Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Take Pictures of Your Growing Foundation Damage Or Cracks

I champion people and try to get them to look at their house, at least once a year. One of the easiest ways to inspect your home is to use a home inspection checklist and if you really want a good home inspection checklist, there's a good chance that you are going to need to purchase one. You get what you pay for and don't ever forget that.

Foundation repairs usually start with a small crack and that's no joke. If you notice a crack, take a picture of it and save it somewhere. If you think, that the crack is actually getting a little bigger or starting to separate, you can simply take another picture and compare the two photos.

I would like to give you an example of what I'm talking about. Sometimes we look at something and we think that it's getting larger, but we don't have anything to compare it to. As time goes on, we think that the crack is still getting larger, but our mind is creating an optical illusion. This happens to a lot of people.

If you had a picture, from a few years ago, you could refresh your memory and this could be very helpful in reducing your anxiety or jumping to conclusions about foundation damage. Trust me, sometimes, I'm like a medical emergency crew, going to visit a homeowner to relieve their foundations stress. People panic over foundation cracks and I'm the doctor they call for any one of their home emergencies.

I would also advise you to take pictures of the rest of your home. How hard would it be to take about 300 pictures of your home each year and store them on your computer or on a disk, for easy access later? A picture is worth a thousand words and don't ever forget that.

Click Here for Some More Great Foundation Repair Solutions.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If you're really interested in basement remodeling and repairs, you should click on this link Home Repair Problems. Get some great home repair advice that can make a big difference on any of your home remodeling projects.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Do I Need a Home Inspection? - Real Estate Advice

Most home inspections today run between $300 to over $1000 and sometimes you don't really get your moneys worth. There are home inspection companies that guarantee, any problems that they miss will be repaired at their expense over a desired period of time, usually a year. It seems like, most home inspection companies are just inspecting the property and have no guarantees or liability from their inspection.

It's not a good idea to buy or sell a home without getting a home inspection from a licensed home inspector. This is like having a second opinion from someone who is usually skilled in the process. I would like to point something out to unsuspecting, potential home buyers and sellers. Sometimes a home inspection company will get a little behind in their work and need to hire other home inspectors if these home inspectors don't have any experience in the construction business or have never inspected a home before. In other words there fresh out of home inspector school. You might not get a good home inspection.

You can always ask the question, how long have you been in business?... How long have you been a home inspector?... have you ever worked in the construction business or have any skills in home building and remodeling. If the answers to these questions are satisfactory, it doesn't mean, that they're telling the truth and being sincere and could lead to problems later if they are lying to you.

Let me rephrase the question now, "Do I Need a Home Inspection" from an unqualified home inspector? Absolutely not. But how can you really tell the difference and is the report going to be worth the money that you paid for it.

What would you say, if I had the solution to your problem. How about a pre-home inspection, using a home buyers checklist? What if I could give you a check list with questions, that you could ask your home inspector? Some of these questions are not going to be part a regular inspection but should always be asked and make sure you get the answers to them, before purchasing the property.

Would you be interested now? What if I told you, for under $20, you could purchase a home buyers checklist, now for the tough question, this checklist could save you thousands of dollars and prevent you from purchasing a home with major construction problems or defects, and can be used on every house you look at.

Don't buy a home without purchasing a professional home inspection checklist. These lists of questions can save you some serious headaches and stress in the future.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more home inspection or home building ideas.

Plywood Roof Sheeting - Roof Framing Trade Secrets

Most framing contractor's look at the building plans and order all of the material, according to those that are specified on the plans. This works out fine, and can often save you money, but rarely produces the best home that you could possibly frame.

As a professional framing contractor, I would like to share one of my house framing tips with you. Most plans require half-inch plywood or oriented strand board as their roof sheeting. This product is fine and if you're building a lot of homes, you're not going to have the choice. Ordering larger sized plywood could cost you thousands of dollars, especially if you're building a lot of homes.

However, if your framing or building a home for someone or even yourself, you might want to take my advice and think twice about it, before ordering the roof sheeting. Half-inch plywood, works okay for 16 inch on center roof rafters or engineered truss roofing systems. It doesn't work well on 24 inch on center roof rafters spacing.

It is usually flimsy and weak at the center point, directly in between the 24 inch roof rafter bays. If you're going to use the half-inch plywood, I would recommend using plywood clips that are relatively inexpensive and can be placed in the direct center of each roof rafter bay on each sheet of plywood. These can be purchased at most home improvement centers or lumber yards.

The other alternative, and this is what I recommend, would be to use 5/8 inch plywood. This plywood works great for 24 inch on center roof rafters and you will have a nice sturdy roof to walk on, while roofing your home.

I have actually seen people step through the flimsy plywood, while lifting heavy roof tiles and bundles of composition roof shingles. Experienced roofers try to walk directly on top of the roof rafters, when loading their roof shingles or even carrying them on the roof.

If you're a home builder and your concern is about making a profit, you will need to use the half-inch plywood. If you want to build a superior roof, use the 5/8 of an inch plywood.

If You Live in Northern San Diego County or South Orange County, and You're Looking for a Great Contractor, Click on This Link House Framing Contractors.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a excellent home inspection checklist to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

Subfloor Damage From Poor Bathtub Installation - Read Bath Tub Fixture Manuals

You should never under estimate the amount of damage that water can do to your wood subfloor. Especially if this wood is underneath your bathtub. If the bathtub is not installed properly, you could find yourself replacing the wood underneath, within a short period of time. This repair is not uncommon and as more homeowners and handyman seemed to be doing projects like these, without the proper experience, it's becoming even more common.

I wish I had a solution to the problem, however, I don't. The best advice I could give anyone who is going to be involved in any home remodeling project, would be to get some books on what ever task you are about to undertake and read all of the information that you possibly can about the products you are going to be installing. This is extremely helpful for anyone who has never installed a bathtub or any bathtub fixtures.

If the product fails and was installed properly, the manufacturer should be responsible for the water damage. I have been reading the manufacturer's installation manuals for quite some time now and every once in a while, I find something that is of great value to me and I get to pass it on to my readers. That's what I'm doing right now.

Whether you want to remodel your bathroom to save money or you want to accomplish a task that you haven't done yet. I would recommend, taking the time to understand, exactly how the water flows off of and on to another section of the bath tub or shower on its way to the drain. Understanding the basics of bathroom remodeling can save you big money in the future.

Save yourself some money and make sure that you install your bathtubs properly. Taking a little time before you start to read the bath tub fixture manuals, can save you some money and grief in the future.

Find More Facts On Home Water Damage.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Check out These Amazing Home Damage Videos.

Monday, September 28, 2009

What If My Contractor Does Not Return My Call

This is one of the biggest problems in business today. You have some work done on your home in good faith that the contractor knows what he is doing. When all is said and done you have a problem that needs to be resolved as soon as possible. I really don't care how long it has been since the work was done. If you have a problem the least that your contractor can do is answer the telephone.

Some companies go out of business and others get to busy to respond to your problem. You will hear the old excuse "That's not my problem" or the ever popular " I didn't do that". I have been in business for over twenty years and had very few problems. Of course I built things to last as long as possible.

Keep in mind that some contractors are a one man operation and they might be on vacation. Some contractors do not answer their phones over the week ends or after business hours. So don't sink the ship to fast.

Do not call the Contractors Licensing Board or the Better Business Bureau unless it has been at least a few working days. I would give it at least a week or so. Oh yeah don't assume that the contractor got your message. Call a few times at the least.

It has always made me mad when I have to fix someone else's problems. I get the call when the other contractors won't respond. I listen to the home owner with regret for being in a business where I am considered a crook. This is one of the reasons why contractors in my business get out of it.

If you have the contractors address and they aren't responding by phone you can always send them a letter by certified mail. Request a return receipt. That's your proof that the company received your letter. Keep a copy for your files.

The good news for a home owner when a contractor will not respond to your calling them is the Department of Consumer Affairs. Most states have a complaint department of some sort that will listen to your complaints. Does this mean it will get resolved? NO there are no guarantees here.

If your state has a licensing board for contractors, this will be your next step.

This will get your contractors attention and there is a great chance they will respond now. If there are enough complaints against the contractor and they do nothing about them the contractors board will take their license away.

If your contractor does not respond after all of this. There is very little you can do about it. Hire someone to fix the problem and look at it as a very important lesson learned.

If your state doesn't have a contractors licensing board contact the Better Business Bureau or your local government for their recommendation. Ask some of your friends if they have had any problems like this and how they handled them.

For some more tips about hiring contractors go to

Greg Vandenberge has been in the home building and remodeling business for over 30 years. With this knowledge he has created a few websites that provide useful information for home owners as well as contractors. His main goal is to educate professionals in the home related businesses, dealing with problems that can easily be avoided with just a little bit of information.

His website provides all kinds of answers to remodeling and new house building issues that could create major damage as well as possible damage to your pocket book.

Plumbing Problems and Solutions - Repair Manuals

If you've owned a home for over 20 years, there's a very good chance, that you've had a water pipe break, a drainpipe clogged, a toilet that wouldn't flush right, or a water leak that damaged part of the home. If you don't know, what you're looking for and you have no idea what damage can be done, over time, this could mean trouble for the homeowner.

Plumbing problems like these have been around and will be around for many years. Knowing what to do about them, how to repair them and what materials will be needed, can be found in plumbing repair manuals for books. How would you like to have a professional plumber to advise you on your plumbing repairs. What if I told you that you could have a plumbing professional on hand at all times. Is this something that you might be interested in.

Well I can't guarantee that, so let's forget about what I just said and go to the next best thing. Plumbing repair manuals are full of tips and advice that when needed can sometimes be priceless. If water is leaking from the ceiling in your home and you have no idea, where the water is coming from or how to stop it from leaking, any information could be priceless and I mean priceless.

Plumbers, usually charge over $100 an hour for emergency service. I've seen plumbers come to peoples homes, turn the water off to the house, stop the water from leaking and now it is no longer an emergency. The plumber quickly pulls out an invoice for the plumbing repairs and it could be over $1000, if you decide that this is ridiculous and choose not to pay it, the plumber can hand you a bill for stopping the water leak. Some of these bills are what I would consider quite ridiculous, for just shutting the water off.

You're not paying the plumber for the amount of time it took him, you're paying him for his knowledge. If you knew where to shut the water off, you wouldn't have an emergency situation and could contact a plumber during normal hours. This could save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

With a simple home repair manual or a home plumbing book, you could prepare yourself for a situation like this and other plumbing problems. Most home repair manuals have general solutions and advice and can solve most of the problems around your home. If they can't solve all of the problems, they can probably save you from major catastrophes like a water leak.

Most of the time it's not the water leak that will cost the most money, it's the damage the water will do to your furniture, carpeting, wood flooring, walls or ceilings. A little information and preparation can save you a lot of money in the long run.

Home Plumbing Books

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Five Things That a Termite Inspection Company Might Not Ever Say

I don't think that I've ever heard of a termite inspector, ever go to a home and not find any termites. Even if the home doesn't have any damage that is visible from the termites, it seems like it's always a good idea, to tent the home, just in case, for protection. Anyway, here's five things that you might not ever hear a termite inspector ever say.

1. Your house is free of termites. This means that there isn't, one termite on your property and the termite inspector isn't going to make any money. Let's face it, termite damage, whether it's visible or invisible, keeps these guys working.

2. Your house isn't going to fall down, if I don't do anything to stop the termites. I have seen homes, where termites have been working on them for quite some time and they still seem to stand up and function properly.

3. Termites don't eat much and I wouldn't worry about the damage. Most termite inspectors will tell you how much a termite in Hawaii or Africa will eat in a day, but doesn't seem to have an honest idea, how much damage they are doing to your home, if they can't actually see it.

4. Every one that works for our company, has at least 30 years experience, repairing any termite damage. Don't even get me started with this one.

5. We will replace all of the termite damage wood, back to its original condition. What they might say, is that they will replace the wood that is damaged by termites, that you can actually see.

There are plenty of great termite companies out there and this article was meant just to have fun with most of them. Termite damage can be a serious problem with some homes and I would suggest that you contact at least three termite inspectors, before proceeding ahead with any home repairs or use of chemicals.

Try not to forget, the only way that a termite inspection company will make any money, looking at your house, will be to find something wrong with it.

If you're really interested in basement remodeling and repairs, you should click on this link Easy Home Repair Tips . Get some great home repair advice that can make a big difference on any of your home remodeling projects.

If You Live in Northern San Diego County or South Orange County, and You're Looking for a Great Contractor, Click on This Link San Diego Remodeling Contractors

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

How to Protect Foundation Plumbing Pipes?

If you install any underground plumbing pipes, in your concrete building foundation, you will need to protect them, from the concrete. You can use a variety of products and the most common of them will be a Styrofoam wrapping that can be purchased at most plumbing supply stores.

Let's start with the waste pipes, that are made out of plastic. The concrete could actually start to put pressure on the plastic pipes as the concrete starts to expand and this pressure could actually damage your new waste pipes.

You don't need to wrap all of the plastic waste pipes, only the parts of the waste pipes that will be exposed or in direct contact any concrete, but you do need to protect every copper water supply line that will be buried under the ground or exposed to the concrete, with a plastic sleeve. These products can be purchased again at most building supply or plumbing supply stores.

If these pipes aren't protected properly, you could find yourself within a short time, repairing the pipes that are either inside of your concrete foundation or buried underneath your concrete foundation. Either way, this isn't going to be a good thing.

You definitely need to wrap a plastic sleeve around the water supply pipes that are going to be buried or in direct contact with the concrete. This is a must and most building departments will require your plumbing pipes to be wrapped, before it they will sign off on your rough foundation plumbing inspection.

However, for the waste pipes, you can actually use cardboard to protect them. If you're short on funds, why not grab some cardboard boxes, dismantle them and start using cardboard to wrap the pipes, with a little duct tape.

There are plenty of ways to save money in the construction business, buy a few books, read a couple of articles, with a lot of pictures in this can provide you with lots of construction information, from experience building contractors.

Check out some of the best selling Home Building Plumbing Books all on one website

If you're really interested in basement remodeling and repairs, you should click on this link Home Repairs. Get some great home repair advice that can make a big difference on any of your home remodeling projects.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks for reading our articles

Plywood Roof Sheeting - Roof Framing Trade Secrets

Most framing contractor's look at the building plans and order all of the material, according to those that are specified on the plans. This works out fine, and can often save you money, but rarely produces the best home that you could possibly frame.

As a professional framing contractor, I would like to share one of my house framing tips with you. Most plans require half-inch plywood or oriented strand board as their roof sheeting. This product is fine and if you're building a lot of homes, you're not going to have the choice. Ordering larger sized plywood could cost you thousands of dollars, especially if you're building a lot of homes.

However, if your framing or building a home for someone or even yourself, you might want to take my advice and think twice about it, before ordering the roof sheeting. Half-inch plywood, works okay for 16 inch on center roof rafters or engineered truss roofing systems. It doesn't work well on 24 inch on center roof rafters spacing.

It is usually flimsy and weak at the center point, directly in between the 24 inch roof rafter bays. If you're going to use the half-inch plywood, I would recommend using plywood clips that are relatively inexpensive and can be placed in the direct center of each roof rafter bay on each sheet of plywood. These can be purchased at most home improvement centers or lumber yards.

The other alternative, and this is what I recommend, would be to use 5/8 inch plywood. This plywood works great for 24 inch on center roof rafters and you will have a nice sturdy roof to walk on, while roofing your home.

I have actually seen people step through the flimsy plywood, while lifting heavy roof tiles and bundles of composition roof shingles. Experienced roofers try to walk directly on top of the roof rafters, when loading their roof shingles or even carrying them on the roof.

If you're a home builder and your concern is about making a profit, you will need to use the half-inch plywood. If you want to build a superior roof, use the 5/8 of an inch plywood.

If You Live in Northern San Diego County or South Orange County, and You're Looking for a Great Contractor, Click on This Link House Framing Contractors.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a excellent home inspection checklist to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Understanding More About Home Improvement Contractors

Home improvement contractors cannot legally take up projects and otherwise work as contractors unless they are licensed. There is one license issuing authority in every state of the USA. Note the following points:

- The license is proof of the competence and capability of the license holder to work as a home improvement contractor.

- If you employ an unlicensed home improvement contractor, the work carried out shall be considered illegal.

- If such a person is utilized to install a product, the owner of the product faces the risk of losing the advantages of all warranties and insurance policies on the product. If something goes wrong during the installation, the owner shall have no protection whatsoever.

- Any person desirous of starting a home improvement business should contact the proper authorities to obtain the licenses and registrations.

The process is a time consuming one and should be commenced at least six months prior to the planned date of commencement of business. So plan ahead.

Home Improvement Is Not As Easy As It Seems

It is dangerous to think that home improvement is an easy task with no further specializations in the field. The truth is that each home improvement contractor, sooner or later, chooses to specialize in a particular aspect of his work.

The general areas of specialization are:

a. designing
b. plumbing
c. electrical work
d. engineering work
e. joining work
f. interior designing

You may notice that your home improvement plans stretch over multiple areas. Hence, simply employing one home improvement contractor to do the entire job irrespective of his specialization may lead to shoddy work. Rather, it makes sense to employ different contractors for doing different works so that you get the best quality work done. At the end of the day, quality matters.

The worst mistake that you can make is to presume that anybody can do the work of a home improvement contractor. That is not true. Pulling down parts of your home and rebuilding it or adding new parts to it is a specialist's job.

Do not be penny wise and pound foolish!

Avoid undertaking home improvement works on your own. Search for efficient and reliable contractors. Spread the work among your friends and relatives.

Get them to recommend a contractor they know. You can get good quality work done at very affordable prices. Your house will look good and your wallet will not end up empty. Many people employ specialists to build or modify their houses but choose to do the interior designing on their own. All your efforts at home improvement will go waste if your house looks ugly from the inside.

If you know nothing about interior designing, get a specialist to do it. These specialists will do a good job in making your house look pretty from the inside as well. However, they tend to be expensive and the cost of the consultation, materials and labor can weigh down your budget. Prefer specialists only if you can afford them.

When a home improvement chore comes up, honestly appraise your abilities and ask whether you can do the job yourself. Unless you are totally certain, do not do it yourself. If you decide to employ home improvement contractors, make sure you choose licensed contractors only. Irrespective of whether the job is big or small, quick or lengthy, cheap or expensive, never choose an unlicensed contractor.

For more free information on interior designing and to sign up for a great newsletter visit for your home improvement projects! Save on the latest home improvement products.

Exterior Wood Beams

A Guide To Whole House Water Filter Replacement Cartridges

The vendors who carry whole house water filter replacement cartridges cater to those customers who have a whole house system. This is a filter system that connects to the main water line going into a home. The typical connection comes before the point where the line splits, sending part of the line to the hot water heater.

When a homeowner has a this type of water filter system then all the residents of the home can enjoy access to clean and pure water in the kitchen, the laundry and the bathroom. Of course that access remains a benefit of residence in the same home only one overriding condition-the homeowner takes the time to get replacement cartridges.

As any homeowner thinks about investing in a filter system for the entire house, he or she might have a few questions. Frequently homeowners ask this question: Can I use this filter to get pure water for the plants in my garden and the grass on my lawn?

The homeowner must examine the blueprint for the house, in order to obtain an answer to that question. The homeowner needs to learn where the city's main water line splits into a "house" line and a "yard" line. Of course, no garden or lawn can receive filtered water if a homeowner fails to purchase the needed whole house water filter replacement cartridges.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) applauds homeowners who invest in a whole house filter system and also make the effort to get the necessary filter replacement cartridges. A survey done by the EPA in 2001 showed that 82,655 city water systems in the U.S. had unsafe drinking water.

Water safety experts at in the EPA know how the drinking of unsafe water can affect the health of those who remain unaware of the dangerous substances in that water. Sometimes water contains radioactive contaminants. When the residents of a home drink water with those contaminants they increase the likelihood that they could develop cancer.

If city water contains antimony, and if that water enters a home unfiltered, then the residents of a home could have rising cholesterol levels or falling blood sugar levels. If city water contains arsenic, then it could cause the unsuspecting city residents who drink that water to have unexplained skin damage or circulatory problems.

If a city water system contains barium, then the physicians in that city might find that a number of patients have a rising blood pressure level. Were those same physicians to inquire about the use of water filters in the home, they could probably link those rising blood pressure levels to the absence of a whole house water filter.

Having emphasized the importance of a water filter for the whole house, this article needs to offer help to those who plan to purchase whole house water filter replacement cartridges. Those who go in search of such cartridges should know exactly what size they need. Cartridges have varied lengths. The most commonly used cartridges have lengths of 5 inches, 10 inches and 20 inches.

Those in search of replacement cartridges should also know that there are three basic types of filters. Some come with sediment pre-filter; some have a high flow carbon filter. Homeowners can also buy a house filter with both sediment pre-filter and a high flow carbon filter.

Any homeowner with a water filter system for their residence should become familiar with the available sources for these replacement cartridges. Only the regular replacement of such cartridges can insure the purity and the good taste of water in a home. Only necessary replacements can guarantee the functionality of carbon filters with an ion exchange and of micron filtration.

The homeowner who has purchased a whole house water filter system has made a safe choice. The homeowner who, in addition, regularly takes the time to get whole house water filter replacement cartridges has made the safest choice.

Discover why you need whole house water filter replacement cartridges in your home.

Laurel Tevolitz is a dedicated researcher of critical issues that affect health and well-being. Visit her water purification blog now at to discover which water purification system she recommends after extensive research.

Getting Rid Of Horrible Attic Sm

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Home Selling Books - Real Estate Tips

I was talking to a friend of mine, who had just purchased a new home about two months ago and he was practically yelling at me as he was talking about all the problems that he had with his realtor and previous homeowner. He was so mad, he had forgot about the problems he had with the home inspection. My friend was usually a very easy going and calm individual but this had upset him and almost turned him into an irrational person.

As I was calming him down and trying to get to the core of the problem, it seem like he didn't have enough information about buying or selling homes. He was confused with all the paperwork that was involved during the entire process. His real estate salesperson had him sign a contract that wouldn't let him use another realtor for a specific period of time. He really didn't know what he was signing and according to him, it wasn't explained properly to him.

After a couple of weeks of shopping for a new home, he became irritated with the realtor and wanted to end the relationship. Think again, said the realtor as he explained to my friend that they had a binding contract and his current realtor would get a percentage of the transaction, no matter what for that specific period of time. Was my friend mad, he was practically foaming at the mouth as he was telling me about the real estate professional.

It didn't stop here and they don't want to go into a long story about the real estate transaction from purgatory. My friends pain had come from the fact, that he had purchased a home 15 years ago and it was a smooth transaction and he was under the impression that buying and selling homes was a simple process.

I handed my friend a book called "The Consumer's Guide to Home Buying" and asked him if this book would have been helpful, before he started shopping for a home. I was curious because I build websites and do a lot are writing on the Internet. I told him to take the book home and I would get back with him, in a few weeks.

He contacted me the next day and couldn't believe the information he gained, just by scanning through the book in a few hours. He started to get mad at me for not giving him this book, before all the home buying problems occurred. I informed him quite simply that he had never even told me, he was looking for a home.

Can home selling books save you money, you bet they can.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping

If your looking for some more home inspection or home building ideas

Extreme Temperature Building

Harvesting Rainwater - Home Advice

The so-called "green" harvesting of roof-shed rainwater with above-ground rain barrels or catch tanks reduces the watershed that currently overloads some of our municipal sewer and storm-water drainage systems. Still, could we do the same thing by installing underground cisterns similar to those used during the 1800's and early 1900's?

Description of theearlier cisterns

Many older homes and estates today still have the remnants of their early underground rainwater cisterns. These fairly large round, water-tight, root-free, 500-to-5000-gallon cisterns were madefrom brick, stone, rock, plaster,concrete, or combinations of these materials. They were each capped withan above-ground manhole-typeof openinglarge enough totake a big bucket. Thisopeningallowed the cisternto be periodically cleaned-out and repaired by the owner or by a third-party service.

The tin or zinc-plated guttering used on the house eaves then, whichcarriedthe rainwaterdown to the cisterns, were open and not covered. So,quite a bitofwind-blown tree leaves andseeds,and other debriscould maketheir into the cisterns. For that reason, the suction end of theiron plumbingwas located above the cistern floor, where the debris would eventually settle.

This relatively clean, soft,outsidewater supplywas plumbed directly tothe long-handle hand-pumps installed at the kitchen and bathroom sinks and thebathtubin the main house. Itwas also plumbed to the hand-pump in a small building behind the house that served as a summer kitchen and a place to wash laundry, to can garden produce, and to butcher chickens and hogs. This water supply remained relatively cool and unfrozen the year around. Generally, it was used for cooking, washing dishes, cleaning, canning, butchering, and bathing. But it could be drunk, too, after boiling it.

Modern cisterns

Modern cisterns operate much like the ones described above. However,instead of being built into the ground from scratch, they are buried prefabricated ones instead. That is, these cisternscould beprefabricated concrete receptacles, orthey could be large prefabricated heavy-duty plastic tanks capped withfairly large screw-on tops, similar to the ones seen on certain lawn-treatment trucks.

Also,today'saluminum, steel, plastic, or coppereave gutterswill haveporous or solidcoverings. Thus, the amount of debris entering the cisterns from the rooftops will be minimal. Yet, the fine sand-like material shed by asphalt or composite shingles willneed to be filtered out earlyduring the harvesting process; else, it will eventually have to be removed from the buried cistern. Theplumbing for the moderncisternwill beheavy plastic pipe. Of course, the pump itself will probably be an electric one, its size and accessories will depend on how the harvested water is used.

More-than-likely, becausemost of us alreadyhavereliable purified municipal indoor drinking and bathing water supplies, this cistern water will be used for outdoor purposes, like, for the sprinkling of lawns and gardens, for filling fish ponds and small treated swimming pools,for watering trees and animals, and for washing vehicles, driveways, patios, decks,andhouses.The following three advantages ofthe modernburied cistern system suggest this technology will work well today: 1) theyare hidden from view and out-of-the-way by being underground, 2) theydo not foster the production ofalgae or mosquitoes in the summer time, and 3) theyhelp conserve themunicipal storm-drainage systemsand drinking water supplies.

Further information on cisterns

Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Cistern

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Window Header Framing Problems

Monday, September 14, 2009

Common Plumbing Problems That You Can Fix Yourself

Got a home plumbing problem? Fortunately, the vast majority of plumbing problems you can fix yourself pretty easily, instead of calling a plumber and making him your new best friend. Often, all it takes to finish the job is a rudimentary toolkit and the will to learn. Some common problems found with plumbing include:

- Running toilet

- Backed-up toilets

- Noisy pipes

- Flooding


One of the most frequent is the running toilet. Usually this problem can be fixed simply by replacing a faulty flapper or ball assembly. Flapper is either staying up or not seating well. In order to fix this problem, you should first turn off the water to this toilet. Then, remove the toilet-tank lid. Take the flapper out and take it with you to the hardware store to make sure you buy the correct replacement. This is an easy fix and it will cost you about $5. In some cases it will be required to clean mineral deposits from the tank itself. Vinegar, boiling water and baking soda usually does the trick but be careful if you have marble floor in your bathroom. Marble, slate and granite can be damaged by stray drops of an acidic solution.


"You ever go to a big party, go in the bathroom, flush the toilet and the water starts coming up? This is the most frightening moment in the life of a human being. You'll do anything to stop this. You'll lose your mind and start talking to the toilet. 'No please, don't do this to me!' " Jerry Seinfeld

The only thing worse than clogging a toilet is clogging someone else's toilet. The most important thing to remember is that if you flush once and the water rises dangerously high, DO NOT flush again! Instead, you should quickly remove the tank lid and push the tank ball down to close the flush valve.

Plumbers will tell you that most toilet blockages are caused by plastic items, sanitary products and toys. If the obstruction may be the result of an object dropped into the toilet, such as a toy or a washcloth, then it is best to try and retrieve it rather than force it farther along. Other clogs resulting from normal flushed waste may be cleared with the use of a plunger or closet auger.

Try first to use a plunger to dislodge anything that may be trapped in the toilet bowl drain. If the bowl is full, put on some gloves and bail out water until the bowl is only half full. If the bowl is empty, add water to fill it to half full. In order to avoid the possibility of splash back, drape a large towel over the bowl and under the toilet seat. Start by making a seal over the hole-in-the-bowl with the plunger. Push down slowly and pull back quickly. Start by doing this at a slow pace and then working up speed. If you see something stuck in the drain opening, you can use a stiff wire to drag it back into the bowl. If you dislodge the item, pour a gallon or so of water into the bowl before you flush. The water should drain to its normal level and stay there.

Major clogs however will probably require a closet auger. Make sure you get a toilet snake/auger, as a sink snake/auger will scrape the porcelein on your toilet. They are specially designed for toilets, so that when you place the padded section at the bottom of the bowl and you shove the handle down with a strong fast motion, a piece of coiled metal will snake its way 4-5 feet into your toilet drain. Cranking the handle around should clear away most clogs. If the water seems to be properly draining, go ahead and try flushing the toilet.


From banging to hammering to high-pitched squeaking, your water pipes can produce a symphony of sounds making you feel like you're living in a submarine. The squeaking and banging you're hearing probably results from too loose or tight a fit as your pipes pass over or through wood framing. The trick to solving this problem is to identify the specific sounds, and to know from which glen the pipes, the pipes are calling.

Banging - If they're improperly installed, water pipes can raise a racket by banging against the floor joists. Pipes are usually/hopefully anchored with metal or plastic straps every 6 to 8 feet for horizontal runs, or 8 to 10 feet for vertical. Banging pipes usually means loose pipes. All it takes to fix this problem is adding more straps to anchor the pipe. Cushion the pipe by wrapping it in a rubber blanket cut from an old inner tube, garden hose, or foam pipe insulation. Wrap the rubber completely around the pipe and secure it to the joist with a nail-on metal pipe strap.

Squeaking - Only your hot water pipes will squeak. The sound occurs when the pipe expands in its strap causing friction. The problem is the opposite of a banging pipe but the solution is the same: a rubber cushion between the pipe and the strap.

Water Hammer - Have you ever turned off a faucet or an appliance quickly causing the water to "hammer" against the pipes? This is most common in toilets. Plumbing systems usually have 'air cushions,' short vertical sections of pipe designed to cushion the shock when the water is turned on or off. If there is no air cushion, or the air cushion has become filled with water, a loud banging sound can be heard after you shut off the water, or flush. Turn off the water at the main shutoff valve. Open all your faucets to drain the entire system. Close the faucets and turn on the water again. This should refill your chambers with air.


Many things including, seepage from cracked pipes, a corroded water heater, or an overflowing faucet or toilet can cause flooding. Whatever the cause, take immediate steps to shut off the water. If necessary, contact a plumbing professional to identify and repair the problem. If there is standing water that needs pumping out, you'll need a sump pump to extract the water, or you can have the plumber do it. In flooding situations, be especially alert to the possibility of danger from electrical wiring. Water and electricity are a dangerous combination. Never step in standing water if there is any contact with electrical outlets or wiring.

For more useful articles in Home and Garden category, please visit

For a Directory of Qualified Plumbers in Toronto, please visit our site

Materials For Stair Treads

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Generate Homemade Electricity Yourself

An alternative way to create electricity had always remained a big issue for every scientist and common man. The best possible way to produce alternate electricity is by wind power. Now the question arises is "how you can actually do it?" Thinking? You don't have to. I am suggesting a very good and effective method to do it. All you need is to make a wind turbine or a windmill (same thing).

Here goes the method to make it. It's very simple and anyone can make it by his own and using his home spare things.

Blades of wind turbine are turned by wind and the shaft spins, which is connected to the generator and electricity is produced.

Main parts of a wind turbine are:-

1) A generator
2) Blades
3) A mounting
4) A tower
5) Batteries
6) Electronic control system

A 30volt motor is needed. Now hub and blades are to be connected. For blades, take one 24 inch long pipe (may be pvc) and then cut it into 3 pieces by its circumference. For bolting blades into hub, a toothed pulley of 5 inches can be used, where the motor shaft can fit into. Now assemble blades with hub, by drilling holes.

Mounting of the turbine can be done by strapping the motor into a 2 X 4 wood piece. Heavy aluminum sheet can be used to make tail, which will keep turning into wind. 3 feet diameter plywood cutout can be used for tower base. A U-shaped assembly having a 1.5inch Tee in the middle has to be built. Batteries with blocking diode connected to batteries (for power prevention) are needed to spin motor/generator. Charge controller should be connected for running everything. The Controller is connected to wind turbine. Battery supply all load and needs to be charged. Well, you are done!

I know it's probably very difficult for you to understand all this, if you have never done anything similar before, that's why if you want to make your own windmill, I highly recommend you to use professional instructions, when assembling everything. Click here to find out to get them.

Need Help Remodeling In Carlsbad

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Spray Foam Insulation Lets You Go Green

The unique challenge of our times is conservation. Everything, from public busses to private homes, is feeling the pressure to go green. In some cases, it's easily accomplished. In others, it's not as easy. And in all aspects of life, the focus has shifted to renewable, eco-friendly resources.

They say every little bit helps. Why not do your part to make your home or business more environmentally helpful? By using eco-safe, agriculturally based spray foam insulation, you can.

There are a variety of insulation options but some are much greener than others. If you're concerned with your home using renewable, energy efficient materials, then using a foam insulation spray could be your solution.

In addition to other benefits you get from using a foam insulator in your home or business, the product is also environmentally friendly. It's made up mainly of renewable resources and the means of application is Earth friendly. It is free of ozone depleting components, and the application solution is water based.

Unlike similar petroleum based products, the greener spray foam has the highest oxygen index, and zero fuel contribution. There are few products that can boast such qualities. The properties of the insulation also help to make your home energy efficient.

You can apply this insulation anywhere you need it, around joints, joists, frames and other building support structures and still get a tight seal. You won't get any air pockets or little crevices where air can leak in or out. This sort of air tight sealing ability helps to keep your heating and cooling units working efficiently. Also, it allows you to get a smaller unit because it doesn't have to work so hard. It's been shown to reduce heating and cooling costs by 40%. That's effectiveness you can see.

Not only is spray foam insulation green, it's versatile. It functions well as a barrier to airborne sound and comes with one of the highest fire resistances available in similar products. Pest and rodents won't do any damage because the insulator has no nutritional value to them. It's water resistant, and flexible enough to allow some movement of the building structure. Finally, it produces no toxic vapors after it's applied. You can even rent or buy the equipment and install it yourself.

With concerns about the environment on everyone's minds, it helps that you can find products to help in your conservation efforts. You can get greener cars, recycle your trash and electronics, and buy energy efficient appliances. Why not make your home or business part of the solution? Renewable resources benefit all of us.

The best thing about spray foam insulation is that you can put it anywhere. It doesn't matter if you're starting fresh on your building, or replacing worn out or useless materials. The spray foam can be applied to existing structures with the same effectiveness it has on new structures.
If going green is a priority for your house or office, applying spray foam insulation is another way to help your environment.

With concerns for the environment growing daily, it's good to know there are more ways that we can be eco-responsible. For your home or business, you can apply spray foam insulation, renewable and energy efficient product. Visit Apex Foam today to see their foam selection.

What To Do If Your Home Floods

Choosing a Contractor and Comparing Bids

Whether you are doing a remodeling project in St. Paul or Minneapolis-or somewhere else in the world-one thing remains the same: choosing a contractor is one of the most important things that you will do. Having a great contractor on your side is extremely important and will make the difference between a mediocre remodel or one that is excellent. Of course while you are on the lookout for a top notch contractor, you are going to want to compare bids that contractors offer you along the way. You'll find that there is a lot of room for negotiation when it comes to the bids on the remodeling. So, when you do get a bit, you should learn to negotiate to make sure you get what you want. If you are ready to start comparing bids, here is a closer look at what to look for in bids, comparing them, the materials to consider, and the best tips for finding the best possible bid out there.

Things to Look for in a Bid
First of all, before you can really make a decision on contractor bids, you are going to have to know what you should be looking for in a bid. This is something that occurs before you sign a construction contract. So, here are the top things you need to look for in contractor bids on construction services for your home.

- Clear Definition of the Work - One thing that you should be looking for in a good bid is a clear definition of the work that you need to have done. The bid should be very specific about this. Having some plans included is a great idea, with the initials of the contractor at the bottom of the each page of the plans that have to do with their proposal.

- Dates of Starting and Completion - Another aspect to look for in a good bid is the dates when the contractor is going to state and when they propose to have the project completed.

- The Insurance Provisions - The insurance provisions should also be included in any bids from contractors. You will want to know what is covered and who is going to be providing that coverage.

- Price of the Bid - Of course the price of the bid should be included in the bid. Of course not just the price should be included. However, how the price will be paid should be included and when the money should be paid should also be a part of the bid. Here you should find how long the bid is going to hold as well.

- Responsibility of Cleanup - The responsibility of the cleanup is another thing that should be included in the bid that the contractors give to you. The last thing you want is to get left cleaning up everything on your own. So, make sure you see on the bid whether they will clean up after the work or if they are going leave it all up to you. This can definitely make a difference in the bid that you decide to choose, so read very carefully.

- Conditions that Can Lead to Withholding Payment - - Any conditions that can lead to you withholding payment is something else that should definitely be included on the bid.

Tips For Comparing the Bids
Once you have several different bids from various contractors, that include the construction services that will be offered and more, then you will need to start actually comparing these bids so you can go on to have a construction contract drawn up and signed. Carefully compare these contractor bids. You want to make sure that you go with the best possible option for your needs. A great way to compare is to come up with a comparison sheet so you can easily compare these bids. This will allow you to more easily see how the bids compare to each other. Remember, the price is not the only thing that you are going to want to consider. The quality of materials and amount of work is going to matter as well. Go for the best value for your money, not just the lowest price.

Keep the Quality of Materials in Mind
Product material quality is an important consideration when you are taking a look at the contractor bids that are offered to you. You need to realize that the lowest price that is offered to you may not be the best deal for you. Make sure that you look at the materials that are going to be used. Make sure that the materials used are going to be quality. Why pay less only to have lower grade materials used on the remodel? So, ensure that you keep this in mind when you are looking at the bids.

Top Tips for Finding the Best Bid
So, you may be wondering how you can find the best possible contractor bid. Well, there are several ways to do this. First of all, you need to go through the bids line by line. This way you get a good idea of the comparison. Go with the more experienced and quality contractor as well, even if they don't have the lower price. Consider trying to negotiate the price. Let them know you'd love to have them work with you, but you have a limited budget. They may be willing to come down a bit on the price quoted in the bid. If you never ask about a lower price, you'll never know if they will come down a bit. So, make sure that you get out there and do some negotiating so you and the Minnesota contractor can come to a good agreement.

Visit to learn more about a the remodeling process as well as working with a contractor. John Mazzara is involved with financial services in the Twin Cities, MN. Officing out of Edina, Minnesota-John is centrally located within the 7 county MN metropolitan area. John owns three separate businesses-a licensed real estate broker associate selling Minnesota real estate since 1986-affiliated with RE/MAX Associates Plus, an independent CFP-certified financial planner since 1989 with an independent Minnesota financial planning firm-Financial Planning Associates and the owner of a Minnesota mortgage broker firm-Venture Development Inc-specializing ins residential, commercial and investment mortgages If you are looking for someone to help you in the areas of real estate sales/purchase, mortgages, or and/or financial planning and insurance you should call John for a free 1 hour consultation to see if he can meet your needs. 952-929-2577. RE/MAX Associates Plus and Venture Development are located at 7300 France Ave S, Suite 410, Edina, MN 55435

I Have A Squeaky Floor

Friday, September 11, 2009

Copper Chimney Caps Are an Aesthetically Pleasing Addition to Chimneys

Not only is a copper top a useful feature for homes and buildings in any climate, it is also a distinctive and beautiful adornment for any roofline. The beauty of copper is obvious regardless of how it is taken care of and care and look are actually based on the personal preference of the property owner or resident. Some homeowners and property owners love the look that a shiny copper chimney cap has to offer. On the other hand some people prefer the natural look of copper as an aesthetically pleasing addition to their roof and chimney.

Natural copper chimney caps do not require any maintenance to maintain their appearance. On the other hand, shiny copper, unlike natural, requires a great deal of maintenance. It needs frequently cleaning and shining to retain its glory, otherwise the copper patina into a green color that some people may not enjoy.

There are several benefits to copper chimney tops. Some of these benefits include keeping unwanted items and creatures out of a chimney, preventing water damage and lessening a chimney draft. In fact, a copper cap is often the least expensive way to fix and prevent problems in a chimney.

A copper cap has many uses because a chimney itself is a multi-functional item. One of the most popular reasons that chimneys are used in a home or building is as an accessory for a heating device, like a fireplace, a palette stove or a wood stove. The smoke from these heat sources escapes out of the chimney and keeps the house or commercial building clean and smoke free.

A copper chimney top works well when installed by a professional. While these caps are best when installed by a professional; they can be installed by a homeowner with the right precautions, especially if the homeowner is experienced or knowledgeable in the area of roofs and chimney care.

There are a few things that should happen prior to purchasing a copper chimney cap it is imperative that a chimney is measured properly and the flues are accurately counted. These measurements and counts are essential in obtaining the correct chimney cap for a specific chimney. The wrong measurements can result in the inappropriate size of a chimney cap. The wrong size will result in a poor functioning cap or top.

The measuring and description process require a trip up to the roof to examine the chimney closely. This trip requires the proper safety precautions for walking on the roof. Roofs can be steep and therefore are easy to fall off of. If a homeowner is unenthusiastic about traipsing around the roof and chimney, a chimney sweep or other chimney professional should be called out to take accurate measurements for copper chimney caps.

There are many sizes for copper chimney caps. Different sizes fit different types of chimneys and is important for them to fit properly. Proper fit ensures the right functions and uses for the chimney caps.

Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for Web sites on gardening, biking, fashion, and home decor. Her background also includes running, yoga, and tattoos. For more of her useful information on chimney tops visit Copper Chimney Caps.

Structural Framing Beams

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Consider Waterproofing Your Basement

Those who own a home that has a subsoil basement needs to waterproof their basement. Why? Basements that are wet will spread humidity to all parts of the house causing it to trap in musty air that you will be living in. Naturally this is a condition that no one wants to live in or should have to.

When you waterproof your basement you are giving yourself a new investment for your home and making it a healthier place for you and your family to live in. Not to mention that when you go to sell the house this new and improve dry basement will add value to the home than when you first bought it.

Waterproofing your basement is not something that you can jump into lightly. It is a competitive business - which means that you will have extra choices available to you. Learn what is causing your basement to leak and what you will need to do to repair it. Most certified waterproofing dealers will give out free wet basement inspections and will give an estimate on what it will take to fix it.

Those who live parts of the country that will receive heavy downpours will also need someone to waterproof their basements in order to stop leaks. Most dealers will be able to repair these basements professionally.

Over the many years contractors and engineers for basement waterproofing have created several ways to keep basements dry. One of the most common options it to use a concrete water proofer or the other more popular option to use crystalline basement waterproofing.

Other methods will use liquid membrane that is applied to the interior of the space or even a sheeting membrane that s connected to the exterior of the space. A qualified professional contractor will sit down with you and tell you all of the options available to you and the costs of waterproofing.

Learn how to Waterproof the Basement and improve the structure of your home. Before you go with someone in particular make sure that you know the Cost of Waterproofing and what Waterproofing Materials you need.

Ice Dam Problems And Solutions

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Do it Yourself Garage Remodels

With the current credit crunch, households around the world are coming up with an unexpected source of additional income: they simply convert their garage into an apartment and lease it out. Garages are no longer repositories for the family car.

Thinking of it, that's not a bad idea, is it. Even if the idea of leasing out your garage does not sound very good to you, there are still ways of taking advantage of the garage extra space and put it to some productive use.

An apartment garage plan is pretty easy to design, and with a bit of know-how, to build.

What is it for?

Obviously the first question to be asked is what will the garage future use be. Traditionally, garages have doubled as storage space for anything from gardening tools to old books. It is also being used as workshop, office or even as an additional room for the boys. With a bit of imagination, there is no limit to the good uses one can put his garage to.

Once you have made up your mind about the intended use, you are in a better position to design the garage layout.

Here are a few design tips:

  • If you plan to use the place as storage space, a good idea is to place wall shelves to accommodate gardening tools like the lawnmower, brooms, hoses, shoes etc. Try also to group these in categories, based on their respective frequency of use: normally the most used items should be of easy reach.
  • Place hooks. These will allow you to gain as much space as possible on the the wall and even on the ceiling.
  • Remember accessibility. If the intended garage apartment is located next to your house, try to create a direct communicating door between them.
  • Create autonomous units. If you intend leasing out the space, integrate a small kitchen, a bathroom and a maybe couple of additional rooms.

Can you do it yourself?

If the idea sounds interesting, you may choose to hire the service of a prefab contractor to build an apartment garage for you. While their technical expertise is valuable, designing your own garage plan is easy, provided you apply some basic design factors.

In general an apartment garage plan should provide for one or two doors, and depending on the number of rooms, a few windows too.

How about the budget ?

The cost of building home additions depends largely on the region where you live.
Once you know exactly what suits you best, you are in better position to work out the financial side of the project.

The building materials

The building materials to use will also influence the overall cost as well as the durability of the construction. I have found that prefabricated kits that come with an instruction manual often cost less.

Finally, remember too to take into account aesthetic considerations. A good apartment garage plan should not only look nice on paper, but it should also be practical and usable once build.

Additional Apartment Garage tips can be found at Homes By Olga.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Energy Cost Savings by Replacing Windows

Energy cost savings by replacing windows is one of the most effective ways to have an energy efficient home. Let me show you a few facts about this subject matter including examples of the best energy efficient replacement windows available today. Just read the article right to the end.

Government "energy" officials say you can lose up to about 25% of your heat through windows. You just need to find a proper glazing, which has the ability to cut those government figures by half. Did you know that with the right energy efficient windows installed you can save up to 50% on heating bills?

If you know the right contractor you can renovate a house with single pane wooden windows and keep the same look, keep the frames and insert energy efficient panels. I once had replacement insert double hung windows installed. The contractor added a new frame and sash inside the existing frame. But if you want to just replace the sashes you can get double pane insulated windows.

Energy cost saving by replacing windows requires you to know the right brands that will deliver what you are looking for. Companies like Hurd, Milagard, Pella and Anderson make some of the best energy efficient windows around. However, do not be fooled by the popularity of these brands. There are many others to consider.

The best way to ensure that you are buying an energy efficient window is to ensure that it has a good energy efficiency rating. You probably won't find any wood replacement windows with a good rating but especially those that meet the proposed energy efficiency standards for the year 2015. The best option is vinyl energy efficient windows.

If you want the best energy cost saving by replacing windows advice then find a helpful expert at:

Have one of them come over to your house to provide an obligation free consultation. They will look at your house and make the best recommendations based on what they see. I personally prefer this route as compared to heading to a DIY store and fooling myself to think I know what I am looking for.

Click here - energy cost saving by replacing windows to access the free help you need

Right Door Closers For Your Doors

At our present time, our world has developed technologies to make us live comfortably and easier. We have been innovative and creative to keep up with the fast pace of our world. Everything we do demands us to be time efficient. And doors are not an exemption to that innovation.

If you are tired of opening and closing up your doors and you feel like wasting a few of your time just because of opening and closing it. Now there are close doors, we can just open our doors and it can automatically close. Through that, we do not have to be anxious if ever we have left our door open because it is the function of the door closers to mechanically close it.

It comes in various styles that will perfectly fit to your doors. Take also into consideration the amount of traffic that the door closers will control in that certain area for there are specific type door closer that can manage the amount of traffic of your door. So, before putting it up you must first calculate the quantity of traffic that the door closer will manage so that you can install the right door closer for your door.

There are those that are designed to tolerate a severe traffic jam; it is well-matched for main entrances of business offices, hotels, firms and the like. It has the competence to be used 300-400 times daily. There are also these types of closers that are for average traffic that can be used for 50-100 times daily. Make sure to use the well-suited door closers for your door for you to handily open and close the door. For outside doors, a backheck is considered necessary it is a third valve or control that is added to it so that the opening and closing of the door is not too quick.

It is in two styles, overhead and jambed mounted. These overhead door closers can be hidden or surface mounted while the jambed mounted style will fit between the door and doorframe and are completely unseen when the door is closed.

Because today people are so dependent with the internet, you can search for door closers online for you to easily purchase it at your own computer in your convenient time. The prices are within your means with the guarantee that it is made only of robust materials that can allow you to make of use it for many more years. It is useful these days for everything today should be speedy and time efficient. This is convenient not just at homes but as well as to business firms and companies because this can surely grant expediency to their clients and costumers.

Matthew Stanton writes an article about Door Closers which provides incoming and outgoing visitors of a particular building to close doors for them automatically. Simply visit this website at

Healthy Humidity - Home Tips

During fall or winter, there are only two words to describe the weather - cold and dry. If you've ever experienced going through the entire season before, you'll agree that the conditions are neither healthy nor comfortable. Your lips get dry, your skin gets flaky and you have to nearly drown yourself in lotion and moisturizer. There's an easy way to make dry conditions more comfortable for you and your household - with a humidifier.

What's a Humidifier?

It's basically a small household appliance that balances the humidity in the air by releasing moisture in the form of water vapor. The smallest portable humidifiers typically use a wick mechanism where there's an absorbent material soaked in water which releases the moisture into the surrounding air to achieve equilibrium. There are also larger units for the whole house, humidifiers that can manage your whole house.

Different Kinds of Humidifiers

Aside from the usual wick-type room humidifiers, you'll also find ultrasonic, cool mist and warm mist humidifiers widely available on the market today. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages that you may want to consider if you're planning to buy a unit for your home.

Cool mist and ultrasonic humidifiers work similarly in that they both 'throw' water into the air to increase humidity. A rotating disk flings water at a diffuse in a cool mist dehumidifier to disperse the water molecules into the air. Ultrasonic dehumidifiers use a metal diaphragm that vibrates rapidly to shake the water droplets up into finer particles and create a cool fog.

Vaporizer or warm mist humidifiers, on the other hand, have a reservoir of water. The water is gradually boiled to create steam which is then released into the air. Warm mist humidifiers are generally seen as the 'healthier' option because, unlike ultrasonic and cool mist humidifiers, they don't just release water into the air. The boiling process gets rid of the microorganisms and foreign particles that might be present in the water.

The Health of Benefits from Humidifiers

Although comfort is the most obvious advantage of a humidifier, you're actually getting a lot of health benefits along with it. Your body wasn't designed to thrive in dry environments, and your skin reacts negatively to conditions that aren't humid enough. Better, younger-looking skin is the first thing you'll notice after you install a humidifier in your home.

Dust particles are likelier to float around and circulate when conditions are dry. That means it's easier for the dust particles to get inhaled or to stick to skin where they could trigger dangerous allergic reactions. When there's an ample amount of moisture in the air, dust particles tend to get bogged down and safely clump from the floor where they can't cause allergies.

Add all that to the less static electricity and the better indoor conditions in your home. With all those benefits, it's undeniable that a humidifier will definitely be a good investment for your home. Whether you're getting the smallest room humidifier or an extra-large whole house humidifier, it's a purchase that your whole household will be thankful for.

Herman White is an expert author who writes on various topics. He is constantly involved in writing valuable and informative articles with an interesting pitch that makes readers know more about the things. Keep an eye or scribe to read more from Herman White.

Energy Cost Savings by Replacing Windows

Energy cost savings by replacing windows is one of the most effective ways to have an energy efficient home. Let me show you a few facts about this subject matter including examples of the best energy efficient replacement windows available today. Just read the article right to the end.

Government "energy" officials say you can lose up to about 25% of your heat through windows. You just need to find a proper glazing, which has the ability to cut those government figures by half. Did you know that with the right energy efficient windows installed you can save up to 50% on heating bills?

If you know the right contractor you can renovate a house with single pane wooden windows and keep the same look, keep the frames and insert energy efficient panels. I once had replacement insert double hung windows installed. The contractor added a new frame and sash inside the existing frame. But if you want to just replace the sashes you can get double pane insulated windows.

Energy cost saving by replacing windows requires you to know the right brands that will deliver what you are looking for. Companies like Hurd, Milagard, Pella and Anderson make some of the best energy efficient windows around. However, do not be fooled by the popularity of these brands. There are many others to consider.

The best way to ensure that you are buying an energy efficient window is to ensure that it has a good energy efficiency rating. You probably won't find any wood replacement windows with a good rating but especially those that meet the proposed energy efficiency standards for the year 2015. The best option is vinyl energy efficient windows.

If you want the best energy cost saving by replacing windows advice then find a helpful expert at:

Have one of them come over to your house to provide an obligation free consultation. They will look at your house and make the best recommendations based on what they see. I personally prefer this route as compared to heading to a DIY store and fooling myself to think I know what I am looking for.

Click here - energy cost saving by replacing windows to access the free help you need

Handyman Services Help

Handyman services are requested if you have those small jobs that need to be done immediately. Most of us do not worry about the small jobs and leave them unattended until they accumulate and become part of a bigger problem. It is better to fix them right away and prevent headaches in the future. Handyman services are provided by professional companies. These companies have a set of committed employees who work on the tasks given to them in a professional manner.

Residential and commercial services are available through these companies. The employees recruited by these companies are usually accepted only after they pass a rigorous interview. This procedure ensures that quality service is provided for clients. The lists of services that are done by these companies are never-ending. Residential services can be split into different categories like interiors, exteriors, kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, floors and drips/leaks.

In the interior category works like drywall repair, trim carpentry, doors repair, installing and repairing ceiling fans, replacement of switches and power outlets, painting and installing windows are done by the handyman. Exterior category of work includes, brick work, install garage doors, repair cracks in concrete, siding repair, replacing gutters, and roof repairs. Kitchen work may include installation of new disposal, new appliances, countertops and replacement of cabinets and repairing the refrigerator. Installing bath exhaust systems, grout renewal, repairing showers, unplugging toilets and installing other fixtures in the bathroom are some of the work that can be done in the Bathrooms.

Charges for the handyman services are on an hourly basis. These are the service charges. The materials used for the repairs are charged separately. Usually, hourly charges are made; fees for work done after an hour are charged on an incremental basis of 15 minutes. Payments are usually made only after the work is done to your satisfaction.

Handyman provides detailed information on Handyman, Handyman Services, Starting A Handyman Business, Handyman Tips and more. Handyman is affiliated with Home Remodeling.

Ideas For Living on a Budget

Do you have to live on a budget because you do not make a lot of money? Maybe you just want to be able to save so you want to know how to live on a budget. There are plenty of things you can do to save some money. Here are 4 ideas for living on a budget.

First, go to the grocery store with a list. It is proven that if you go to the grocery with a list you will be able to save up to 40% on your grocery bill. As long as you stick to the list you will only buy what you need and you will be able to avoid the impulse buys.

You can also clip coupons and buy things that are on special. Many grocery stores have a membership card that is free and you can save a lot of money buying things that are on sale with their card. Sometimes they have 10 for $10 sales and if it is on something that you use a lot of you might as well stock up and save money.

Second, you can save money by using energy saving light bulbs. These bulbs are great for the environment and are proven to help you cut your energy bill. You can save a few dollars each month by using the light bulbs. On top of that you will not have to pay for as many light bulbs because the energy saving bulbs last up to 10 times as long.

The last idea for living on a budget is to get rid of your ATM card and put your money in directly into your bank account. If you have a checking account get rid of your debit card and leave your check book at home.

This will allow you to put money in the bank and have very little access to it. By eliminating the access to your money you will not be as tempted to spend it on things you don't need.

You can use these ideas for living on a budget to help you save money. You should also stop eating out as much and watch how much money you spend on things like beer and wine. Going out eats up a lot of peoples budget and with a little discipline you can live on a budget without any money troubles.

Discover more about Ideas For Living On A Budget by visiting the follow website:

Ideas For Living On A Budget

Uncover The Truth About A Hunter Air Purifier

The homes we live in now days are so air tight, that they can actually be harmful to our health. Since they are such an enclosed area, we end up breathing the same air over and over again. A hunter air purifier can help bring fresh air into the home. They can help filter the air of unwanted particles that are floating in the air. Most people don't even think about what they are breathing, especially in their own home, because after all, that's your own safe place. Why would we be thinking of it as an unsafe place to breathe in. This article will uncover the truth about a hunter air purifier and the benefits of using an air purifier in your home.

Most women like to think that they keep a pretty clean home. They may spend hours vacuuming, dusting, mopping, and scouring only to find a few hours later that the end tables are dusty again. What's up with that. A hunter air purifier can help get rid of the dust that already has begun being stirred up. An air purifier is designed to draw the dust into it's filtering system. It then releases the filtered air back into the room so you will have cleaner, fresher air to breathe. Most vacuums release a certain amount of dust as you are vacuuming because, even though you are cleaning up debris on the floor, dust is also being stirred up, and you can even see it floating in the air at times. A hunter air purifier will help trap the dust that is found floating about.

If you suffer from allergies, then you know that dust, dust mites, pollen, mold spores, pet dander and tobacco smoke can very easily stir up an allergy attack. A hunter air purifier will help trap any of these things and leave them in the filtering system. The air purifier will then blow back into the room the new clean air. I'm sure you can see the benefits of using an air purifier in your home. There are many sizes and styles to choose from and a hunter air purifier can be placed in any room of the home. An air purifier for the home is usually a portable unit that just plugs in to any outlet. A little research can help you decide what you are looking for on a hunter air purifier. Don't hold your breath on this, because if you are one of the many asthma sufferers, every day of breathing bad air can be devastating to your health.

For more information on Air Cleaners and Purifiers for your home or business try visiting air-cleaners-and-purifiers, a website that specializes in providing helpful tips, advice and Air Cleaners and Purifiers resources to include Hunter Air Purifier and more.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Building a Porch

If you are a do-it-yourselfer, you probably don't want to call a contractor to build a porch onto your home; not when you know that building one is something you are perfectly capable of doing yourself. After all, it is something anybody can do, provided that they have the right tools, a high patience level, some people to help with the lifting and a good set of instructions or plans.

Building a porch is a fantastic project, but it requires a lot of work. It is a lot different than building a simple front stoop. After all, it is going to serve as an extended entry way to your home. You want it to be well built and have some character.

You will need to decide how big you want it to be. Go outside and measure out just how much square footage your porch will need. You will need to know this information when it comes time to buy the materials needed to complete the project.

Before you start building one, however, you will want to make sure that you have the legal right to do so. Adding anything onto your home usually takes permits from the city and sometimes the county. There are regulations that will need to be followed and you will need to have your property inspected before you even begin your materials shopping.

When you go to buy the materials make sure your materials are pressure treated or is wood that has been given some elemental protection so that it will be able to stand up to the weather for a long time. You might also think about getting some protective paint or stain. In addition to the flooring, you will also need to buy enough wood to build the frame and supports. This will take wooden beams in various dimensions. If you do not have experience in this sort of thing, a call to a contractor or an experienced lumber person will be able to tell you what you need.

Another option when it comes to building a porch is to build a concrete floored one. Of course, in order to do this you will want to have had some experience with mixing and pouring concrete. If you do not have experience with this, you will want to enlist somebody who does have experience to help you.

Depending on the size, building a porch can be a huge undertaking or merely a weekend project. Small side ones shouldn't take long, but one that is larger takes time, effort and a few permits. You will still be able to save a lot of money by building it yourself. After all, anybody can do it. It just takes the right materials, the right tools and a few people to help you lift the heavier materials. When you are done, you will have a porch that your family will enjoy for years to come.

For more information on how to build a porch and other porches related topics visit The DIY Home Guide at

Vinyl Replacement Windows - Compare Various Brands

I have written a number of vinyl replacement windows compare or comparison-based reviews. Each time I consider various aspects of the subject matter. Today I have picked some few brands that I want us to look at. I have not limited this article to only these so do read right to the end.

You can buy the Milgard Tuscany vinyl windows for your residential home. I have found them to work great except that they do not tilt-in especially this single hung one. This really makes it difficult when trying to clean them. Despite all that when I considered the other brands like Amerimax, Atrium and Simonton - Milgard was the cheapest of them all.

Next up are Anlin. In my opinion these are okay but I have heard someone who had bought them to try and save energy telling me that they didn't perform as good. Don't be fooled by the sales person telling you these are the best energy saving windows. I think there are better options when looking into energy efficient ones. Besides that, these work well, however, they do not necessarily come cheap.

You can also try your luck with Polybau. I seriously cannot complain about their price - when compared to some I have seen. The only issue that I have picked up with these is the service offered by the seller. Although I do not have personal experience with this but I have read in my blog comments about how the service guys are always late or don't even show up.

Then there is also Amerimax. They are quite nice. One thing I love about them is that they make the house a quieter and these are really energy efficient. You can go for the double hung ones so you can clean them easily.

As for Pella - this is a great company with great windows buy I am not impressed with their Pella ThermaStar. In my opinion they are low-grade vinyl windows for those people looking for a cheap price.

When looking at vinyl replacement windows - compare various things not just the price. You need to look at the service, durability, functionality and proximity of the supplier. offers the best pre-screened companies within your area. Just provide your zip code and you will have access to the best suppliers, retailers and contractors you can consider.

Click here - vinyl replacement windows, for instant access FREE!

Tips For Caring For Your Hardwood Floor

In the home it is becoming popular to use natural materials. Woods, laminates and veneers are being used more often for furniture and flooring because of their ease of use and care. You can find many different varieties of woods available for home use, from the simple and cost efficient pines to the more exotic and expensive mesquite. If you were raised on vinyl you may be worried that caring for natural wood is too difficult or time consuming. However, there are many cleaning supplies for cleaning hardwood floors, which makes the task an easy and quick process.

To care for your hardwood floor on a daily basis you should use a good dust mop or vacuum to remove the dust and dirt. If the area is in an area without much traffic this may be all you have to do. You should also occasionally carefully wash and wax the area to keep it completely clean. The method you will use for cleaning your floor will depend on the sealant that is used on the floor. You should check with the manufacturer to see what kind of sealant your floor has and the recommended cleaning supplies you should use. This will avoid any problems with your floor's warranty and avoid damaging the floor. You will also make your work much easier. It is important to note that you should never use a cleaner with an ammonia base on your wood floor.

A hardwood floor that is properly cleaned and cared for creates a warm and beautiful environment in your home. It is an elegant and stylish look. The care of your beautiful hardwood floor is pretty simple. To keep your floor looking as good as new you will need to exercise some preventative maintenance and buy the correct cleaning supplies that are specifically made for hardwood floors. Hardwood floors are damaged the most by the use of water and dirt that is gritty and able to scratch the finish. Water will warp the wood if it is allowed to set on the floor for any length of time. You should make sure to mop up any water that is spilled on your hardwood floor immediately. If it becomes necessary to wipe up a sticky mess on the floor make sure you use a damp only cloth. You should also quickly dry the area and buff out the area completely. You can use area rugs in any areas that have the risk of having water spilt on them.

Use a mat in front of your door to keep the dirt outside and away from your hardwood floors. Shake these rugs out often. Once a week vacuum the floor with a brush attachment on your vacuum. A dust mop and dustpan can also be used for weekly cleaning. Attach felt pads to the bottom of your furniture to avoid scratching and remember that furniture should be picked up and not pushed across the floor. Watch your shoes and make sure that they cannot damage your floor. And keep your pets toenails clipped to prevent more scratching.

You should clean or re wax and buff your floor once a year. You should make sure that you use a cleaner that is made for cleaning wood floors. The type of treatment and product you use will depend on the type of floor and the manufacturers recommendations. If your floor has a surface finish it is acceptable to use the wood cleaner with a damp towel. But if your floor has a wax finish you will have to use a paste wax that is made specifically for hardwood floors. If you care for your floor on a regular basis you should only need to perform the cleaning once a year.

The Fuller Brush Company has been in business since 1906, and offers safe, environmentally friendly products for keeping your home and your body clean. Visit or Call # 1-800-992-1089

DIY Solar Power System - Useful Tips When Building a Power System Using Solar Panels

With a DIY solar power system in your home, you can convert sunlight into electrical energy without spending much. The amount of electricity which you can produce through this will depend on the number and size of solar panels you have installed and the amount of direct sunlight these panels are able to capture.

Since sunlight is a renewable energy source, this solution will not be detrimental to the environment. In fact, if more people will opt to use this form of power, the less pollution there might likely be. Aside from being a practical solution to the problem of high electric bills, this can also be used as an opportunity to earn money. If the solar panels that you installed are able to produce electricity that is more than enough for your consumption, you can choose to sell these excess power to electric providers.

Nevertheless, installing a high quality solar power system in your home does not always come cheap. You would have to spend not only your money but also your time and effort to make sure that the system will be sufficient for your needs. There are certain factors to be considered before deciding to have such an energy producing unit in your home.

First, you have to make sure that you will be staying in your house within a duration that will allow you to recoup whatever you spent for the energy system you installed. Otherwise, the money you spent will go to waste as you are not able to fully benefit from it.

Second, you have to make sure that the area of your roof is large enough to support the solar panels that will be installed there. It should be possible for them to be exposed to direct sunlight within a minimum of six hours. Moreover, make sure that there are no trees nearby as these can obstruct the rays of the sun.

Third, if you do not feel confident installing the units on your roof, opt to hire a professional. This way, you will not have to worry about inefficient installation. Consider this when preparing your working budget for solar power system installation.

If you choose to buy ready-to-install energy units, make sure to buy only from reputable sellers or retailers. If you would like a DIY version, buy your spare parts from trusted sellers. Look up the yellow pages or your local newspapers for the names of these possible sellers. Moreover, when choosing where to buy from, select those that offer telephone technical support and warranty. If you prefer a DIY solar power system, better ask assistance from people who are more experienced with such tasks.

Tired of high electric bills? Discover how thousands of families are using homemade solar power systems to power their homes!

Your Tin Roof - Four Reasons to Preserve This Heritage

Tin roofs are a part of our rich American heritage. Whatever your style-- standing seam panels, embossed tin shingles, copper sheets--they represent a piece of our past.

A notable founding father, Thomas Jefferson, is credited with influencing the early use of metal roofing. Due to the durability of the metal, the increasing availability of metal due to the industrial revolution and improved transportation, metal roofs established a strong hold on the roofing trade. World War II, introduction of inexpensive asphalt-based shingles, and increasing manpower wages ended tin roofing's reign.

Today, owners of vintage homes face an expensive decision when the existing metal roof rusts and starts to leak-save or replace.

Most owners would prefer to save a visible tin roof. There are four excellent reasons:

1. An old "tin" roof is usually a strong statement that "This residence belongs to someone who wants to save our heritage." Beginning in the 1990s, the release of modern coating materials allow this possibility. These modern coatings do not flake, last over ten years, and weatherproof against leaks. Plus these coatings are available in most colors.

2. Almost without exception, owners of tin roofing enjoy the sound of rain drops striking the roof panels.

3. Vintage metal roof owners tend to be aware of the importance of conserving our earth's resources. Indeed, this awareness has caused a resurgence of metal roofing because metal roofs are maintainable, reducing unwanted landfill deposits of old asphalt shingles. Vintage tin roof owners contribute to this renewable spirit by keeping a maintainable structure.

4. Finally the expense of maintaining a 100 year old roof compares favorably to new asphalt shingles and modern metal panels.

For the above reasons, tin roof owners are seeking and finding solutions to weatherproof older panels, protect the old metal integrity and improve the appearance of the residence.

If any tin roof owner wants proof of the durability of his/her roof, inspect the underside of a tin panel. Most of these metal panels were installed over slats, so the underside of the panels is clearly visible.

It is likely that the original coating is still intact over the original metal sheet. If the coating on the outside of the sheet is maintained, then that metal roof will probably outlast the present tin roof owner....and his/her children.