Friday, September 4, 2009

Power Your Home With Solar Energy

As technology continues to advance, and the cost of electricity continues to rise, alternative forms of power such as solar energy are receiving more and more attention. The ability to harness the sun's power has actually been around for quite awhile, but until recently the technology was far too expensive for the average homeowner to be able to afford. Recent advances in solar panel technology have put this state of the art home power system within the reach of most people.

There are several advantages to powering in your home with solar energy. The first, and most significant to most people, is the solar energy is cheaper than being plugged into the power grid. Once you get past the initial cost of the equipment, you may find that your monthly energy costs have been reduced by 70 to 80% or more.

Another advantage to solar energy is that it is environmentally friendly. There's no coal being burned which can pollute the atmosphere, and there's no nuclear waste which needs to be stored or else it could contaminate the environment.

Advantage of solar power for home is that in the event of a power outage you may be unaffected by it. This independence from the public power grid will be much appreciated the next time the power goes out.

If you are considering getting a solar power system for home you should know there are several options available. You may be able to find a commercially available unit for under $1000. If this is still a bit expensive for you, you should know that it is possible to build your own solar equipment at home. This is not as complicated as it may sound, and there are many guides available on the internet which can show you exactly how to build your own solar power unit.

I've had a chance to review most of the guides available on how to build your own solar panels, and I've narrowed it down to the 3 that are the best value for your money.

=> Top 3 Guides <=

There are a lot of scams out there, and people selling solar power systems that just don't work. That's why I've put together these reviews for you.

=> Solar Guide Reviews <=

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