One of the worst feelings is the world is suspecting that your spouse is cheating on you. If you are worried that your spouse may not be being faithful or having any sort of nagging doubts it can consume you and cause a wide variety of emotions including pain, anger, sorrow, despair, distrust, feeling like there is something wrong with you and many other different emotions. Here are some common signs of a cheating spouse that may help you to determine whether or not your fears are true. Not everyone who is cheating will display all of these signs and not everyone who exhibits these signs is actually cheating. However, these are some of the most common signs of a cheating spouse and if your partner exhibits any of them it can be a good indication that they may not be being faithful.
First, you may notice that your spouse starts spending more time away from home. It could be that they are called into the office to work more frequently or they may suddenly be making frequent trips to visit new "friends" that you have never met. It could even be something as simple as when you try to reach them during their lunch hour they are frequently unavailable when before you could get through every time. Don't make the mistake of thinking that cheating can only happen at night since many people carry on affairs during the day when it is easier to hide their activities from you.
Another sign of cheating is if your spouse suddenly registers a new email address with a different password than usual or if they get a new cell phone or pager out of the blue. The internet has made cheating easy since people can just stay in touch through email without arousing your suspicions as much as if they were trying to talk on the phone. The same goes for text messaging on cell phones. It is a way to be in touch with each other without having to talk in front of you which makes it easier for them to hide their cheating. If you notice that your spouse quickly deletes all of their text messages or closes windows on their computer when you walk into the room it could be a sign that they are cheating.
When you run into friends or acquaintances who are mutual friends with you and your partner you might notice that they act strangely toward you. This can happen if they know about the cheating but don't know whether or not to tell you or just don't want to get involved.
You may also notice that your spouse starts to pay more attention to their appearance and grooming. They may buy new clothes or start dressing up more even for regular day to day activities. Even subtle changes like suddenly starting to wear perfume or cologne when they didn't before can be a sign that they are being unfaithful. Any sudden or unusual change in habits can often signal that there is something going on and that they are dressing up to impress the person they are cheating with.
There are also more obvious physical signs of cheating that are easy to spot like the classic lipstick on the collar, coming home smelling like perfume or cologne, coming home with their shirt buttoned crooked or on inside out, etc. Also pay attention if your spouse suddenly starts doing their own laundry since it can be a sign that they are trying to hide physical signs of an affair from you.
Not knowing for sure is one of the hardest parts of suspecting that your spouse is cheating on you. Even if they are showing all the signs of cheating you still can't know for certain unless you find concrete evidence that something is going on. If you would like to learn how to find out for sure whether or not your partner is cheating and put an end to the suffering, self-doubt and lies, I would recommend checking How to Catch a Cheater for resources that can help you discover the truth. Learn more at
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