Friday, May 30, 2008

Are Toxins Around Your Children?

If you are like many people you live life to the fullest and take each day as a new day. You take care of yourself and your children as best as you can.

What if I told you that your home may be filled with toxins that are harmful to you and your children? Many people have no clue about the dangers that are present in their homes and the effects of chemicals and toxins.

American's suffer from more degenerate disease then ever before. There is a definite link between the Epidemic of Degenerative Disease and the increase in the development of synthetic ingredients used in personal care products and home care products.

Many homes are now considered as a toxic waste dump. The average home today contains 62 toxic chemicals. That is more than a chemistry lab! More than 72,000 synthetic chemicals have been produced since World War II, and those are the same chemicals that have been found in many homes across the nation!

Here are some facts about products that are found in many homes.

  • Bleach has been linked to reproductive problems in men and learning and behavioral problems in children.
  • Everyday household cleaners are the number one cause of poisoning of children.B44
  • Behavioral problems have been linked to exposure to toxic chemicals and molds.
  • Carpet cleaner solution is extremely toxic to children. The fumes given off by carpet cleaners can cause cancer and liver damage.
  • Laundry detergents, household cleaners and pesticides have been linked to breast cancer.
  • Glass cleaner's may contain ammonia. Fumes from ammonia can irritate skin, eyes, and respiratory system.
  • Toilet Bowl Cleaners are one of the most dangerous cleaning products. Can contain chlorine and hydrochloric acid. Harmful to health simply by breathing during use.
  • Formaldehyde, phenol, benzene and toluene are found in common household cleaners, cosmetics, beverages, fabrics and cigarette smoke. These chemicals are cancer causing and toxic to the immune system.
  • An EPA study stated that the toxic chemicals in household cleaners are 3 times more likely to cause cancer than outdoor air.

These are proven facts and back-up the real dangers in many products in our homes. If you use store bought window cleaner, disinfectants, carpet cleaners, make-up or even degreasers and stain removers all have been linked to contain very dangerous chemicals and toxins. These toxins have been linked to cancer, immune system disorders, liver damage, and many other very common health issues many American's face today.

So, what can people do to protect themselves and their families? Remove all toxic products from their homes! By removing those products and utilizing natural or organic made products, you will increase your chances of a healthy life and improve your health greatly!

Safe Wellness Products combines the best of science & nature come together to create healthy lives and toxin free homes! If you are concerned about you or your families health and wellness, we can help you create a more earth friendly home and eliminate toxins from your home!

Visit today to learn how you can protect yourself and family from toxins!

Stairs And Walkway

What You Need To Know About Construction Contractors

If you are planning a new home or office then first step you have to take is finding a contractor who can help you in every sphere of construction process. You need to follow some simple tips and techniques for successfully completing your construction or remodeling work.

Plywood Backing On Wall Inshower

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Five Deadly Sales Letter Mistakes

To be effective your sales letter must be opened, read, believed and acted upon. In order to do this it must attract attention, warm the interest of the reader, create a desire for your product or service and cause your prospect to take positive action.

An effective sales letter, not surprisingly, achieves the same objectives as an effective salesperson. And just as there are certain mistakes a salesperson wants to be sure to avoid in the selling process, the same holds true for the writer of sales letters.

So today I present Five Deadly Sales Letter Mistakes. Eliminate one or more of the common blunders described here and it's a good bet your response rates will improve.

Deadly Sales Letter Mistake16CD # 1 Writing Your Letter For the Hundreds or Thousands of People You Will Be Mailing It To Instead of One Special Person. One sure way to generate an apathetic response to your sales letter is to write for the group or list of people you will be mailing it to.

Approaching your letter with a crowd mentality instead of focusing in on a single, real, living, breathing prospect will greatly impair the ability of your letter to make a genuine connection with the reader.

The sales letter is the most personal, one-to-one form of advertising there is. As is often said, it's the only form of advertising that begins with the word "dear." So it should read like one person sitting down writing to one other person. And heres a crystal clear example of exactly what I mean by that statement. Its from a letter by the brilliant copywriter and nonpareil advertising man, Maxwell Sackheim:

Thank you very much for having written to me for my latest catalog. A copy is being sent to you in another envelope and should reach you in a day or two.

When my catalog arrives I hope you will give it as friendly a welcome as if I were visiting you myself. Ive tried to put into it just the words I would say to you if you were to come here personally, or if I were to come to your home and spend an evening with you.

Deadly Sales Letter Mistake # 2 Thinking that Your Prospect Wont Read a Long Letter. The key question is, what makes for a long letter? To which the answer is, any letter that is uninteresting is a long letter! Even the one-page letter that many salespeople and amateur marketers arbitrarily limit themselves to can seem long.

For example, a number of years ago Kevin Costner made an interminably boring and bloated movie entitled Waterworld that the critics panned and audiences ignored. On the other hand, Stephen Spielbergs inspiring and unflinching film about the Holocaust, Schindlers List, was more than three hours long and it was a huge critical and financial success.

Heres my point: People read long books, take long trips, and watch long movies and plays. And evidence abounds that people read long letters. But people wont read boring letters, dull letters, obviously self-serving I-me-we-product-oriented letters.

Offer the right product or service at the right price to the right audience and if you have enough to say and say it interestingly enoughyou can make a five-page letter pull a better response than a two page letter.

Deadly Sales Letter Mistake # 3 Being a Slave to the Formal Rules of Correct Grammar. When you were in school, teachers and professors were paid to read your work and they dutifully corrected your writing according to the formal rules of grammar.

In the real world its a different story. When writing a sales letter you want your work to have a conversational readability to it. And in most instances that means writing in an informal style. Because thats how the vast majority of buyers and sellers communicate with one another.

As a result, youll break a number of formal grammatical rules. Youll start sentences with and or but. Instead of complete sentences youll sometimes use a sentence fragment. But thats OK. And every now and then youll dangle a participle or end a sentence with a preposition.

If all of this seems totally against the grain consider this true story. Winston Churchill, a Nobel Prize Winner for literature, was corrected by one of his proofreaders for ending a sentence in a preposition. To which Mr. Churchill replied, That is the type of nonsense up with which I will not put!

Your objective is to generate a lead or advance or close the sale. Not one of your prospects is getting paid to read your letter. This time your grade will be determined by how well people respond.

Deadly Sales Letter Mistake # 4 Giving The Reader a Reason For Not Reading. Beware of the so what reaction of your typical prospect. Simply stated, they dont care about you, they dont care about your product or service and they dont care about your company.

Indifference is the order of the day. So you must grab hold of your prospects mind with a startling statement, a provocative question; some volley of words that will stir them from their apathy and make them pay attention to your letter.

But capturing the prospects attention will do you no good unless you hold onto it. And you do this by focusing your copy on one or more of the fundamental urges which motivate people fear, exclusivity, greed, guilt, the desire for love, beauty, health, salvation and so on.

Among these you must find or create the symptom or symptoms which your product or service cures. If your letter does not clearly and convincingly articulate your cure you have given your prospect an excellent reason for not reading it.

Deadly Sales Letter Mistake # 5 Not Offering Proof That Your Product or Service Does What You Say It Will Do. Not only is your typical prospect indifferent, in the vast majority of situations he is also highly skeptical. Thats why you always want to offer the reader proof that your product or service will do what you say it will do. This will serve to validate your claims and minimize your prospects skepticism. Most important, it will establish your salesperson the sales letter as a more credible and believable source of information.

The proof you offer up in your sales letter can take several different forms. Here are two forms of proof that I have found to be very effective:

5B31. Customer Testimonials A testimonial from a satisfied customer with a well-known, well-respected company is some of the most valuable proof you can offer. But make sure that the testimonial copy speaks to specific and relevant issues and concerns your typical prospect is likely to have.

For example, you sell training services and you know that one of the biggest concerns your prospect has is whether or not the training will produce meaningful, measurable results. So you go through your thick packet of glowing testimonials and find a statement that speaks directly to the prospects concern. This is what it says:

When you compare 6 months of results prior to your training with the 6 months after, we have improved our market share by $2,261,000 and have established numerous new dealer relationships. Thanks to you, we are the only district in our region to experience any type of retail growth."

2. Tell A Success Story As a salesperson you know that stories sell. Thats because, as skeptical as the typical prospect may be, she knows that few people will stoop so low as to fabricate a story.

Like any good story yours has to have some drama to it. And of course the hero of the story is you, your company and your product and/or service. Heres an example of what I mean. Its from a letter I wrote for a broker at a commercial real estate firm and this is exactly how the letter opens:5B8

"They had accepted our purchase price. But when the building inspection revealed many small details that needed repair their response was, No way, this is an as-is purchase.

"My clients just did not have the time to "lock horns" on this issue. Fortunately, they didn't have to. As their representative it was my job to get them what they wanted.

"I persisted. In phone callafter phone call after phone call. In meetingafter meetingafter meeting. I met with the broker. The property manager. The corporate ownership's management. Their attorneys (ugh!). I persisted. And, I negotiated.

The bottom line? My clients got everything they wanted; every repair they asked for. Some $40,000 worth!"

Stories sell, in person and on paper. They sell because they offer the prospect believable and credible proof that your product or service will do what you say it will do.

Your sales letter is the pen-and-ink embodiment of YOU, the professional marketer or salesperson. So when writing your sales letter think of yourself first and foremost as a salesperson, not a writer. And that means communicating with the prospect in much the same way and selling to him or her using many of the same tools as you would in a face-to-face meeting.

2006 Ernest Nicastro

About the author
E594rnest Nicastro, a direct marketing consultant, copywriter and lead-generation specialist, heads up Positive Response, an award-winning marketing firm specializing in B-to-B marketing and lead-generation. He also publishes a free monthly newsletter, AIM For Positive Response. For more information visit Contact Ernie directly at or by phone at 614.747.2256.

2006 Ernest Nicastro
You may reprint this article online and in print provided the links remain live and the content remains unaltered (including the "About the author" message).

Bathroom Toilets

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Signs of a Cheating Spouse

One of the worst feelings is the world is suspecting that your spouse is cheating on you. If you are worried that your spouse may not be being faithful or having any sort of nagging doubts it can consume you and cause a wide variety of emotions including pain, anger, sorrow, despair, distrust, feeling like there is something wrong with you and many other different emotions. Here are some common signs of a cheating spouse that may help you to determine whether or not your fears are true. Not everyone who is cheating will display all of these signs and not everyone who exhibits these signs is actually cheating. However, these are some of the most common signs of a cheating spouse and if your partner exhibits any of them it can be a good indication that they may not be being faithful.

First, you may notice that your spouse starts spending more time away from home. It could be that they are called into the office to work more frequently or they may suddenly be making frequent trips to visit new "friends" that you have never met. It could even be something as simple as when you try to reach them during their lunch hour they are frequently unavailable when before you could get through every time. Don't make the mistake of thinking that cheating can only happen at night since many people carry on affairs during the day when it is easier to hide their activities from you.

Another sign of cheating is if your spouse suddenly registers a new email address with a different password than usual or if they get a new cell phone or pager out of the blue. The internet has made cheating easy since people can just stay in touch through email without arousing your suspicions as much as if they were trying to talk on the phone. The same goes for text messaging on cell phones. It is a way to be in touch with each other without having to talk in front of you which makes it easier for them to hide their cheating. If you notice that your spouse quickly deletes all of their text messages or closes windows on their computer when you walk into the room it could be a sign that they are cheating.

When you run into friends or acquaintances who are mutual friends with you and your partner you might notice that they act strangely toward you. This can happen if they know about the cheating but don't know whether or not to tell you or just don't want to get involved.

You may also notice that your spouse starts to pay more attention to their appearance and grooming. They may buy new clothes or start dressing up more even for regular day to day activities. Even subtle changes like suddenly starting to wear perfume or cologne when they didn't before can be a sign that they are being unfaithful. Any sudden or unusual change in habits can often signal that there is something going on and that they are dressing up to impress the person they are cheating with.

There are also more obvious physical signs of cheating that are easy to spot like the classic lipstick on the collar, coming home smelling like perfume or cologne, coming home with their shirt buttoned crooked or on inside out, etc. Also pay attention if your spouse suddenly starts doing their own laundry since it can be a sign that they are trying to hide physical signs of an affair from you.

Not knowing for sure is one of the hardest parts of suspecting that your spouse is cheating on you. Even if they are showing all the signs of cheating you still can't know for certain unless you find concrete evidence that something is going on. If you would like to learn how to find out for sure whether or not your partner is cheating and put an end to the suffering, self-doubt and lies, I would recommend checking How to Catch a Cheater for resources that can help you discover the truth. Learn more at

Octagon Stain Glass Window

Golf Caddies An Endangered Species

Golf caddies are an endangered species in the world of modern golf. It seem that the only time you see a caddie is at PGA events on the television. In this setting you see that caddies are an integral part of the team. You observe them giving valuable tips and insight to the pro as well as carrying the bag, maintaining the golf clubs and accessories. You wonder where the pros find their caddies since there aren't any at the local courses or country clubs. Its kind of a joke about golf being good exercise these days when everyone rides around on electric or gas powered golf carts.

Having worked as caddie for my grandfather and his friends I have an appreciation of what golf has lost in terms of tradition and richness. No one knows who was the first caddie but considering the ancient history of European golf the first caddies where most likely the servants of noblemen. Of course many golfers know the history of St Andrews caddie William Gunn, locally known as Caddie Willie. He was a professional caddie that spent his entire life the famous golf course. He was an encyclopedia of golf swing tips, course layout and putting tips that he provided to all his clients,

In the past being a caddie was the fastest way to learn the game of golf. Many caddies went on to become pros themselves after spending their youth on the local links. They learned what a good golf swing was and what proper dress and etiquette is required to be a golfer. In 1913 a caddie by the name of Francis Oimet won the US open defeating Harry Vardon and Ted Ray two world famous and accomplished golf pros. When interview by the press he readily stated that the secret of this success was being a caddie for several good golfers who showed him the ropes. He developed his good golf swing and list of putting tips from his clients. Almost all of his golf instruction he learned as a caddie.

Apparently the first golf cart was invented in 1940 and ever since the golf caddie was doomed. Golf carts are now everywhere and come in electric and gas versions. However golf carts do a lousy job of giving golf swing tips or putting tips to the golfers they serve. They also do a poor job of providing course advice as well. Occasionally you will see a few players pulling their own carts on the courses in an effort to get the exercise benefit that once accompanied the game. However most of us cannot remember when we saw the last caddie following walking golfers. Sadly golf has lost much of its character now that golf caddies no longer ply their trade on the local golf courses.

James Kesel, MS, is the publisher of Good Golf Swing website. Providing information on golf swing tips, putting tips, golf training aids, golf instruction and the latest and best golf ebooks.


Keep Your Brand, Your Legacy, and Your Income Growing Long After You're Gone

How can Elvis Presley earn much more dead than alive--$45 million per year to be exact? No, it's not because of inflation.

Those after-death earnings are more incredible than his frequent Elvis sightings and "Weekly World News" reports that he's still alive, hiding out from fans--aged, obese, bald, suffering from osteoarthritis of the pelvis, still "all shook up"but still the King.

How about Peanuts comic strip creator Charles Schlutz who, though now dead, earns $35 million annually? Ask Peppermint Patty. Maybe she knows Schultz's gifted investment advisor.

Consider ex-Beetle John Lennon. He gets by in death on a mere $22 million annually, according to the media.

Andy Warhol, a central figure in Pop Art, survives on $16 million per year in his afterlife.

Theodore Seuss Geisel, the Doctor Seuss of "Cat In The Hat" fame, exists on a paltry $10 million per year. Online sales of "Cat-In-The Hat" merchandise help.

But life is never fair. Why? Deceased musician Kurt Cobain overtook Elvis Presley's number one ranking in after death earnings this year.

Kurt earns $50 million annually while second place Elvis has to make do with $45 million. No wonder he's "all shook up." It's tough at the top--even for deceased celebrities.

Now what does all this have to do with business and professional people like you and me not yet famous nor deceased?

To keep building your brand, legacy and earnings while you're alive and after you're dead as well, there are five things you must do:

1. Select excellent financial advisors and solid business thinkers. This is essential for successful people. Avoid gold diggers, hucksters and flakes.

Although Johnny Carson made $15 million per year, four wives and his financial advisor, whom he called Bombastic Buskin, diminished his wealth significantly.

2. Create your own brand. You areor must become a brandfor success.

3. Understand and use all of the market segments and niches available to you in your business or profession. Focus upon the ones that are right for you.

4. Use information technology creatively and boldly to build your business and expand your markets, here and internationally.

5. Establish and live by your spiritual beliefs. Keep your head screwed on straight.

This requires having and holding strongly-held spiritual beliefs and practices which guide your decisions, motivate you, and provide your moral standards.

Joel Osteen is Senior Pastor, Lakewood Church, Houston, TX. Each week 46,000 people attend that church. This church teaches Christian doctrine in creative, contemporary ways.

He gives eight pieces of advice to improve spiritually:

1. Enlarge your vision.

2. Develop a healthy self-image.

3. Discover the power of your thoughts and words.

4. Let go of the past.

5. Find strength through adversity.

6. Live to give.

7. Choose to be happy.

8. Remember that one of God's Bible names is El Shaddai. El means "God" and Shaddai means "all sufficient." God is all sufficient.

We need to trust in God to provide for us. God's name is "El Shaddai," not El Cheapo," Osteen reminds us.

John J. Alquist is a speaker, author and consultant. He and his wife own and operate Alquist Enterprises, which provides John's professional services as well as two network marketing businesses--one national, the other international.

John is a strong believer in globalism, Internet business proficiency and self-employment. He has a solid marketing management background. John's website is He has three blogs, including


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Home Fire Safety - Interior Stairway Design Fire Safety Guidelines

This article is about custom home designing fire safety in an interior stairway.

As to home fire safety in home building plans, much codified ado is made of fire-blocking wall and floor structure, but not much at all on stairway design and stairway construction.

Comment: This codified ado even sort-of includes home fire safety in regard to stairway structure. See IRC 2003, R311.2.2 "Under stair protection. Enclosed accessible space under stairs shall have walls, under stair surface and any soffits protected on the enclosed side with -inch (12.7mm) gypsum board." For fire safety in stairway design and stairway construction, it's a beginning. Note, please, that there's no mention of fire-rated gypsum board and heavier weight material as are referenced elsewhere and have been for quite a long while for garage wall and ceiling surfaces abutting habitable space.

And there are the high-value references to smoke alarms in home fire safety building codes nationwide, references albeit at minimum levels of materials and methods, in the author's opinion.

Comment: Minimums? That's what this custom home designer thinks. Following are designer house plan set stipulations that may be written into smoke alarm methods and materials to extend home fire safety codified minimums. Each alarm shall run on both permanent 120V and replaceable battery, shall feature a combination of ionization and photoelectric sensors. None shall disconnect by wall switch. Each shall connect to a 120V line as first load on a frequently used lighting circuit with overcurrent protection at the panelboard suitable for a double tap. For sleeping areas, an alarm shall be installed according to manufacturer's specifications on either side of any passage between a sleeping area and a path to egress


So, what about the eminently more airflow-permissive stairwell itself?

In a house aflame, a residential interior stairway can occasion two events: the passage of both occupants to safety and firemen for the sake of safety and the passage of smoke and flame between interior floor levels.

Comment: It might seem as though interior stairway design and stairway construction, this key locus of interior structure in interior fire conditions good (human transport) and bad (smoke and fire transport) is at least largely forsaken by residential building authorities having jurisdiction.

In regard to stairwells, that is stairwell design and stairwell construction, what's at stake is fire-degraded stairway construction, wood stud walls and wood ceiling joists collapsing within the stairwell, engaging stairway and its contents, including people contents, and thereby precluding occupants' easy physical movement between floor levels.

A residential, interior stairway, other than a spiral stairway - below the stair stringer shall be sheathed from outer stair stringer to outer stair stringer including header cleat with not less than 1 layer of 5/8" Type-X gypsum board glued, screwed, and taped. It shall be mudded not less than 3 coats, paying particular attention to screw pocks which shall be taped, too.

Where walls run below or immediately next to outside stair stringers shall be framed at walls with lightweight, or cold-formed. The steel frame shall be sheathed on the exterior with 1 layer-5/8" Type-X gypsum board glued, screwed, and taped. It shall be mudded not less than 3 coats, paying particular attention to screw pocks which shall be taped, too.

If continuous Type-X envelope cannot be applied on the vertical below a staircase, then contractor shall frame with lightweight, or cold-formed, steel shall sheathe the interior with 2 layers-5/8" Type-X gypsum board glued, screwed, and taped. Where applicable, the exterior sheathed with 1 layer-5/8" Type-X gypsum board glued, screwed, and taped. It shall be mudded not less than 3 coats, paying particular attention to screw pocks which shall be taped, too.

Where stairwell wall extends above a stair stringer as, for example, a stairwell, or below a stringer as, for example, a mid-landing, contractor shall frame the wall in lightweight, or cold-formed, steel. The frame shall be sheathed on the interior with 2 layers-5/8" Type-X gypsum board and, where applicable, on the exterior of the wall with 1 layer-5/8" Type-X gypsum board glued, screwed, and taped. Sheathing shall be mudded not less than 3 coats, paying particular attention to screw pocks which shall be taped, too.

Sheathing shall be sealed at a protrusion with fire-stopping materials conforming to not less than most current ASTM E84 and E814, which sealing shall not necessarily exclude consideration of tumescent sealant at under-stair in closet, cabinet, niche, alcove, bookcase, or similar. Steel frame shall be sheathed continuously, fastened, and mudded at all abuts before other finish clad is applied, that is, the first exterior clad to steel frame below a staircase shall be at least 1 layer-5/8"Type-X gypsum board applied as above.

A high-voltage electrical outlet, device, or appliance shall not be sited anywhere below a stairway.

In sum, the steel's there to break down more slowly when engaged, purposely to wrack and sag but not to cinders and ash; the extra layers of Type-X are there to better hold its form and hold flames from you on your way up or down the steps.

Before The Architect designs and drafts custom home plans nationwide. Its principals Ralph and Jean Pressel have worked hands-on together since the 60s in custom home design, drafting, consulting, plus building and repair in every major trade. Home Design Standards - Home Building Standards and the website are enterprises of Before The Architects principals.

Add Some Light With A Shed Dormer
Which Roof Do I Choose

Commercial Real Estate- Encouraging Business Professionals

For smooth running or expanding the business you might have planned to buy a property for commercial purpose. But the deficiency of capitals for investments is creating obstacles from meeting such ends. In such circumstances, commercial real estate is the only loan scheme which will provide an external finance with which you can to realize the dreams.

A business professional can borrow commercial real estate loans for diverse purposes. Entrepreneurs can use the fund for diverse business activities, agricultural activities, buying motels, hotels and shopping complex etc.

Commercial real estate is secured form of loan policy. This feature defines that borrowers should place any collateral which has monetary value. The use of collateral ascertains lenders the safe return of the loaned amount. Because of the secured trait, entrepreneurs enjoy the facility to borrow more loan with which they can easily meet their requirements. If the borrowers provide collateral carrying higher equity, then they can borrow more amount. Added to this, commercial real estate provides wider and flexible repayment durations. Furthermore, commercial real estate comes with cheap and low rate of interest which adds another plus remark to its feature.

Another attractive and daunting feature of commercial real estate is that it offers its proposals irrespective of ones bad credit history. Both good and bad credit history holders can obtain the amount and supervise their expenses. Commercial real estate also assists with rational policies the bad creditors with which they can recover their poor or grave credit score.

Entrepreneurs and business persons can approve the commercial real estate within seconds if they use the online application procedure available. This electronic application device is faster and reliable. Moreover, it saves time and effort of the users and also intelligible to all common minds. Every lender who allocates funds of commercial real estate provides the online application process free of cost.

Commercial real estate encourages the upcoming business professionals to realize their dreams and expand their commercial horizons to their expectations.

Tim Kelly is an expert in finance having completed his LLM in Finance (Master of Laws in Finance) from Institute for Law and Finance at Frankfurt University. He is currently working with commercialrealestateloan as a financial advisor. To find Commercial real estate, Bad credit real estate loan, Low rate real estate loans, Online real estate loans, Real estate bridging loans visit

Building A Concrete Patio
Resurfacing A Concrete Patio

Commercial Mortgage - 5 Factors That Affect Deal Flow

Niagara Falls or babbling brook. How is your flow? How do you get commercial mortgage clients in the door? Do you have the budget and time to undertake a massive marketing campaign? Could experience with multiple property types and applications increase your value to the commercial market? Where are your deals located? How is the market in your area? Is your referral network bringing you enough business? These are all questions you need to consider when you think about how to increase your deal flow.

Of course every commercial loan you work will not close; that is not the reality of the commercial mortgage industry. You need to be in front of the right people at the right time with the right solution to even be considered. Here are the 5 main factors that affect your deal flow which ultimately affects your cash flow. The first step is awareness; knowing what the issues are will allow you to determine a solution. Rate yourself in each of these areas:

-Referrals: Referrals are king in the mortgage industry. This is by far the number one way for a commercial broker to get business. This certainly works well for those that have been in the industry for years and have a large network, but what about those new to the industry? Can you survive waiting on someone to refer you when no one knows you exist?

-Marketing: This is how we let our potential clients know who we are and that we can provide them with a solution for their commercial financing needs. The problem is that there are hundreds of other solutions out there all competing for the same client. Without the budget and knowledge to do it right, it is very difficult to get a good return on your marketing investment.

-Expertise: What you know and how long you have been in the business has a dramatic affect on deal flow. Of course, those that have been in the commercial business for 10 years have a greater client base and referral network. You cant buy experience, no matter how much you spend, but what you can get is training. Through continuing training, especially at the beginning of your commercial career, you can build the knowledge it takes to get the deals done. Share that knowledge with your potential clients and you have set yourself up as the expert in the field, despite your lack of experience.

-Geography: It is no surprise that by serving a larger geographic area, you will be exposed to more deals. However, without the support of a large national company this is very difficult and potentially cost prohibitive. The downside of most national commercial finance companies is that by bringing the deals to you they will expect something in return. Often a big chunk of your commission. Its a catch 22, you get more clients, but now you need even more than before just to break even.

-The Market: Some markets are hot and some are cold that is the reality of the industry. If you are only serving a small geographic area and that area goes cold, what do you do? The key is to ensure that your client base is as diverse as possible, not only by location, but by property type and industry. What to do?

Build your commercial finance business. Start by looking at the percentages that each of the above are contributing to your total deal flow and set targets for the coming year as to what you want the percentages to look like. For example, if referrals now make up 10 percent of your total business, set your targets for 20% next year and establish the game plan to do it.

For marketing, are you tracking a cost per closed loan? Do you know what youre spending for the revenue youre generating? Begin to cull out the sources that are not generating the returns you require.

When looking at geography, start to examine how you can expand the markets you serve. This will both increase your deal flow and minimize a downward movement in any one particular market. In effect, it is diversifying your portfolio. Look for a partner that can introduce you to new markets and provide you with lead sources into those markets.

In summary, deal flow in the commercial mortgage industry is driven by your presence. When the market knows youre there and do quality work, your flow will build exponentially. The next step is to formulate your plan to increase that presence and identify the partners that can help you do it.

Contributed by: Patrick Bedall, Vice President, VEC Financial Group

You are welcome to share this report, unedited and in its entirety. All links must remain intact. No information in this article should be taken as legal advice.

2007 VEC Financial Group

The VEC Financial Group (VEC) is a privately-owned company dedicated to providing commercial mortgage and business financing to property owners and entrepreneurs across the country. VEC Financial provides these services by connecting the right broker with the right borrower, who ultimately finances with the right lender. This personalized system of matchmaking helps provide the best possible commercial financing experience. For more information on how to join VEC Financial Group as a client, Associate Broker, vendor, or lender please visit our website.

Home Mold Test Kits

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Wireless Weather Station Reviews

A wireless weather station is a standalone system that keeps a track of the indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity, wind direction and velocity, solar intensity and rainfall. It gives you the ease to keep a track of the outside weather, without the need of remaining glued to your TV sets or radio to know about the weather forecast. A wireless weather system saves you from the hassles of connecting and managing wires while using the instrument.

Before deciding on and taking a decision to buy a wireless weather station, it is always beneficial to do a thorough review of the product. A thorough review ensures that you get the right quality product at the reasonable price.

A review for a wireless weather station might include, review about the quality of the product by consumers who have already purchased and are using this product. Consumers who are actually using the product can rate it best for its quality, durability and effectiveness.

Besides the consumers, the product catalog that describes the features of the product should be thoroughly gone through. The catalog contains all the details about the features of the product, its installation process as well its cost.

Apart from seeking reference from consumers and the product catalog, you can always go through some articles written about the product in general magazines and newspapers, which can give you an honest opinion about the quality and usefulness of the weather station. The guide rating on the various consumer web sites and magazines gives you an insight on the pros, cons, advantages and disadvantages of the wireless weather station. Going through the reviews thoroughly can help you make the right decision while buying a wireless weather station.

Wireless Weather Station provides detailed information on Compare Wireless Weather Stations, School Wireless Weather Stations, Wireless Digital Weather Stations, Wireless Home Weather Stations and more. Wireless Weather Station is affiliated with National Weather Service Radars.

Octagon Stain Glass Window

Harddrive Crash Helper

If you have lost some data due to either hardware failure or physical damage it is very likely that you will not be able to recover the data yourself. In such a situation you will need to look elsewhere to get your data recovered. In the, now, big business of data recovery there are many companies offering service. It is important to choose the right data recovery service for your business. In addition to choosing wisely it is also important that you move quickly.

While deciding which service provider to choose from look for one that has a good track record and has the capabilities to recover data lost due to multiple reasons. For example, they should not only be able to assist if you have a general hardware failure but also if your harddrive itself has failed or is damaged. If available, review any references from other clients.

Some service companies specialize in particular brands of harddrives. It is often prudent to contact the manufacturer of your harddrive and see if they have a list of service providers they can recommend to you.

After selecting a service, read the service agreement very carefully. You will need to understand your financial obligations. Some services will only charge full price upon the successful recovery of your data while other services base their fees on the time and attention your situation called for. Ask for an estimate of the final cost. This will give you the best ballpark figure of your final expense. Although data recovery services can often be expensive, the value of the information you recovered can be priceless.

In this day of age it is not unheard of for a laptop computer to be dropped in water or for lightning to strike your phone line and damage your computer through your modem. Businesses loose thousands of dollars of information every year to data loss. For individuals the cost can seam much higher when personal photos and videos are at stake. If you computer suffers damage and you loose some files the best course of action is to pay the price of contacting a professional service.

Find out more about what to do when your harddrive crashes by visiting, a site dedicated to making the task of recovering your lost data easier.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Building A Niche Is A Cinch

Believe it or not, a lot of companies - both small and big - create their marketing program towards a specific audience. This niche audience is carefully selected and pinpointed to market segments to specifically maximize the programs effectiveness.

Take for instance one company called HP or Hewlett Packard. This particular company markets and sells machines that are able to do everything, from scanning to faxing, printing, etc.

The target of this company are those home offices as well as much larger companies and businesses. For this market, their products are those whose price range are a bit higher.

The fact of the matter is that a marketing specified to a particular niche market is very cost-effective. Think about it, offering a service or a product to a selected group of people in a specific area almost certainly certifies it being bought.

Advertising on the radio for a specific ethnic audience whose rates are a lot lower compared to mainstream radio programs is better. Your budget for marketing significantly could go far, making you able to get more advertisements a lot more frequently or combine a comprehensive mix of media.

Building a niche is actually a risk that could allow you to make your business grow. These rules help you achieve just that.

Make sure your niche meets very unique and original needs

Benefits that you offer must have an appeal that is special to your specific niche. These benefits must be compelling and new. The needs of your audience must be identified by you, then tailor these to the service or product you are to sell.

Consider all variations your service or product could offer. For instance, marketing and selling soap has significantly changed. But if for example you were able to sell a soap that is able to remove the chemical chlorine from the hair of swimmers, that is a very unique market, as well as a compelling one.

Your niche could be your neighbors who have their own swimming pools and even the Olympic swimming team.

Speak the niche language

Saying something is a whole lot different from saying the appropriate thing. It is always best to understand the specific language as spoken by the niche you intend to penetrate. Their hot buttons should be known to you and communicate with your niche pressing these buttons.

Doing this ensures that the way you communicate is via being one with them and not as an outsider.

Test your market

First things first though, it is a wise business decision to assess the competitors that are currently in the niche you want to penetrate.

Doing so eventually helps you to determine just how it is you could position yourself against their product.

Looking at your competitors web sites as well as brochures is a good way to have an idea on what they use as selling points, delivery, pricing as well as other services or offers.

But if there is no competitor existing, what would you do? This is really not a very good sign. Though it could mean that no one has thought of what you have thought of, it could also be possible that no company has been able to penetrate that specific niche.

All in all, creating a niche is easy as long as you are willing to exert the necessary effort to build it.

Scot Standke has worked with many individuals in niche marketing & specializes in helping entrepreneurs build wealth & gain access to new niche markets through ecommerce & internet marketing.


Buying Florida Homes Now With a New Home Rebate

If you're seeking real estate in Orlando, Florida or surrounding areas, there's never been a better time to buy a Florida home. There are many benefits of building a new home in Orlando as well. With a Florida new construction, builders and Realtors are finding creative ways to work with buyers. They are offering specials and new home rebates out of their own commissions to give you even more reason to purchase real estate or build a home in this beautiful part of the state.

A new home rebate isn't the only reason to buy now, but it is a tremendous value-added service. Preconstruction opportunities, new home construction, and other types of realty in Orlando are abundant since Florida has been ranked as Top 3 in growth in the United States. It also ranks Top 4 in population and has about 18 million people.

Benefits of Moving to Orlando, Florida

Orlando has much to offer its residents. There is always plenteous sunshine, and the weather is great through much of the year. Florida has no state income tax so you'll be able to keep more of your hard-earned money! Orlando is only about an hour to an hour and a half from several beautiful beaches, from the Atlantic coast to the Gulf of Mexico beaches. Also, Orlando is a center for attractions in Florida such as Walt Disney World, Universal Thrill Rides, Discovery Cove, SeaWorld, and many others. The area attracts many tourists each year and offers numerous employment opportunities.

Retirement Benefits of Moving to Orlando

New home rebates are a great reason to retire in Orlando. As a retiree, you can benefit by receiving up to 2% of your new home's price as a cash rebate. This puts anywhere from $4,000 to $30,000 in your pocket! This also benefits you if you're looking to buy Florida new homes for investments, a second home, or a condo. A Florida buyer's rebate will give you an opportunity to do any needed repairs on the home, pay other bills, or just improve your cash flow after a new home purchase. Your retirement can be a great experience, and you'll be able to make the transition more easily once you've worked with a helpful Realtor.

Search Tips to Find the Right Real Estate Property in Orlando

In Florida, new homes, condos, and new construction builders might seem difficult to find. A great way to explore the available real estate is to use online resources. You can specifically search for property in Orlando, locate a Realtor (be sure he or she offers the buyer's rebate), and compare pricing and benefits of certain neighborhoods. The Internet also enables you to view photos of the homes, calculate your payments, and more. There are many helpful tools to make your real estate purchase go smoothly.

With these tips in mind, choose real estate in Orlando, Florida that will best suit your personal needs. With the new home rebate that is being offered today and other benefits of Orlando residence, you're sure to find exactly what you are seeking.

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Learn more about Orlando, Florida New Home Rebates or Majon's Real Estate directory.

Toxic Home Mold

Video Trailer: The Most Extreme Pumpkin Carve-Off Ever

Can you carve a pumpkin with liquid nitrogen? What about high-speed drills? Watch this, and find out.

Many people hear about buying brand new homes in the pre-construction phase of development and having their home value increase as its being built. These stories usually involve someone getting in during the earliest stage of development when the builders initially release the new homes for sale and typically offer home buyers good incentives and competitive pricing to pre sell as many new homes as possible. Many new home buyers have found that new-construction purchasing is the best way to own a new home or condo (reserving a price in the market), but postponing their closing date until the new home is completed, in some cases, can take as long 6-12 months to complete construction on the new home community.

Giving buyers time to sell their current house, save for additional down payment, or find a competitive lender. Along the same lines, most builders only require the buyer to put down a small amount of down payment money when purchasing a home in a new home community (anywhere from $1,000-18,000 depending on price of house) upfront. After making this payment, one does not typically need to put more money down or make a single mortgage payment until the new home is built, or they close on it. So, if you are still making mortgage payments on your existing home, theres no need to worry about making double mortgage payments until your new house or investment property is completed and you close escrow.

Another benefit of buying a new home in the early stages of construction is the home owner can be assured that their new home will be low maintenance once the new home is built. Builders are required by law to give specific minimum warranties to ensure that one will not face any major problems during the first few years of living in your new home. One of the warranties is a minimum of 1-year bumper to bumper warranty, which ensures that everything in the home is covered by the builder. There is also a 2-year warranty that covers all systems (electrical, plumbing, heating and air conditioning, etc.) in the home. Another warranty is the 10-year structural warranty that covers foundation and other structural problems.

One more benefit of purchasing a pre-built home is that the buyer will get to choose many features in their home. Depending on the progress of construction, one can often choose flooring, cabinetry, light, plumbing fixtures, etc. A buyer can either go with the upgrades, or they can keep the standard features in order to keep costs down. When buying a new home during the early phases of development, he or she usually has the option to choose the floor plan they want to use and the lot they want to build on.

To be amongst the first to choose and save when purchasing a brand new pre-built home or to learn more about pre-construction home buying, please visit: First Release Homes

Monday, May 12, 2008

Are You Stuffed like a Turkey?

In America, Thanksgiving traditionally means family, friends and especially food. We cook and eat as if there was a scarcity of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing and creamy vegetables. We dive into pumpkin pie as if there was a national law that says it can only be served and eaten one day a year.

Surprise! Stores sell turkey, ham, potatoes and rolls all year long. You can fix it for breakfast if you so desire or even invite the group over any other day of the year. There are no shortages of good food and good times with others. You dont need an excuse or special day to gather and break bread.

. The average woman takes in about 1,400 to 1,800 calorie in an ordinary day but between 2,000 to 3,000 calories and more than 130 fat grams at a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. You can see that a huge dinner is likely to put you over the top in comfort and straight into a food coma. You wont feel satisfied; you will feel stuffed and miserable.

The very idea of a holiday feast feels and appears abundant. Looking at a laden filled table reminds us of our blessings and instills a sense of gratitude. Abundance means an ample supply, more than enough, and plenty to share.

Eat your fill of turkey and mashed potatoes this Thanksgiving. Enjoy a taste or two of everything. Eat till you are stuffed like a turkey, if you want to, it is your choice. But dont eat as if there is no tomorrow or a shortage of good food. Laugh and mingle with friends and set up a date to gather monthly. Set an intention to turn Thanksgiving into Thanks-living.

Remember that abundance does not come just once a year. It is waiting for you every day.

Now, pass a small piece of pie! I know I can have more at another time.

Judy Wright, life educator 2006

About the author:

Judy H. Wright is a parent educator and family coach who lives with her family in beautiful Montana. You may sign up for a free ezine or download free articles from This site also contains a full listing of books, eBooks, tele-classes and workshops available to help you enrich your life. If you would like to schedule Judy as a speaker call 406-549-9813 or write


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Signs of Infidelity - 21 Categories of Telltale Signs

With infidelity reaching epidemic proportions, every woman should learn how to recognize the telltale signs of infidelity. The future of your relationship could depend on your ability to spot the telltale signs of an affair in time. In view of the rapidly rising divorce rates, and current statistics showing that 50% to 70% of men cheat on their mates, if your husband is cheating, you can't afford to be the "last one to know."

Every womans personal library should contain a relationship reference book with detailed information on how to recognize the warning signs of infidelity. "Is He Cheating On You? - 829 Telltale Signs" is a comprehensive guide which documents practically every known cheating sign. The 800+ signs of infidelity in Is He Cheating on You? are divided into 21 categories so you can easily locate the signs that apply to your mate. Whats unique about the warning signs listed here is that once you know what to look for, all the signs can be easily found using only your eyes and ears, your personal knowledge of your husband, and the information provided in the book. No special skills or equipment are required.

Each of the 21 categories is explained below along with the number of telltale signs listed under that category. While some women make it a point to check each of the 21 categories, others will only check the particular categories that seem to apply to their marriage or their mate. To insure that no one overlooks an important telltale sign, about a dozen of the signs are listed in more than one category.

For example:

He always calls a certain female to share the special events in his life.

This sign is listed under Telephone Tip-Offs and again under His Behavior Around Other Women.

He starts showering you with gifts or buying you flowers for no special reason

This sign is listed under How He Relates to You and also under Gifts.

You find deposit slips in his possession for someone elses bank account.

This sign is listed under Financial Affairs as well as under Physical Evidence.

Despite the title, "Is He Cheating On You? - 829 Telltale Signs" actually contains 950 telltale signs. Additional signs were added before the final version was printed. Readers continue to send in signs they have personally discovered which did not appear in the book. These signs have been added to the e-book version of Is He Cheating on You? which is sold by Details on the 21 major categories of telltale signs appear below. For additional information on signs of infidelity visit Remember: you cant afford to be the last one to know. Find out before it's too late.

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE - 76 telltale signs

A man having an affair (or even thinking about having one) will want to make himself more attractive. He will begin to enhance his appearance in some way. Be alert for changes in his wardrobe, his grooming, his body, and his personal hygiene. These are usually the most visible signs of infidelity. If he embarks on a drastic self-induced makeover, its probably not for you. More than likely hes trying to attract or impress someone else.

HOW HE RELATES TO YOU - 70 telltale signs

The way your husband relates to you can provide many telltale signs. His involvement with another woman will cause him to treat you differently -- even on a subconscious level. This is one of those areas where a wife can pick up signs of infidelity that a private investigator might otherwise overlook.

CONVERSATIONAL CLUES - 70 telltale signs

What your husband chooses or refuses to talk about can alert you to his involvement in an extramarital affair. He may mention new people, places and things, while the people, places and things he normally talks about are no longer a part of his conversation. Even his tone of voice can be an important telltale sign.

WORK HABITS - 39 telltale signs

Work is commonly used as an excuse to account for large blocks of time away from home. Men often use their jobs as a cover for their extramarital affairs. Your husbands work habits will undoubtedly change as his affair unfolds. Be on the lookout work-related telltale signs.

DAY-TO-DAY BEHAVIOR - 92 telltale signs

We are all creatures of habit. We all have a routine that we usually follow each day. A man who is cheating will display changes of some kind in his normal patterns of behavior. Pay close attention to any deviations in your husbands daily routine. These deviations are telltale signs.

FINANCIAL AFFAIRS - 52 telltale signs

Affairs cost money. If your husband has a lover, hell want to wine her, dine her, entertain her and buy her occasional gifts. No matter how carefully he tries to cover his tracks, sooner or later this will be reflected in the family finances. Stay alert for financial signs of infidelity.

TRAVEL - 27 telltale signs

Your husband may not always be traveling for legitimate reasons. Even if he is, he may decide to combine business with a little pleasure. Travel affords a cheating unfaithful husband a unique opportunity to cheat away from prying eyes.


Be alert for changes in your husbands attitude, personality or behavior. Whether they are drastic or subtle, changes of this type are often an indication of infidelity.

ABSENCES - 39 telltale signs

Affairs generally require a considerable amount of time. Since there are only 24 hours in a day, your husbands absences will become increasingly more frequent as he tries to steal time from other activities so he can be with his lover.

TELEPHONE TIP-OFFS - 76 telltale signs

Illicit affairs depend on repeated contact; many of which take place by phone. These telltale signs of infidelity are relatively easy to find. Many men take the risk of calling their lovers from home or having their lovers call them at home. Many wives (like me) discover their husbands infidelity either directly or indirectly by the telephone.

CAR CLUES - 40 telltale signs

Your husbands (or the family) car can be a rich source of telltale signs. The glove compartment, car seats (underneath and between), the tire well, the underside of the visor, the ashtray, the side pockets or compartments, under the floor mats and other nooks and crannies can reveal a wealth of information.

SEX - 37 telltale signs

Be alert for any type of changes in the frequency or the quality of your sex life together. Most important of all: If you suspect your husband of having an affair, take steps to protect yourself. Do not put yourself at risk for HIV/AIDS, herpes or e other sexually transmitted diseases.

EATING HABITS - 31 telltale signs

This is an area that wives usually overlook when checking for telltale signs. But your husbands eating habits can be influenced or affected by his lover. Without even realizing it, he may develop a preference for the type of food she eats, the way she likes her food prepared or the kind of restaurants in which she likes to eat. These are the types of telltale signs it would never occur to him to conceal.

SMELLS AND TASTES - 21 telltale signs

Each person has his or her own unique smell or taste. You may be oblivious to it until it becomes replaced with something else. Pay close attention if your husband smells or tastes different, or if something in your home or car just doesnt smell right. It may warrant closer investigation.

INVASION OF YOUR HOME - 22 telltale signs

It's not uncommon for a man who's cheating to invite his lover to his home. When this happens, its not unheard of for lovers to leave personal items behind--sometimes deliberately, for an unsuspecting wife to find. You will usually find evidence in your bedroom or bathroom if another woman has been in your home while you were away. But telltale signs of infidelity may turn up in other areas of your home, as well.

GIFTS - 19 telltale signs

Be especially vigilant around the times of the year when gifts are usually exchanged. During the holidays and various other times throughout the year, you may find gifts or cards hidden around your home or in the car. Receipts or credit card bills for gifts may turn up shortly before or after Christmas and Valentines Day.

COMPUTER USE - 30 telltale signs

Its common these days for a cheating husband to use e-mail to communicate with his lover. Some of the telltale signs in this category may also be an indication of his involvement in an online or cyber affair. Dont take this lightly. These affairs can be as harmful to your marriage as the real thing. Though they may not involve sexual contact, the emotional attachment can be extremely strong, and can quickly progress from cyberspace to physical reality.


Todays technological advances make it easier for a husband to cheat on his wife. But its also easier for a husband to get caught while trying to make contact or stay in touch with his lover.

PHYSICAL EVIDENCE - 32 telltale signs

Many times theres physical evidence just waiting to be found. Check your husbands wallet, his pants or jacket pockets, his desk or dresser drawers, the wastepaper basket, his closet shelves, the floor in the back of his closet, the garage, his study, filing cabinets, his workshop, his toolbox or any place else you can think of. Keep your eyes open. Youll be surprised at the kinds of physical evidence of infidelity you can find.


Studies show that a man is most likely to have an affair with someone he already knowssomeone he comes in contact with on a regular basis a neighbor, a coworker, a family friend or business associate. If youre observant, you may be able to determine the identity of your husbands lover by the way he behaves in her presence, or by how she behaves around him.


Sometimes you get lucky and find out what your husband has been up to by accident, or through some strange quirk of fate. An accidental slip-up on his part or on the part of someone else can clue you in to whats been happening behind your back.

Excerpts taken from "Is He Cheating on You? - 829 Telltale Signs." 2004 Ruth Houston All rights reserved.


Infidelity expert Ruth Houston is the founder and the author of Is He Cheating on You?-829 Telltale Signs. For a FREE tip sheet entitled 10 Things You Probably Didnt Know About Signs of Infidelity, send an e-mail to with the words 10 Things in the subject line.

Octagon Stain Glass Window

Golf Caddies An Endangered Species

Golf caddies are an endangered species in the world of modern golf. It seem that the only time you see a caddie is at PGA events on the television. In this setting you see that caddies are an integral part of the team. You observe them giving valuable tips and insight to the pro as well as carrying the bag, maintaining the golf clubs and accessories. You wonder where the pros find their caddies since there aren't any at the local courses or country clubs. Its kind of a joke about golf being good exercise these days when everyone rides around on electric or gas powered golf carts.

Having worked as caddie for my grandfather and his friends I have an appreciation of what golf has lost in terms of tradition and richness. No one knows who was the first caddie but considering the ancient history of European golf the first caddies where most likely the servants of noblemen. Of course many golfers know the history of St Andrews caddie William Gunn, locally known as Caddie Willie. He was a professional caddie that spent his entire life the famous golf course. He was an encyclopedia of golf swing tips, course layout and putting tips that he provided to all his clients,

In the past being a caddie was the fastest way to learn the game of golf. Many caddies went on to become pros themselves after spending their youth on the local links. They learned what a good golf swing was and what proper dress and etiquette is required to be a golfer. In 1913 a caddie by the name of Francis Oimet won the US open defeating Harry Vardon and Ted Ray two world famous and accomplished golf pros. When interview by the press he readily stated that the secret of this success was being a caddie for several good golfers who showed him the ropes. He developed his good golf swing and list of putting tips from his clients. Almost all of his golf instruction he learned as a caddie.

Apparently the first golf cart was invented in 1940 and ever since the golf caddie was doomed. Golf carts are now everywhere and come in electric and gas versions. However golf carts do a lousy job of giving golf swing tips or putting tips to the golfers they serve. They also do a poor job of providing course advice as well. Occasionally you will see a few players pulling their own carts on the courses in an effort to get the exercise benefit that once accompanied the game. However most of us cannot remember when we saw the last caddie following walking golfers. Sadly golf has lost much of its character now that golf caddies no longer ply their trade on the local golf courses.

James Kesel, MS, is the publisher of Good Golf Swing website. Providing information on golf swing tips, putting tips, golf training aids, golf instruction and the latest and best golf ebooks.


Thursday, May 8, 2008

Railings and Stair Parts Made of Wood

If you are picking out furniture for your patio or garden, remember that this it should be furniture that has been especially manufactured for use out of doors. If it is not weather resistant, you will have problems and not get a lot of use out of it. The materials used most commonly for outdoor furniture are treated woods, glass, plastic, vinyl, metal and even stone, all of which resist the elements. The most common group of patio furniture that a homeowner will buy is a grouping that consists of a table, four chairs and an umbrella. Perhaps a chaise lounge may be added.

The most versatile kind of patio furniture is wood. It may or may not have cushions included. The types of wood that are commonly used are birch, beech, maple, cedar, mahogany, teak, cypress, oak and pine. Some woods, called exotic hardwoods, are usually the most impervious to the weather. If you are using any of the others, you will have to treat them by painting, oiling or staining them. This does not apply to teak, which is naturally weather proof, as long as you do not mind that it weathers to a grayish color. If you want you teak to look new, you will have to re-oil it periodically.

Teak is the best choice for outdoor furniture since it is beautiful and yet durable. The top grade is Grade A, which has no cracks or knotholes. It should also be kiln-dried to assure that it is completely dry all the way to the inside. Tb is will assure a moisture content between 12 to 15 percent, which means that it should not move, shrink or slip. When a piece of teak furniture is machine made, you can count on the consistency being good.

The reason that teak withstands weather so well is that it contains natural oils that protect it. It has been used in boat building for centuries for this reason. In warm climates, it resists the damaging rays of the sun as well. Teak has proven to be a very valuable resource for the countries that grow it.

Besides its use for patio furniture, teak has been used for building boats, as mentioned, but also for door frames and window frames, building bridges and wharfs, for panelling and flooring and even for wooden venetian blinds. Teak wood can range in color from the deep or light brown when it is first harvested to silver or yellow grey as it ages. Teak has been used in the manufacturer of furniture since the 19the century, when the Chinese started exporting it to Europe.

You can obtain teak furniture at a number of sources, but you have to be careful where you get it. There are many pieces that are not made well.

If you have decided upon wood patio furniture, teak is probably the best choice compared to other types of wood because of its weather resistant and long lasting qualities.

Adam Peters is a syndicated writer of You can find more information and resources on wooden stair parts at his website.


Environment-Friendly Home Improvement Flooring Products Gain Mass Appeal

One of the first things home owners think of when embarking on a home improvement project is pulling up that dusty, stained and frayed old carpet. The next step is deciding what to put in its place - new carpet or some other type of flooring.

A trendy new craze sweeping the country is to replace existing carpet with environmentally friendly flooring such as reclaimed wood, linoleum, cork or bamboo. Such types of flooring are not only helpful to the environment, but are also coveted for their exquisite beauty, texture and form.

People are fast realizing the dangers of using products for the home that can be detrimental to the environment and to the residents who live in the home. Jumping on the bandwagon, architects, builders and decorators are suggesting flooring products that protect the environment and the people who live and work in the buildings.

Advantages of Choosing Environment-Friendly Flooring Over Carpeting

If you've ever pulled up used carpeting in a home or other heavily-trafficked area, you've probably been aghast at the debris and filth hidden in the carpet and padding. The truth is that no matter how fanatical you are about vacuuming and shampooing your carpet, residue, mold and mildew will accumulate in the fibers beneath. The carpet then becomes an allergen magnet, hording germs that can affect humans and pets who come in contact with it.

Besides the advantage of avoiding allergens, the durability and beauty of wood or other environmentally correct floorings remains undisputed. It is easily cleaned and comes in a wide variety of patterns and colors to fit any dcor.

Linoleum is resilient and is made from renewable substances of the earth or recycled remnants, but linoleum itself cannot be recycled because of the glue used to install it. Still, the long life gained from using linoleum has made it a popular choice for homes and offices.

The use of "reclaimed" wood found in old buildings such as barns, hotels or railroad cars is an emerging trend across the country. While the obvious character and patina of these woods are lovely and desirable, the cost can be somewhat prohibitive at around $30 per square foot. Furthermore, shoppers need to be careful to ensure they buy from a trusted source. There is also the danger of running out of wood before the project is completed if you aren't sure to measure correctly and buy the right amount of materials.

Newer products, such as cork and bamboo are excellent choices to use in buildings that have energy savers such as radiant heat. Besides saving on energy costs, cork and bamboo can be bought for much less than wood and still have the "green tag" of being friendly to the environment.

Transform Your Home or Office with Cork or Bamboo Flooring

The rapid disappearances of our forests and rainforests have led to the research and development of new products in flooring and the reemergence of some old favorites. Cork and bamboo are forerunners in this endeavor.

Cork flooring has been popular in the United States since the 1950s. The avocado and gold colored carpet of the 70s temporarily replaced its prominence in the flooring market, but cork has now found new acceptance in environmentally conscious homes.

Anti-microbial and cushiony soft, cork is an ideal choice for parents who want to keep their homes free of allergens and also enjoy a tranquil existence by diminishing noise.

Bamboo flooring is both resilient and beautiful. Its colors, ranging from natural to amber, create an excellent background for any style of furniture or accessories. The durability of bamboo makes it a superior choice, and because of its rapid growth, bamboo usage helps to preserve our forests.

While bamboo is lightweight, it is as hard as oak, maple or redwood and has the added advantages of expanding and contracting less. It comes in tongue and groove planks for ease of installation. What's more, bamboo's natural imperfections lend an air of exclusivity to its look.

Jump On the "Build Green" Bandwagon When You Build or Renovate

Almost every decorating or architectural magazine that you see on the stands contains at least one article about being environmentally conscious when you build or renovate.

Indeed, there are many types of flooring that you can select to conserve energy and preserve our forests and other resources while avoiding excessive costs or future problems. Choosing the appropriate flooring for your home or office is a major decision - one that you will probably live with for a long time.

Choose wisely and "build green" whenever you can. It's a great way to show that you care about our earth and its future.

Wills Thomas is the proprietor of the Bamboo Flooring and Cork Flooring consumer guides to environmentally friendly floor coverings. Visitors to either site will discover a wealth of information covering all aspects of purchasing, installing and caring for bamboo and cork floors.

Building Your House Help

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

New Construction Windows

Hello, my name is John Rocco.I grew up around the window and door business. My father owned a glass shop that dealt in every aspect of residential and commercial glass.Naturally, when it came time to choose a profession, i wound up in the window and door business.I have been in the business for about 27 years, and i have been self employed for 20.

One of the things that separated my company from my competitors was my willingness to show my customers how to replace their windows themselves. Whenever i would encounter a customer with a curiosity or willingness to learn how to install their own windows,i would offer to sell them the labor on one window,using them as my helper.Then,they would install the rest of the windows using the knowledge gained from helping me install one.Most window companies would never do this because there is so much money made on the labor.But i was always so busy,i never felt like it was costing me money.

Eventually, i made an installation video for those homeowners who wanted to do their own windows.While the video is for sale on my website, i decided to take excerpts from the video and write an article once a week covering some part of the window replacement project.This article is going to cover the difference between window frames used in new construction homes, and the window frames that are used to replace existing aluminum or wood windows.

When a new home is being built,the windows are nailed to the wood studs that make up the house frame.In order to accomplish this, new construction windows have a fin around all four sides of the frame that rests against the outside of the stud and nails are driven into the studs through the nailing fin. After that,flashing paper is applied to prevent water leaks,then the exterior material is applied. That material can be stucco, brick, siding, etc.

Now,imagine 10 or 20 years later when you want to replace those windows. If you were going to install your replacement windows the same way the original windows were installed, you would have to remove the exterior material around each window in order to get to those nails holding the frame in there. You can see how this procedure could cause many problems, not to mention all the labor involved. I have seen homes in california with stucco exteriors where the homeowner had the stucco cut out in order to remove the old windows.The problem was they were unable to match the stucco colors after patching. Its just not a very efficient way to replace windows. So the replacement frame was designed.

In most parts of the country it's simply a new construction window frame with the nail fin removed. In the west, where stucco is a common home exterior,a retrofit frame was designed. If you're going to be replacing the exterior material on your home, then you might want to consider going with the new construction window since the nailing fins will be exposed anyway. Also, chances are that a contractor will be doing your exterior replacement,and it would be wise to let the contractor install the windows as well.Since my installation videos deal with window replacement only, these articles will focus on replacement frames and retrofit frames. Using these two frame styles,a do it yourselfer can replace their old windows without any damage to existing interior and exterior surfaces. And the job can be done using common tools such as a drill,tape measure, and caulking gun.

In next weeks article,we will discuss the replacement of wood sash windows.

John Rocco has been installing replacement windows since 1978

To learn more, visit

Step Ladders

Stepladders are ladders with wide steps that are specifically designed to provide foot comfort while climbing or standing. Stepladders are mostly used for painting, repairs, industrial work and household jobs. They come in an A-shape model with either one side having steps or both sides having steps. They are made from steel, wood, aluminum or fiberglass. The steps are lined with corrugated rubber or have slip-resistant texture. Generally, the depth of steps ranges from 3 inches to 10 inches. If the steps fold up, it becomes compact to store the ladder. The foot of the ladder should have slip-resistant molded footpads or rubber cups for better grip. Usually step ladders range from 18 inches to 20 feet height. Stepladders can carry up to 375 lbs of weight, depending on the model.

Some stepladders have a high railing for support at the top and wheels for rolling at the bottom. A few have an adjustable height of about one foot that can be incremented or reduced per requirements. A platform on the stepladder provides an ideal working place to keep tools and materials. Most stepladders can accommodate accessories that can be used while working. The assortment of accessories consists of paint can/bucket hanger, conduit holder, tool holder and ladder caddy. A special type of stepladder that can fold up to the length of a step is known as the Telescopic stepladder. It uses a patented lock and release mechanism for opening and closing the ladder.

Even though stepladders provide a better standing space, they must be used carefully. There should not be any extra loading on the side, since they can easily overturn. Stepladders can be purchased at a hardware store or over the Internet.

Ladders provides detailed information about ladders, pool ladders, boat ladders, step ladders and more. Ladders is the sister site of School Playground Equipment.

Wood Repair

Monday, May 5, 2008

Remodeling Porches

Fixing up a porch is a great idea that will extend the use of your home considerably. Using just some paint, stain and basic carpentry skills, you can make your porch a pleasure to spend time on.

An example shown on shows a couple from Georgia who wanted enjoy their extended warm seasons of spring, summer and fall, but avoid the problems of mosquitoes and decided to take their slab concrete patio and make it into a screened in area they could enjoy almost all year long.

The patio was just concrete square under a roof overhang. They wanted the porch to blend in with the home, as well as protect the family from the heat, humidity and insects of the Georgia summers. The concrete slab declined slightly to allow for runoff, so there had to be some adjustments made to accommodate this feature.

Here is their step by step solution:

Step One. Cut pre-primed 4X8 sheets of beadboard ceiling paneling.

Step Two. Install the celing paneling and the ceiling fan. They used a nail gun to make the installation of the ceiling panels faster and easier than trying to swing a hammer upward. Before all of the panelling was installed, the ceiling was wired for the fan and light. This will allow the porch to remain cool and the light will allow the room to be used at night. This was a two person job, with one person holding the fan and the other connecting the wires and screwing the fan in place. The finish trim hid the seams in the paneling.

Step Three. Frame out the porch. Using 2X4 boards, they spaced them to allow for standard width screen to be installed. The crosspieces were nailed directly through the vertical braces.

Step Four. Install the interior panelling. Pine and plywood bead board paneling was secured by staple gun. These had to be trimmed along the bottom to accommodate the uneven floor.

Step Five. Install and level the exterior paneling. The harbor ad exterior panels wear put into place, from the bottom up. The first one had to be custom cut to allow for the uneven ground line and then the rest followed. These panels were painted to match the existing exterior of the house, so there was a lot of trial and error to match the aged yellow paint exactly. But weather resistant exterior paint was used so that it can be easily kept clean by rinsing Wit soap and water.

Step Six. Do the screening. Vinyl grids had to be screwed directly into the wooden frames. Then the screens were attached to the channels in the grids, so the fiberglass or aluminum screens could be slid in without using staples. When the screens were rolled into the grids with a spline, the extra screening material was cut off. With a mallet, the caps over the vinyl channels were banged into place.

Being really passionate about tree trimming and saw sharpening, Ray Walberg wrote plenty of detailed articles in this specific field. Sharing his passion in detailed publications, the author improved his experience on topics like chain saws and saw sharpening.

Basic Stair Building Designs

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Cookware- A Plethora Of Designs To Choose From

Cookware now come in a wide variety of shapes, colors, and finishes. The materials they're made of can be anything from stainless steel to copper, enamel, cast iron, or even glass. In terms of price, they can also be low-end or pricey to answer to the needs of a wide range of cooking enthusiasts.

Because of the proliferation of cookbooks and TV shows which feature international cuisines, the public has become more informed of various cuisines and are constantly experimenting on new and different dishes. This emerging trend has made cookware much more in demand these days as more and more amateur cooks now desire to duplicate the dishes they get to taste in restaurants.

In the past, "woks" became all the rage when Chinese cuisine became a fad. People were attracted by the short prep time and the ease of cooking procedures that characterized Chinese cooking. "One-pot cooking" also became the in thing at the time, and even bamboo steamers were snapped off cookware shelves until dimsum became a byword in many a family's kitchens.

Another cooking craze involved grilling cookware. They were either electric grills or complicated and expensive grillers designed for the outdoors. Manufacturers tried their best to attract grilling enthusiasts by designing cookware that were ideal for a number of other uses such as smoking and roasting.

Cookware collections expanded to equipment used for baking. To have full use of expensive ovens and ranges, one had to buy the cookware that was required for exotic and fusion dishes.

Next came the microwave, an icon of the late 20th century. Its popularity spewed a range of plastic cookware in all shapes and sizes, designed for the homemaker who was too busy to slow-cook meals. Naturally, self-proclaimed gourmets turned their noses up at this contraption which was obviously antithetical to all the principles of traditional cooking.

People who don't have the time to slave at the kitchen after a hard day's work, though, couldn't care less about these critics. As long as their microwave ovens heated water for their coffee efficiently, or heated microwave dinners in a fraction of the time it would take them to prepare a decent dinner, they don't mind purchasing and using tacky plastic cookware.

Naturally, we still need the traditional cookware for frying and boiling despite the obvious advantages of quick cooking. For many, traditional get-togethers such as Thanksgiving dinners are still part and parcel of entertaining and for these rituals alone, cookware that are built to last are definitely indispensable kitchen companions.

You can also find more info on Gourmet Cookware and Magnalite Cookware. is a comprehensive resource to know about Cook Ware and its Varities Like Glass, Nonstick, and Titanium Cook Ware.

Home Remodeling Ideas

Bathroom Remodeling Money Saver - Do It Yourself Tile Setting

DIY tile setting saves money when remodeling bathrooms

Good tile setters are in demand today and because of that they can and do charge hefty fees. When you are remodeling your bathroom, even if it's a very small bathroom, the bill for tile setting alone can come to a tidy sum so it's worth considering whether something can be done about it.

Well it turns out that bathroom tiling isn't that difficult and well within the capabilities of most of us if you have enthusiasm, time and love the satisfaction that comes from a job well done. So why not do the tile setting in your bathroom remodeling project yourself? You could save a lot of money and be proud of your achievement.

Now don't get me wrong, you need to be prepared if you are going to take on a job like this, especially if you've never done anything similar before. Tile setting is no different to anything else that's worth doing; it's a skill that needs to be learned. Don't worry though, all you need is a few do it yourself books and videos and you are set to go. Don't forget to take a look at the books and videos first.

There isn't room here to give you a full tutorial on tile setting but I'll briefly outline the main steps involved to give you a feel for what you need to know about tile setting. If you want to know more then visit Setting Ceramic Tile Made Easy for a more detailed article.

Setting Ceramic Tiles in your bathroom

  • Calculate how many tiles you will need.
  • Make a simple tile gauge to determine where to place the tiles.
  • Use a plumb line and draw a vertical line at the midpoint of your wall to be tiled.
  • Fix a horizontal batten to the bottom of the wall.
  • Apply adhesive and start fixing tiles from the batten and vertical line and work upwards and outwards using spacers between the tiles.
  • Cut tiles to fit and fix at the top, bottom, ends of rows and around any obstructions.
  • Fill the gaps with grout.
  • Seal between tiles and fixtures to prevent water leaks.
  • Stand back and admire the job.

Once you have learned a few basic skills and picked up one or two tricks of the trade from the professionals, you should be set to take on your bathroom-tiling job. This is where the books and videos come in handy because you can learn from other people's experiences this way.

If you are anything like me you will find that it isn't difficult to do a good tile setting job and with a little time and patience you can do an excellent job. It's perfect for the perfectionists amongst us. The job of setting tiles one by one and watching the results flood through your bathroom can even be a relaxing and therapeutic one.

Remember that I said that tile setters are in demand? Well once you've done a good job with your own bathroom tiling there's no reason why you shouldn't do the same for others and make some money doing it. It can be quite addictive and very lucrative.

Fit a shower cubicle in your small bathroom Your Small Bathroom Shower Options at

Remodeling Your Home On A Budget
Building A Room Addition

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Home Improvement Contractor Is He Qualified

I am a general contractor in the state of Michigan. In other words I fix, build, or remodel anything pertaining to residential homes. The purpose of this article is to inform home owners about a growing problem in the construction/remodeling industry. That problem is the increasing numbers of unqualified individuals that are entering the field.

Due to the struggling economy and recent lay offs, many conversations around the kitchen table go something like this: What are we going to do now Jane? Well John, you helped my brother roof his house that one time and you fixed the door on our shed and you like working around the house...why dont you put an ad in the paper as a roofer or a carpenter? Hey Jane, thats a great idea. I can get business by offering a really low price. Yea, that's what Ill do!

Now I feel for a guy that is out of work. I really do. But when an unqualified individual decides "hey I'll be a contractor", all to often this results in nothing but trouble for the customer. What happens if John falls off the roof or drops his hammer on the hood of your brand new car? Is he insured?

What about warranties? If he says I will guarantee this roof wont leak for 5 years, and then it does, will he still be in business? Statistics say no. As a matter of fact, most of the people entering into business today will not be in business 1 year from now, much less 5 years from now.

Of course there is the most important question: does he know what hes doing? Does the fact that John helped his brother roof a house make him a qualified roofer?

There are insurance considerations as well. For example, lets say a home owner hires an individual that is not licensed to install a new furnace in his home. If the furnace starts a fire and burns the house down, some insurance companies will deny the claim. The reason is since there is no record of a permit(which there would not be as an unlicensed individual can not obtain a permit) they assume that the furnace could have been installed incorrectly. Now a home owner is left with a huge loss and all because they wanted to save a few bucks on the installation.

Do yourself a favor and stick with a pro. If you conduct a proper contractor interview, then you know that you are going to get a quality job by a licensed and insured individual who offers a warranty..and honors it. If you are not sure how to conduct a proper contractor interview, you can find information on this and other subjects at my web site.

My name is R. Paul Phillips. I am a co owner of Tanner-Phillips Properties, which is a new construction/remodeling business in Lansing, Mi. I have a free home improvement information website located at While my site is tailored for the Lansing area, the majority of the information is useful to anyone interested in home improvement tips, product reviews, how to screen contractors......etc. I also have a contact page so you can ask questions specific to your project.

Fire Damage