consolidating any kind of debt, repairing a home even with a bad credit history and more.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Home Remodeling Tips - Getting Started

Home remodeling is a quite regular event that the home owners undertake. This is true for I know that all of us wanted our homes to look nicer and happy to live. So for those who are thinking for home remodeling, here some tips to help you in your home remodeling.

Home Design

At first many people think on what way will their home look nicer and whats the possible design that will fit for the natural aura of the place. The concept of design for home remodeling in this sense comes in. So for the design for home remodeling you should decide if you want to hire an architect, an interior designer, and other home remodeling masters to create your home remodeling ideas. It is necessary to consider for the design for home remodeling that you can afford and you really feel comfortable. A certain understanding with the home remodeling contractor is very important for a solid work. And make a decision for a certain budget for your home remodeling and stick with it.


In this step for your home remodeling, you must plan and analysis your home remodeling design with your contractor for any ideas that will help you in your home remodeling whether about the flow or about the costs. And then choose materials and products for your home remodeling project. If possible try to choose first those materials for your home remodeling project that is needed first and those that need enough time. The time for the home remodeling contractor to come up with a detailed construction schedule and procedures and to get some construction crews must also be given attention.


It is important that in every home remodeling project, there should be a consultation between the home owner, the home remodeling contractor and his job site supervisor, the architect or designer, any other construction members who will be working with your home remodeling project. In this case, you must take note some of the important matters involved in your home remodeling project and send memos for any possible changes from the original plan. It is important that you set ground rules for your home remodeling project between you and your home remodeling contractor or the job-site supervisor, and if possible try to think for a communication plan that will definitely take place between you and your home remodeling contractor and the other important persons under your home remodeling project. The common noted primary contact person is the job-site supervisor. If you are really serious with your home remodeling project, then you should pay attention to every details or comments or questions regarding your home remodeling project.

Finally, the tips for setting up some things in your home remodeling project must also be considered. Take away the personal things from the working area and if possible you try to put up a temporary mini kitchen in another part of the house. And for your home remodeling, try to set up some trash bins, portable toilet, and construction fence for better movement. And make room for large belongings which are delivered at this point.

For more information and tips on home remodeling, visit us at

Wood Beams House Repair Tips

If you live in a moist climate in the winter and a dry climate in the summer and you have exterior wood beams exposed to these elements. You could develop wood beam problems over time. If wood beams are properly maintained and painted often they could last for a long time. Wood beams can last many years if properly taken care of.

Exterior wood beams that are used to hold up roofs, patios and decking can suffer from wood rot if not taken care of. Let's take for example a wooden beam located in a patio holding up a section of a large roof. The span of the roof being is only 10 feet long. As we look at the exterior wood beam. We noticed the upper corner of the beam is soft and rotted.

The beam damage is roughly the size of a baseball. The wood beam itself is a 6 x 10. Do we need to replace this beam even though the damage is not real big. The answer to this question is yes, any amount of damage to a wood beam takes away from its structural strength.

If you have a wood beam holding up the roof and the beam fails you could end up replacing a large section of your roof as well as the damaged beam. Replacing the damaged beam is usually a difficult task. The beam is usually sandwiched between two walls and will have siding or stucco around it.

If you're lucky enough to have the wood beam sitting in a saddle or on top of a wood post this will make your job easier and will require less skill. If however the beam is located between two walls this will require shoring up the roof and removing the beam.

Beam replacement should be left to professionals. This is not often as easy as it looks and could create a safety hazard if not done properly. I have seen beams replaced by homeowners or handyman and the damage that was done after the repairs, was worse than just leaving the beam alone in the first place.

The biggest problem with exterior wood beams is that they are usually holding up large amounts of weight. If the beam is removed without the proper bracing and shoring of the roof or floor area you could have a larger problem than you started with.

Exterior beams over time seemed to develop large cracks or splits in dry weather. These large cracks and splits weaken the structural strength of the beam adding more stress to the beam itself leading to structural failure eventually.

Extreme climates where temperatures very over 40 in one day seem to suffer the most damage to exterior wood beams that are not properly maintained. Beam maintenance will require painting and keeping moisture away from them.

Be aware of structural beams in or around your house. A little painting now and then can save you thousands of dollars over the life time of your house.

Greg Vanden Berge has been in the home building and remodeling business for over 30 years. With this knowledge he has created a few websites that provide useful information for home owners as well as contractors. His main goal is to educate professionals in the home related businesses, dealing with problems that can easily be avoided with just a little bit of information

His website provides all kinds of answers to remodeling and new house building issues that could create major damage as well as possible damage to your pocket book

Visit us now for Vista Home Improvement

Handyman Books

Sunday, April 19, 2009

What Goes in to Quality Workmanship

When having a service performed by anyone, in any type of industry, it should be expected that the end result being received is something that is quality work. Companies and contractors that claim to be experts in their industry and field should be able to give their clients the type of workmanship and craftsmanship that they are known for.

Before choosing the company that is going to come to do work for you on your home it is often times best to ask around to friends to see what types of contractors that they have used in the past or to go online and find a website where the work of the company has been reviewed. Often times these reviews, or a testimonial directly from your friend, will give you an idea of what type of contractor you will be working with, the level of craftsmanship and workmanship that they may provide, and the amount of courtesy and respect that you can expect to receive from whomever you will be working with.

Say that you are having some sort of construction project done for your home, like a deck, sun room, or screen room; you are going to want someone that is going to do a quality job. These types of exterior features on a home can really make or break what people see on the outside of your dwelling. These are also structures that can be very dangerous if not constructed properly. The workmanship and the tools and materials that going into constructing something of this magnitude must be used properly and put together in a manner that is not only aesthetically appealing, but is also as stable and sturdy and safe as possible.

It is best to use a contracting company that is known for its professionalism and integrity in their line of work. The company should want each of its customers to be extremely satisfied with the work that is done not only for the sake of that customer but for the sake of maintaining a good name for the business.

Remodeling projects can really add that something extra and functionality to your home so working with the best workmen and craftsmen in the business is really the only way to go. Your home should look like it was worked on be a skilled artist, just one that specializes in home projects.

Kathleen Whitlow is a copywriter and marketing agent of Classic Construction. The exterior construction company provides decks, sunrooms, screenrooms, vinyl siding, and more throughout the Richmond Virginia area. For more information on their Exterior Classic Construction please visit their website

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Inspect Foundation Problems - Carlsbad Home Construction

The foundation walls are connected to the top of the footings. The purpose of a foundation is to carry the weight of the house structure down through the foundation to the footings.

Whatever their construction, (concrete, brick, concrete blocks, etc.), foundation walls crack because of lateral force, settling, heaving or uneven loads (more weight than designed on a specific section of the foundation), of the foundation walls. Natural forces such as earth quakes can also be a contributor in earthquake regions.

To begin your inspection, use a pad and pencil while observing the exterior foundation. Make notes of cracks and their locations. When inside the lower level, you will want to try to locate them on the inside. If the crack goes entirely through the foundation it may be a red flag. Small hair-line cracks that do not go through the foundation wall are common and nothing to worry about; they may have been caused by shrinkage of the concrete or mortar joints.

A found crack sometimes has a similar type crack on an opposite wall of the foundation. Similar cracks on opposite walls may have the same cause, with the exception of horizontal cracking caused by a lateral force.

Types of Cracking
Vertical and 45 degree cracking is usually caused by settlement and heaving. Horizontal cracking is commonly caused by side pressure on the foundation, such as hydrostatic pressure (a lateral force). Surface cracks that do not go entirely through the wall and with no signs of displacement are not normally a structural defect. Isolated vertical cracks that do not extend to the lower edge of the foundation wall are usually shrinkage cracks. They are caused by the concrete shrinking during curing.

Causes of Horizontal Cracking
The foundation should act as a retaining wall, resisting lateral pressure of the soil on the outside of the basement or crawl space. If the foundation does not provide enough lateral support, the walls will deflect inward and create horizontal cracking. Some of the causes are foundation walls that are too thin or do not have, (or not enough), reinforcement, such as rebar in the concrete foundation, backfilling the foundation too soon before the foundation has a chance to fully cure, or during back filling if big stones or hard frozen chunks of ground were dumped against the foundation.

Causes of Heaving Foundations
Heaving cracks in foundations made out of brick, blocks, or stones,(not concrete), will generally have cracking in the form of a step, called "step cracking". Step cracking usually follows the mortar joints in these materials.

In concrete foundations, cracks from heaving are usually vertical and are wider at the top of the crack than at the base.

Some areas of the country have expansive soils, which increase in size when they absorb water, causing heaving cracks. Moisture added to dry expansive soils, say from a sudden down pour, will drastically change the volume of the soil and cause serious heaving problems as well as structural damage in some cases. When the expansive soil dries, the shrinkage can also cause a pulling effect on the foundation. The method of prevention is to maintain the soil moisture content, by keeping the soil as dry as possible along the foundation. This can be achieved by proper grading around the perimeter.

Causes of Foundation Settlement
Settling of the soil under the foundation is usually the cause of settlement cracks in the foundation walls. Cracks caused by settling resemble cracks caused by heaving, except the crack is wider at the lower end of the crack.

If a crack is active the crack may still be moving, (getting bigger, etc.) To identify an active crack, it will have sharp edges, clean inside of the crack and sometimes with bits of concrete still in the crack. Old cracks will have dust, dirt, paint and insect parts in the crack.

To determine the severity of a crack or its cause, it may need to be evaluated by a geotechnical engineer. Large cracks 3/8" wide should be carefully examined. Cracks can be measured by the engineer, to determine if it is moving or if it is stabile. Many times Home Inspectors call on the services of an engineer, to be sure the foundation is sound. As a past Home Inspector, I have been surprised several times to find questionable cracks were sound without a concern. I was always glad it was verified for the sake of the buyer or yourself in your case.

What to look for inside the house structure:

Doors and windows that are stuck and misalignment (gaps)
Foundation settlement can cause doors and windows to be come misaligned. This can be seen when observing the edges around the windows or doors, where they close. Look for gaps larger on one side than the other. This can help determine where the settling is occurring.

Cracks in the walls
Settlement will usually cause wall cracking. Settlement cracks are wider on one end than the other. Let it be known wall cracking can also be caused by the house expanding and contracting through its seasons. If there is no evidence of foundation defects and there is wall cracking, it, more than likely, is caused by the latter.

Sloping or tilting floors.
I have learned during my home inspection career that most people will not notice sloping less than 1/8" slope per foot. 3/16"slope per foot is noticeable to most people. A family living in an older home for a long time might not notice sloping even if severe. We tend to adjust to gradual sloping over time.

If there is doubt, use a level to determine if the floor is level. Floor elevations should be recorded for future reference in the inspection.

Unless the sloping is substantial or extensive remodeling is planned, the best repair would be to stabilize the foundation. Extensive re-leveling in an older home may cause more than expected damage to the interior walls, ceilings, doors, windows and cabinetry.

If the home has been stabilized and future movement is unlikely, buyers will often accept the uneven floors.

This article was written to act as tool to guide and assist a DIY Inspection on foundations. Gary wrote the BAIR (Building Analysis Inspection Report) System, which is a DIY Inspection that consists of a lot of instructional detail (a guide) written about any of the many components found in the home. The BAIR System has instruction on how to inspect a foundation and explanations on the findings; this article will help with more information, if needed.

Review and download at:

Bathtub Meets Shower Framing

Why is My Dryer Not Heating - Home Repair Tips

CAUTION: Most electric dryers use 220 volts to power the heating element. Always disconnect the dryer power cord from the wall receptacle before doing any tests or repair work.

Here are some tips.

Check the fuses
If you have an electric dryer, the first thing to check are the fuses or breakers in your homes fuse box. If this fuse is blown, it is possible for your dryer to spin but not produce heat. If you've checked the fuses and they are not blown, the next possible cause is the heating element.

Check the heating element
To check the heating element, move the back panel of the dryer. You'll need a volt/ohmmeter to check the element terminal. Locate the element and set the volt/ohmmeter on the RX-1 scale. Remove one lead from the element and then place one probe of the volt/ohmmeter on the terminal of the element. Place the other probe of the volt/ohmmeter on the remaining terminal of the element. Look for a continuity reading of the volt/ohmmeter of approximately 2-5 ohms. If there is no continuity reading, the heating element is defective and should be replaced.

LINT- Your dryer's greatest enemy

To extend the life of your dryer, clean the lint filter every time you use the dryer. Even if the lint filter is cleaned after every load, lint will still accumulate around the dryer's moving parts, the exhaust duct and vent.

Each year inspect the vent pipe and vent cover operation. Disconnect the exhaust duct and remove lint from the internal exhaust pipe, the duct and the vent. Make sure the duct has no kinks, where lint and moisture can build-up.

Turn off the power, remove the front and rear panels and vacuum out the lint from around the motor and idler.Poor air flow uses more energy and can cause lint build-up in the internal ducting, leading to a fire hazard.

When in doubt, don't hesitate to call for help. We are open 7 days a week, including holidays, and offer same day service on most repairs.

My Appliance Tech

At My Appliance Tech, you'll receive superior service, professional technicians and a unique customer service experience. Our factory trained technicians undergo a thorough background check, including drug testing. Our goal is to build a strong and long-lasting relationship with you. We are reliable, honest and insured. Let us be your appliance tech!

We offer Same-Day Service 7 days per week and serve customers from West Palm Beach to Miami. You can trust our expertise as we repair all makes and models with a generous warranty on parts and labor. We also offer installation services where available.

Give us a call today or make an online appointment. We're ready to serve you!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Anyone Can Build a Deck - Construction Advice

Working in the construction business for over 30 years and listening to homeowners, tell me how fortunate I am to have the ability to work on my own home. It kind of makes me feel good to hear them praise me and when I have completed their project, they usually are extremely happy with how it turned out. I've been listening to this for years and came to one conclusion, anyone can do what I do, with the correct information.

I was building a deck and a homeowner and his son were there constantly, watching me work on the project. They would ask if they can help and if there was anything they could do, they would like to learn the deck building process, so one day they could build their own decks. Most of the time, they were in my way and slowed me down. I finally got to a point where I had to asked them if they could watch from a distance, because I was starting to run behind on the project. It was starting to cost me money to educate them. I just didn't have time for this and there was no way, that I wanted to hurt their feelings or make them mad at me.

They agreed and at the end of the day, would have a couple of questions for me. I told the father, that I would bring him a few books on deck building and he could keep them as long as he needed. Him and his son were more than happy to accept my offer and the next day, they were nowhere in sight. At the end of the day as I was putting my tools away, a homeowner and his son approached me and thanked me for loaning them the books, but they were done with them. The son explained to me, that they were going to purchase some of their own books on deck building, because mine were a little out of date.

To make a long story short, I finished the deck, got paid and went on my way. A few months later they contacted me and asked if I had time, can I come over the house and look at the new deck, that they built next to mine. I said I would be glad to, and would be there tomorrow evening. When I arrived at the job site, I couldn't even get out of my truck, the father and his son were waiting for me in the driveway and directed me to drive to the back of the home.

There new deck was about 10' x 10' and matched the one that I built pretty good. They did a great job and after I told them, what a wonderful job they did building the deck, they were like two kids in a candy store. It seemed like, I had just made their day and it made me feel good, and that they felt good.

Sometimes building a deck or home repairs can be performed like a professional, with a little bit of help, from the book.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors.

If you're really interested in learning more about remodeling, new home construction, home maintenance, home repairs and really want to get the nuts and bolts of home improvement. Visit our web site and select from the best-selling home building books on the Internet.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Looking for a New Home or Property - Incorporate Good Feng Shui

Looking to purchase or upgrade to a new home or abode? Consider, incorporate and move long the riverflow of Feng Shui.

When you are considering upgrading or revamping to a new home look for a location that fits with the natural landscape and landscaping. Very simply put if you have to do major renovations to your property - then you are going to interfere and cut into your land's natural energy as well as your properties symmetrical and balanced energies.

If at all possible, choose a house that is high on a hill, without super tall trees and with plenty of natural wildlife - such as songbirds and chipmunks. Unless you are living in a prairie try to be on that higher ground - or at least on the higher side of the street, avenue, road or lane. All in all your property will have more lifeblood, prosperity yet privacy and ultimately good luck and karma.

In terms of real estate and real estate agents and vendors always stress the following concerns and points when searching for that "perfect home".

First that the block should be rectangular. Bays and coves are just not that good when it comes to Feng Shui home considerations. If a rectangular, balanced form block is not available the next choice is a landscaping setup where the layout of the land and property is wider at the back end than at the front portions. Wealth and luck flows this way foreword. In fact triangular blocks tend to be stagnant in nature and powers as they gather up qi at their 3 corners.

If you can gather and chance upon a property that has an outlook over water at the front this is marvelous and most preferred. Whether it is a lake, bay or even along a river is great Feng Shui. Being along the ocean itself can command great powers. However if you are along a stormy coast - then the energies involved and dissipated might not be as wise a choice. In the same vein it is best to avoid a block of land next to a drainage canal. This goes without explanation. Canals are meant to drain away all the worst residues, left over products and excesses. Why tempt fate and dilute your good luck and fortune.

In terms of trees and landscaping of the property - it's a two way street. The initial landscaping on a property may well indicate the powers and lay of the land.

On the other hand trees and bushes can grow, can be watered. Additional trees and bushes can be planted. Overall it is good to choose a nicely planted and maintained yard. However ensure that your land is not closed in by large, oversize trees which are taller than your house. Chalet or cottage or block it, Large trees, as well as other large homes nearby, can cause you trouble and hardship sine they can easily block vital qi.

Lastly look at the very condition of the property, its vegetation and "wildlife". All of these factors are both indicators and markers of the very qi of your new abode and life. Vegetation should be bright and shining. The land should be moist - not too dry, too damp or wet and sodden. The birds should be singing and chirping, the neighborhood cats and dogs alive and playful. All f this means for a good solid life and growth for yourself and your family. Feng Shui.

Morris E. Brown
Sell Your Manitoba Cottage
Appeal Your Realty taxes

Using the Wrong Bathtub - Home Tips

A couple of years ago, me and another contractor were working on a whole house remodel and this involved removing the exterior stucco on the home, so that we could install siding and stucco around the entire home. We had no plans to work on the master bedroom. These plans were changed after the stucco was removed, from behind the bathroom shower walls.

Even though we were remodeling the entire house, we were making a single story into a two story and it was a pretty extensive project. The homeowner had mentioned to us, that the bathroom was completely remodeled less than two years ago. Standing inside of the master bathroom, everything looked beautiful and in good shape. We were shocked to find the damage, only after we removed the exterior stucco and it was bad.

The water damage ruined the sub floor underneath the bathtub, the lower wall framing and even some of the plywood sheeting in the master bedroom. The homeowner needless to say was very unhappy with the additional expenses to the project, but nevertheless wanted us to remove and repair of the damage.

I want to make a very important point, whether you're a contractor, handyman or homeowner. All it takes is one small hole or a little crack to cause an enormous amount of damage in a short period of time. I have seen a hole the diameter of a triple a battery, ruined an entire ceiling. The water damage in this bathroom was caused from cracks in the grout and using a bathtub with no flanges. Always make sure you purchase the correct bathtub.

This damage could have been prevented by using an experienced contractor or the right parts. If the right tub would have been ordered, I would imagine that very little damage would have been done to the wood framing. Here's a little bit of advice from a building professional. If you're thinking about remodeling a bathroom yourself and have very little experience, I would advise you to find some helpful bathroom remodeling books or hire someone who knows what they're doing. Sometimes these books or contractors can save you more money in the long run.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more bathroom remodeling or home building ideas.

Crawl Space Repairs

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Caring For Vinyl Flooring

Vinyl/linoleum flooring has a place in almost every home. It offers an expensive flooring option for high traffic rooms that also is attractive and stylish - because vinyl flooring comes in so many different colors and prints, it is easy to find vinyl floors that work with any kind of dcor. However, despite the fact that vinyl flooring is invaluable when it comes to standing up to the rigors of heavy traffic areas, if you want your flooring to look great for a long time, then you need to care for it properly. These tips will keep your vinyl in tip top shape.

Keep it Clean

Keeping vinyl floors clean is easy, but if you don't stick to a regular cleaning schedule, your floors will suffer. If you maintain a regular schedule, all you will need to do to the floor is sweep it/vacuum it to get rid of the dirt and debris and wash it with soapy water or floor cleaner. Don't let any spills sit on the vinyl for an extended period; spills can lead to stains and water damage on your floors. If your floor seems to be losing its sheen, use a polish designed for vinyl floors periodically. Just be careful to choose one specifically created for your kind of flooring to prevent damage to the floors and to ensure it won't leave your vinyl too slippery.

Prevent and Repair Damage

Torn vinyl can be a real eye sore, so do everything you can to avoid the problem in the first place. Never slide furniture or other objects over the vinyl floors. If you have a piece of furniture that cannot be picked up, lay out some plywood over the floor and slide the furniture over the surface of the plywood instead of over the floor.

Of course, not every tear is preventable. If you do get a tear in your vinyl, immediately cover the area so the damage does not get worse, and call out a local professional floor installer. The same goes for seams in your floor that start to pull apart; cover the seams so they don't get pulled up further and so that dirt does not get trapped underneath the floor and then call out a professional.

Keeping dirt out of any tears and pulled seams is crucial if you want to have a chance of repairing the floor. Moisture trapped underneath the floor prevents a problem for repair as well, so never wash your floor when it is torn. These simple cleaning and care tips will keep your vinyl in tip top shape for a long time to come.

Eric Slarkowski repeatedly pens publications on issues associated with types of lumber and hardwood lumber. You can see his publications on hardwood lumber suppliers at and various other sources for hardwood lumber suppliers information.

Exterior House Painting

Spring is just around the corner and this article is all about giving the exterior of your house the paint job it deserves. As a professional house painter I would like to lay out five important tips that most people get wrong when painting the exterior of their home.

#1.) House Wash - I like to give the house a good wash before I paint it. I don't wash all four sides at once though. I usually do just one side (the side I plan on painting first) at a time because I'm going to be there for a week or two anyways probably. That way by the time you get to the next side there isn't a bunch of webs or sand or dirt built back up.

#2.) Choosing Colors - Some houses you drive by have weird colors. This is because they picked colors from a fan deck. For best results you should use an exterior house color brochure. Its coordinated color schemes help you to choose normal standardized colors. A standardized color chart will have perfect color matches that you should pick and choose from. Especially if doing two or three color schemes, you want a professional color-coordinated exterior brochure. These brochures are usually found at any paint store.

#3.) Use Quality Paint - I always use name brand paint on all my exterior house painting jobs. Why use inferior paint and waste all that hard labor? Especially if you are paying someone else to do the painting. I like Benjamin Moore exterior house paint. They have good time-tested exterior paints and primers.

#4.) Latex vs Oil Base - I always use latex paint on the outside or exterior of a house. Oil base or Alkyd coating tend to crack and peel. Latex paint can breathe and stays flexible. It lets the moisture out of the house. Oil base paints cannot. That is why you get cracking and peeling.

The only exception is when the you have bare wood. You want to prime it with an exterior alkyd or oil-base primer. Bare wood can cause "bleed through" stains that you can not block as well using a latex primer (Although nowadays some latex primers are actually getting good at stain blocking). But the main thing is that you want to use latex paint on your house's exterior and you want to use a good name brand exterior paint. Especially if you're a house painter and you're doing it for a homeowner. Don't show up on their door step with average name brand paint. People want the best.

#5.) Oil Base Stains - If you plan on staining your house there are many excellent exterior latex stains. Especially solid body stain. Solid body stain looks like regular paint except it's made for rough wood siding. Now if you have a natural wood color siding you will want to use a "semi-transparent" stain that is oil base. I would use an oil base stain in this instance because the oil base stain can permeate down into the natural wood. This is something that should be done every few years to keep the sun and elements from deteriorating the natural wood look. A quick one coat to protect the natural wood siding is best.

Lee Cusano has owned and operated his own successful painting business since 1991. He has also helped many others to start their own painting business with his "Paint Like a Pro Estimating and Advertising System". Lee also offers a new free report titled "How To Quit Your Day Job This Week and Double or Triple Your Income". To get it please go to

Hiring Help

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Considerations For Adding Garden Arbors and Trellises

Adding a garden arbor or trellis to your yard can be a nice "upgrade" for your landscape or garden. Arbors, pergolas, and trellises will add to the overall look of your yard and can even boost property value. However, there are several issues that should be taken into consideration before you begin the process of adding a new arbor or trellis.

One of the first and most important questions to ask yourself, is how does this project integrate into my current garden area? Do you have a wood fence that you want to match the style or color of? Or do you want your yard to have a more eclectic look? Vinyl arbors and trellises for example are available in many colors, and often times provide a very clean, modern look. Wrought iron or aluminum is another choice, and can provide a very classical and formal look-even something of a "castle-like" appearance if you choose black painted metal.

One good idea is to purchase a landscaping software program for your computer that will allow you to take a digital photo of your home, upload it to the computer, and then incorporate various landscaping ideas or elements to the photograph so you can envision how the end result might look. Such software programs are readily available for purchase, and operating them requires just a bit of time with the tutorials and some general computer skills. The results are well worth the time before you begin the actual on site project.

Now that you have thought through the end result, it's time to decide if this is going to be a "do it yourself" (DIY) project or if you'll seek outside help, such as a licensed contractor, to do the job for you.

If you choose to make it a DIY project, how much time will you need to allocate? Can the project be completed in a weekend, or will it require a week or more of full or part time work on your part? Do you need to schedule vacation from work in order to start and finish in a timely manner? Nothing is more frustrating than having an unfinished project linger on much longer than you had anticipated. If you have a friend or family member who would be willing to help you out, now might be a good time to call upon their resources.

If you do seek outside help, one of the most important things you can do is check references. Most reputable landscaping companies will have photo albums of their completed projects. Look through the photos to get an idea of the overall quality of workmanship. If you see that the contractor has completed a similar project to what you're looking for, inquire of the name and phone number of their previous customer. Then call those homeowners to inquire about their level of satisfaction with the job and the contractor. Be sure to ask the following important questions: Were you satisfied with the quality of work? Was the work performed in a timely and satisfactory manner? Did the end cost come in at or below the initial estimate, or did unexpected or hidden fees pop up during the project? Lastly, inquire if you can drive by and have a look at the finished project. Any homeowner who is happy with the end result will probably be very pleased to show it off to someone else.

No matter what your final decisions are, taking the above items into consideration will be well worth the time spent before you begin the project of adding a new arbor or trellis to your garden. Good planning and execution is the key to a successful end result in any home project.

For cedar arbors, metal arbors, or other arbor plans, please visit Home Products 'n' More. We offer free shipping on all garden arbors!

Moss Growing On Stucco

Advantages Of Using A Sump Pump Cover

Eighty five percent of homes in the US experience a flooded basement sooner or later - these are the estimates from home builders and insurance providers.

The sump pump was invented to handle minor basement flooding problems, and this solution came with it's own set of new problems. Questions about safety soon arouse with this machinery open and exposed. Also, small animals could get stuck in the sump pit. Unable to escape it could clog the system, as well as cause an unpleasant mess when it came time to cleanup.

These issues, of course lead to the sump pump cover being made available.

Installing a sump pump cover gives the security and peace of mind that no one can bump, step on, or otherwise damage the unit - leaving your basement unprotected. And no foreign objects will be able to enter the sump pit causing malfunction or inefficiency.

Today, more and more systems are sold with a complete line of accessories, which includes a cover. Other sources of sump pump covers are specialty home stores that sometimes carry these items sold separately from a pump unit.

Now days, it is fairly standard for sump pumps sold in the United States to include covers. If you are outside the United States, or in need of a cover for an older installation, check the specialty home stores near you.

Safety issues

Do not be tempted to leave the cover off after any routine servicing or maintenance. The system can run just fine without it, so long as it doesn't get damaged, or objects get caught in the sump pit possibly causing failure. You will probably never even know about any such damage until you need your basement sump pump the most.

One final advantage is the dust and dirt that is kept away from the workings. Keeping this dirt away helps keep the system from overheating and ensures a long service life of your sump pump system. There's really no disadvantage to using a sump pump cover. Without one, you risk premature failure when you need your sump pump the most. presents Sump pump covers - if you don't have a cover now, you'll want one - See Sump pump covers

Fireplace Drywall Ceiling Damage

Monday, April 13, 2009

Interior Decorating Ideas

It's happening again. The styles and fashions that we thought we'd seen the last of a decade ago are re-emerging as the latest thing in chic design and people are going mad for it. In fact, one of interior furnishings mainstays throughout the eras has been the humble lamp and while bench surfaces, chairs, lounges and most other room items have gone through drastic changes, many of the retro lamps that emerged in the 1950s and 60s are still preferred today.

The great thing about decorating in retro style is that almost anything goes, as long as it is fun, combines shapes and colors and looks unique. Floor lamps such as the Arco lamp that reaches from one side of the reading chair to the other still looks appropriate, as does the square lampshade on a wooden pedestal base. From there it's up to your own discerning eye as to how funky you want to make the lamp shade with options of trimmings, tassels or prints to bring out your retro preference.

The great thing about deciding on a retro lamp is that if you don't particularly like the look of the traditional lamps from the era, you also have the more space-aged looking lamps that were inspired by the exuberance of the post-war optimism. New products such as melamine spattered with chrome and designs that were sleek and sophisticated combined to produce a very forward thinking look.

The great thing about using the vintage retro lamps that your parents loved is that the burnt orange lamp shades or the avocado ceramic lamp stand is now cool again because, well because it's retro.

An important part of putting together a retro room is adding furnishings that follow the retro style. Picking out a fun and funky retro lamp should be enjoyed. Visit Retro Lamps Galore to help put that new retro-style room together.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Problems Walking on an Old Roof

Here's some things to think about before walking on the roof of a house. If you slip and fall off the roof you could get hurt seriously. For your own safety if you have no experience walking on a roof use extreme caution. I would even suggest using a ladder and moving the latter around the perimeter of the house if you are inspecting the roof for damage.

Here's some things to keep in mind before walking on a house roof.

1. If the building is above two stories hire a contractor especially if you think the roof has building damage.

2. If the roof is too steep stay off. This could be extremely hazardous to your health.

3. If the roof is severely damaged and has loose shingles or tiles, this could create a safety hazard as you slip on one of these loose shingles and possibly fall off the roof.

4. You should stay off the roof at all costs if there is snow or ice. Ice obviously is extremely slippery and would be difficult to walk on. The difficulty would be increased if the roof has a steep slope.

5. Now last but not least if the roof is wet you should avoid walking on it until it is dry. I have been on wet roofs before and personally slipped myself losing my balance but not falling off of the roof.

Climbing up on a roof and walking around is not child's play and should be left to an experienced professional . If you feel comfortable walking around on any roof please use caution. If you slip in the middle of the roof there is a good chance you will be able to regain your balance or have time to stop yourself before falling off.

I would suggest using caution near the edges of the roof. If the roof is too steep or you don't feel comfortable, why risk serious injury. Use common sense along with the proper ladders to ensure your safety and "Think before walking on a house roof."

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Holes In Floor Joist

Saturday, April 11, 2009

How Hard Is It To Build Straight Stairs in California

Thinking of doing it yourself. wondering if you can do it. The Contractor down the street made it look easy. But how am I going to build a set of stairs for my house. It starts with a little information, maybe a book, I know I will surf the net and get the info. Why bother with spending the time looking on the internet for a article or book on how to build stairs. I have done it and that's why I wrote a book and their are more books coming on how to build stairs.

My goal is to write a book on every way of building stairs. I am going to make the stair building books easy to follow with lots of simple illustrations. I understand that getting one book on stair building that explains how to build 500 different types of stairs with 3000 illustrations might not apply to you. These books are nice for a building professional or a master carpenter but are difficult to understand.

I have made these books easy to follow with the use of illustrations that only apply to the set of stairs you will be building. The book "How to Build a Strait Set of Stairs" is a complete stair building guide for a strait set of stairs with a 2 x 4 handrail. In this book you will have access to formulas for decimal conversions to fractions. Then you will be able to locate the exact mark for certain measurements. It isn't hard to build a straight set of stairs with this book and the website links provided for you.

If you feel comfortable with a hammer, tape measure and a circular saw. You will be amazed with the results. I have been helping people build stairs for almost 30 years with this easy to follow stair building system. I have trained other carpenters to build stairs with most of them telling me the same thing. How easy it was to build but they thought you had to be a master carpenter in order to build a set of stairs. The main reason for this way of thinking was that when it was time to build the stairs on the job guess who would build the stairs. The Master Carpenter of course.

You can do it with a little help from a friend. Get some help from the best home improvement contractor in California.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Shaped Cement Roof Tile

How To Repair Holes From Door Knobs - Home Tips

Fixing holes in your wall can be a challenge if you have no idea how to repair the wall or even how it is built.

Have you ever slammed a door shut because you were a little mad a something of someone. Well now have you ever slammed a door open a little to hard and then hearing a sound like something just stuck to the wall.

Well now that would be the sound of your door knob going through the drywall or plaster. Oh crap now what do I do. And don't try to blame this one on the kids either. Right about now you are wondering how in the heck am I going to repair this and not let it happen again.

You should have a nice round hole in the door. Try to remove the piece of drywall without it falling into the wall. After you get this piece of drywall out set it to the side for possible reinstallation. Now get a measuring tape to see if the wall is framed with 2 x 4 or 2 x 6.

If the wall is framed with 2 x 4 it will measure three and one half inches in between the drywall or plaster. If it is a 2 x 6 framed wall it will measure five and one half inches in between the drywall or plaster.

We will use the 2 x 4 wall for our example on fixing the hole from the door knob. Cut a piece of 2 x 4 about 5 inches long and taper both ends of the 2 x 4 so you will be able to slide the piece of wood into the damage hole.

When you slip the wood into the hole set it on edge and screw the sides into the drywall. This will hold the2 x 4 in place. Next reinstall the piece of drywall you removed and screw it into the drywall. Now for the secret to finishing the wall.

Go down to your local home improvement store and purchase a round rubber door stop that glues onto the wall. These rubber and sometimes plastic door stops will be about 6 inches in diameter and work great for these holes.

You could also buy a few more of them to protect the walls from big bad door openers.
Keep Your Temper In Check and You Won't Have To Keep Writing Them

Greg Vanden Berge has been in the home building and remodeling business in California for over 30 years. With this knowledge he has created a few websites that provide useful information for home owners as well as contractors. His main goal is to educate professionals in the home related businesses, dealing with problems that can easily be avoided with just a little bit of information.

His website provides all kinds of answers to remodeling and new house building in North San Diego Valley Center Remodeling

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